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COLUMNS: And now “the schoolboy, with shining morning face, creeping like a snail unwillingly to school.” GREAT BEND: Charles L. Noble, at one time an editor of the Great Bend Reporter, but now a large real estate dealer of Yonkers, N.Y., has purchased all of Sea Girt, N.J. The famous tract contains 350 acres and a mile of Sea Beach, on which are the old Beach Hotel and the Commodore Stockton summer home. The price paid was $220,000. AND: Miss Louise Bache, daughter of the late Captain Bache, of the United States Navy, recently visited the warship Louisiana, commanded by her cousin Richard Wainwright, who with Captain Sigsbee, was on the Maine at the time of its destruction by the Spanish. [Richard Wainwright graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1868 and became its Superintendent from 1900 to 1902. He was executive officer aboard the battleship Maine and later commanded the gunboat Gloucester at the Battle of Santiago de Cuba in 1898. Wainwright was commended for his valor in this engagement and later promoted to Rear Admiral. He commanded the Second Division of the U. S. Atlantic Fleet during that fleet’s historic voyage around the world from 1907 to 1909. He died in 1926 and is buried in Arlington National Cemetery. Three ships have been named USS Wainwright for Richard, his father, his son and two cousins.] LENOX: Several from this place attended the 7 county reunion of the old veterans at Nicholson last week. They all report a pleasant time but say the attendance grows smaller each year. They are a little band now where they were a mighty host thirty or forty years ago. Twill be but a short time before they will be only a memory, but that memory will be as lasting as our rock ribbed hills and mountains. The memory of their deeds of heroism and valor will be lasting as time itself. NEW MILFORD: Thirty-five new books were added to the Pratt public library during the month of July. AND: At Lakeside, the graded school commenced on Monday, with Prof. F. N. Tingley as principal, and Miss Vannie Wilson, primary department. DIMOCK: Rev. J. S. Lewis, of West Pittston, who is president of the Dimock Camp Meeting, was not able to be present this year. It is said that his mind has become affected owing to a severe sickness last spring, and is now in a critical condition. AND: “Is Dimock Campmeeting Passing? The attendance at the Campmeeting was much less than formerly. Only about one-half the cottages are occupied. For two or three years the attendance has been shrinking, chiefly through friction between the Board of Managers and the Presiding Elder and Ministers, while the Secretary comes in for no little adverse criticism. Controversy over the Board of Mangers being paid for their services, change of by laws regarding the nonattendance of the Presiding Elder & his replacement, a stock dividend, all contributing to the campmeeting losing ground, both in attendance of people and attendance of ministers. It was said that this year’s meeting might possibly be its last. Future movements will be watched with interest. SOUTH GIBSON: A dinner, consisting of baked clams, potatoes, corn, chicken and turtle, was served by the men of the place, last Friday, to a large number of people in Howell’s grove, above town. Report says the cooking was fine, tea and coffee superb, the serving elegant and not a woman had to help. Who can say that the world is not improving? AND: At Uncle Jeff Manzer’s they threshed and cleaned with a Heebner machine, 244 bushels of nice oats, in two hours and 40 minutes. BROOKLYN: Freeman Bennett, a well-known farmer residing near Brooklyn, was killed Wednesday morning while felling a tree on his farm, which lies in the direction of Dimock. The accident occurred at about 11 o’clock, while cutting down a large tree. The tree, in falling, split asunder, and as a portion of it struck the ground, it bounded and caught the unfortunate man full in the chest, its weight crushing him to the ground. Drs. Ainey and Taylor were called, but he was beyond human aid. He was a man held in the highest esteem and was a member of the Universalist church at Brooklyn. His age was about 60 and a wife and one son, Frederick, survive. CLIFFORD: Mr. C. R. Bliss, who has conducted an undertaking business here since last January, has sold his property here and gone to Florida, where he has secured a position. SUSQUEHANNA: “Strikers Flayed from Pulpit.” Yesterday morning at the M.E. church, the pastor, Rev. Alex. D. Decker, preached a sensational sermon in which he severely arraigned the machinists who are now out on strike on the Erie Railroad. He said, in his opinion, the men out on strike were receiving enough money for their labor and ought to be contented with what they were receiving. Continuing he said: “Look at the strikers today, loafing about the highway, doing nothing. Some of them are never satisfied. Suppose us preachers went on strike and wanted $2,000 per year, house rent, electric lights, etc., what would you say?” The congregation of this church numbers about 200 and only four or five of the striking machinists are members. Several weeks ago one of the members of the church, who is a striking machinist, resigned as usher and janitor, owing, it is said, to certain new members of the church, objecting to his acting as usher. MONTROSE: Hildebrand Fitzgerald, Editor of the Philadelphia Item, spent the first of the week with his family, at their pleasant summer home on Lake Avenue. The Item has the largest circulation of any evening paper in the United States. BIRCHARDVILLE: Mrs. J. W. Flynn is not improving as fast as it was hoped, owing to the bungling of some of the doctors. HOP BOTTOM: The third annual convention of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union of Susquehanna County will be held here in the M. E. church, Aug. 29 and 30. FOREST CITY: Many a boy is contemplating the good times he will have next winter on the big dam the Hillside company is building on the hill. And many a fisherman is figuring out that it will be an excellent breeding place for bull-heads. But--will the company allow skating and fishing privileges when it is finished? Undoubtedly they will if these privileges be not abused. The construction of the dam is well under way. Due to the lack of space, the conclusion of Wm. Post and Dr. Thayer's "Great Race" article will be in next week's 100 Years.
From the Desk of the D.A. The timeline for a criminal prosecution follows a predictable pattern: investigation, arrest, preliminary hearing, trial (or guilty plea), sentence, incarceration or probation and parole. At the very end of this sequence there is no longer any presumption of innocence or other rights as the defendant has been convicted of a crime. When a defendant is under parole or probation supervision, his or her rights are severely limited. For instance, a parole officer is generally allowed to search a parolee’s residence without a search warrant provided the parole officer has a good reason for conducting the search. A convicted criminal under parole supervision has little expectation of privacy – to conclude otherwise would defeat the whole purpose of “supervision.” Another good example of the limits placed upon a convicted defendant while on parole status is his or her right to associate freely with other people. Generally speaking, there is a common parole restriction or condition that requires a defendant to refrain from having any contact with any other person under parole (or probation) supervision. This condition has always reminded me of the old saying that its hard to fly like an eagle when you hang with the turkeys. The goal of supervision is to rehabilitate the defendant – and the best way to do that is to remove the defendant from the criminal element, i.e., keep the turkey from going back to the flock. What happens when the defendant and a spouse or relative are convicted together? Should the court make an exception for related or married persons to allow them to continue to have contact with each other even while both are on parole status? Recently, a federal court had to consider a slightly different question: What about same sex partners who have been convicted together? On May 19, 2004, Steven Roberts and Daniel Mangini, a same-sex couple, were convicted in federal court for the possession with intent to deliver 100 grams methamphetamine. After their release from incarceration, the defendants were both placed on five years of probation, and, as a condition of their supervision, they were prohibited from having contact with any other convicted felon, which would, of course, prohibit them from having contact with each other. The felonious couple sought permission from their probation officer to be allowed to have contact with each other – and their request was denied. Roberts and Mangini did not take the refusal very well – and they petitioned the court for permission to resume their relationship. The probation department admitted that it generally granted permission to married defendants to have contact with each other, but determined that Roberts and Mangini did not fall into a similar classification of persons as they were not married. The probation department also noted that the last time they were together Roberts and Mangini cooked up the scheme to distribute 100 grams of methamphetamine into the community, and, given these facts, it would be best for their rehabilitation to keep the criminals separate and apart. Senior United States District Judge Melvin Katz considered the defendants’ request, and noted that the United States Constitution guarantees every citizen the “right to intimate association.” The court did not agree with the probation department’s assessment that the continued separation of the defendants was necessary for their rehabilitation. Given that the defendants had been life partners for 18 years prior to their arrest, and that, even after their incarceration, they remained “devoted to one another,” the court concluded that the probation condition violated their “constitutionally protected liberty interest in their relationship with each other.” In an alternate ruling, the court also found that the probation condition violated the defendant’s right to equal protection, as convicted married couples routinely were granted permission to have contact with each other, while these convicted same-sex life partners were being denied similar allowances. The broad language of his ruling could have broad implications for conditions of supervision regardless of the nature of the relationship. What type of relationships are sufficiently intimate and personal to eliminate the ability of probation to prohibit contact with each other? What about gang members who contend their only “family” are their gang brothers? What about the turkeys that want to get back into their flock? It will be interesting to see how broadly this ruling will be applied. Please submit any questions, concerns, or comments to Susquehanna County District Attorney’s Office, P.O. Box 218, Montrose, Pennsylvania 18801 or at
The Healthy Geezer Q. I’ve been told to drink more water. How much is enough? First, water intake is a health issue that you should discuss with your doctor before deciding how much you should drink. The amount you drink is dependent upon the state of your personal health. Drinking insufficient amounts of fluids is a common problem. However, some conditions such as heart failure and kidney disease may require cutting back on fluids. The simplest answer I could find to this very complicated question is this: If you aren’t thirsty and you produce one to two quarts of light yellow urine daily – the average output for an adult – you’re probably taking in enough water. If you are concerned about your water intake, remember that you get water from more than just straight water. About 80 percent of your total water intake is from all beverages, which includes soda, coffee and beer. You get the remaining 20 percent from food. Here are more general answers to your question: There is the “8 x 8 rule,” which has been around for as long as I can remember. This rule states that you should drink eight, eight-ounce glasses of water a day. That’s a half-gallon of water. I could never follow this rule, myself. All that water on top of the soda, coffee and beer had me constantly doing what my granddaughter calls “the pee-pee dance.” Some authorities recommend using your weight as a guideline for water intake. They say you should divide your weight in half and use the number of pounds to determine the number of ounces of water you should drink daily. For example, if you weigh 120 pounds, you should drink 60 ounces of water a day. Another way to insure that you have enough water is by following a replacement guideline. You urinate one to two quarts a day. About another quart of water is lost through sweating, exhaling and defecating. You have to make sure you drink and eat enough each day to compensate for the lost fluids. The Institute of Medicine, a component of the National Academy of Sciences, advises men to consume more than three quarts of beverages daily. The IOM recommends that women consume more than two quarts of total beverages a day. These guidelines are designed for normal health, activity and weather. Diarrhea and vomiting dehydrate you. You need to replace lost fluids if you are sick with these symptoms. To replace fluid-loss from diarrhea, adults should consume broth, non-citrus fruit juices, flat ginger ale and ice pops. When you exercise, you perspire more and lose fluid. To replace this fluid, you’ll need to take in about two to three cups of water for each hour of exercise. When the temperature and humidity rise, you sweat more, so you have to drink more. Water is important because, without it, we become dehydrated and all of our systems suffer. Dehydration is especially dangerous to seniors, who are less able than younger people to sense dehydration. A good way for seniors to check their water level is the “pinch test.” Pinch the skin on top of your hands. If the pinched skin doesn’t return to its normal state, you need to get yourself a drink of water. Here are some more signs of dehydration: fatigue, headache, dizziness, flushed skin, elevated pulse rate, muscle spasms, increased breathing rate and swollen tongue. In rare cases, you can drink too much water. Your kidneys can’t handle an overload and this condition leads to low sodium levels in the blood. Marathoners can run into this problem. If you have a question, please write to
Straight From Starrucca No Straight From Starrucca This Week
Sgt. Arthur Hoppe, father of Lt. Col. Farnam Hoppe, enlisted in the U.S. Army Signal Corps in the fall of 1917. (The Signal Corps was then the governing body of the U.S. Army Flying Service.) He entered pilot training at Kelly Field, San Antonio, Texas, but soon was eliminated by a newly published regulation that prevented the commissioning as a 2nd Lt., any man over the age of 26 1/2. Therefore his career became that of a chauffer, driving a 1916 Packard for officers in France. His vehicle was later converted to an eight-litter ambulance, carrying wounded from the battle of the Marne to a field hospital in the rear area. Sgt. Arthur Hoppe was a member of the Factoryville American Legion, later transferred to the Nicholson American Legion Post. Lt Col Hoppe’s brother, John Hoppe of Nicholson, was testing aircraft engines at the Pratt & Whitney plant in Buffalo, N.Y. when he was drafted into the U.S. Navy Seabees in 1943. He served in the Pacific theater as a sawyer in a saw mill in the Marshall and Mariana Islands. Lt. Col. Hoppe’s mother also served for the duration in the defense force, as a tester in the Bell aircraft plant in Buffalo, N.Y. Farnam Hoppe enlisted in the U.S. Army Aviation Cadet Corps in June, 1943, at age 17. He was called to active duty at 18 and entered pilot training. He graduated as a fighter pilot in April, 1945. Since very few enemy aircraft remained at that time, he was retrained as a ground attack pilot in preparation for the invasion of Japan. The war ended prior to the start of the invasion. Lt. Col. Hoppe served in Panama, Japan, Korea, Germany and Vietnam. The Col. logged in nearly 5,000 hours in 23 different types of aircraft during his flying career. He retired in August, 1969.
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