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Issue Home August 18, 2007 Site Home

Waiting For You!
Exhibitors Shine At 2007 Roundup
Salt Springs Park To Receive PHMC Grant
50th Anniversary!
Ashley Ambirge Publishes BooK
28th Blueberry Festival Another Record-Breaker
Fishing Derby Winners
Waiting For You!
Get A Clue At Your Library

Waiting For You!

This is Lightning. She is a 12-week old, black and white tabby. She is very loving. She loves to be held. She does very well with children. She is litter-box trained. To see Lightning, stop by the Susquehanna County Humane Society, 278-1228.

The shelter has new hours; Monday and Tuesday, 11:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.; Wednesday and Thursday, 11:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.; Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, 11:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

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Exhibitors Shine At 2007 Roundup
Submitted By Michelle Kowalewski

One hundred and twenty head of dairy cattle paraded the show ring in Harford at the annual Susquehanna County 4-H Dairy Roundup on Saturday, August 4. The Susquehanna County 4-H Dairy Program is comprised of sixty-five 4-H members that represent six 4-H clubs in Susquehanna County, including Born To Show 4-H Dairy Club, Deckertown Community 4-H Club, Delmonico’s 4-H Club, DES 4-H Club, North Jackson Ag and Community 4-H Club, and Watrous Corners Community 4-H Club.

Pictured are Mariah Castrogiovanni (left) with her Champion Colored Breed Owner Breeder Animal, and Jessica Sartell with her Overall Grand Champion Owner Breeder Animal and Champion Holstein Owner Breeder Animal.

Eric Giangrieco of New Milford and Michael Greenwood from Montrose took home the top honors of the day in the type show judged by Emily Yeiser of Harrisburg, PA. Eric’s junior three-year old Holstein cow, JoSan Durham Lake, earned top honors in the 4-H Holstein Show. Del-Hollow Rubens Kiah-Red, a junior three-year old cow, owned by Mike Greenwood topped the Red and White Show and also became the 4-H Grand Champion Colored Breed.

The Reserve Grand Champion Holstein was exhibited by Sabrina Clark, Springville with her senior two-year old cow, Kozy-Kountry Pop Stacey. The Reserve Grand Champion Colored Breed, also Reserve of the Red and White Show, was exhibited by Abbey Puzo from Montrose with her four-year old cow, Goff-Farms R Strawberry-Red.

Other results of the 4-H type show are as follows:


Junior Champion – Dymond-S Roy Lottie, Intermediate Calf, bred and owned by Jessica Sartell.

Reserve Junior Champion – Curley-Heits Niagra Ellie, Jr. Yearling, owned by Rachel Pompey.

Senior Champion – JoSan Durham Lake, Jr., 3-year old, owned by Eric Giangrieco.

Reserve Senior Champion – Kozy-Kountry Pop Stacy, Jr. 2-year, old owned by Sabrina Clark.

Overall Grand Champion Holstein – JoSan Durham Lake, owned by Eric Giangrieco.

Overall Reserve Grand Champion Holstein – Kozy-Kountry Pop Stacy, owned by Sabrina Clark.


Junior Champion – Kozy Kountry Jasara, Summer Yearling, bred and owned by Cassie Clark.

Reserve Junior Champion – RA Dream Jericho Kye, Intermediate Calf, exhibited by Kelsey Posey.

Senior Champion – RA-Dream Victor Babe, 4-year old, owned by Emily Adams.

Reserve Senior Champion – Kozy Kountry June, Jr. 2-year old, bred and owned by Cassie Clark.


Junior Champion – CEI Fieldsbrook Bur Roseta, Intermediate Calf, bred and owned by Brandon Loch.

Reserve Junior Champion – IE Fieldsbrook Burton Reba, Junior Calf, bred and owned by Brandon Loch.

Senior Champion – IE Fieldsbrook Jag Roxy, Jr. 3-year old, bred and owned by Brandon Loch.


Junior Champion – Bloch Archie Hope, Jr. Yearling, bred and owned by Brandon Loch.


Junior Champion – CS Pandas Pumpkin-ET, Sr. Calf, owned by Christian Sprout.

Reserve Junior Champion – JBS Paisleys Prada, Summer Yearling, bred and owned by Jenna Sprout.


Junior Champion – Jon-Ann Famous Buttercup, Intermediate Calf, bred and owned by Alex Bonavita.

Reserve Junior Champion – Jon-Ann Famous Rosey, Jr. Yearling, bred and owned by Alex Bonavita.

Senior Champion – Jon-Ann Famous Rose, Sr. 2-year old, bred and owned by Alex Bonavita.

Reserve Senior Champion – Autumn Creek Farm Madison, Sr. 2-year old, owned by Brandon Loch.


Junior Champion – Castlemont Redwood Nata-Red, Intermediate Calf, bred and owned by Mariah Castrogiovanni.

Reserve Junior Champion – SRO Rubens Neptune-Red, Spring Yearling, owned by Shannon Oliver.

Senior Champion – Del-Hollow Rubens Kiah-Red, Jr. 3-year old, owned by Michael Greenwood.

Reserve Senior Champion – Goff-Farms R Strawberry-Red, 4-year old, owned by Abbey Puzo.

Overall Colored Breed Grand Champion – Del-Hollow Ruebens Kiah-Red, owned Michael Greenwood.

Overall Colored Breed Reserve Grand Champion – Goff-Farms R Strawberry-Red, owned by Abbey Puzo.

In the Owner Breeder Competition, Jessica Sartell was the winner of the Holstein Owner Breeder Award and Overall Owner Breeder Award with her Holstein Intermediate Calf, Dymond-S Roy Lottie. Mariah Castrogiovanni was the winner of the Champion Owner Breeder Colored Breed Award with her Red and White Intermediate Calf, Castlemont Redwood Nata-Red. The Owner Breeder Competition recognizes the animal that ranks highest in type that is bred and owned by the same 4-H member.

Daphne Lang of Glen Rock, PA judged the Master Exhibitor Competition. In the Master Exhibitor Competition members are judged seventy-five percent on their showmanship talents and twenty-five percent on the fitting and cleanliness of their animal. In the senior division, Chris Schuler was named Champion Master Exhibitor, followed by Bryan Castrogiovanni for Reserve Champion. In the junior division, Evan Castrogiovanni was named Champion Master Exhibitor, followed by Trevor Tompkins with the Reserve Champion.

Chris Schuler and Evan Castrogiovanni were both named the winners of the Dave Quick Memorial Award.

Eighty-six head of dairy cattle from Susquehanna County were set to go next to the Northeast District 4-H Dairy Show in Meshoppen on Saturday, August 18.

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Salt Springs Park To Receive PHMC Grant

Rep. Tina Pickett (R-Bradford/Sullivan/Susquehanna) announced that several historical societies and museums in Bradford, Sullivan and Susquehanna counties have been awarded grants by the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission (PHMC), totaling nearly $28,000.

Among those receiving grants are the Friends of Salt Spring Park Inc., for $5,000.

The commission offers a wide variety of grants for preservation projects designed to continue Pennsylvania’s heritage. Nearly $388,000 was distributed to official county historical societies this year, while more than $2.4 million was awarded to museums. In total, 2.8 million in grants were awarded by the PHMC to organizations in the state of Pennsylvania during the 2007-08 fiscal year.

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50th Anniversary!

Mr. and Mrs. Jack (Mary) Westfall, former residents of Susquehanna, recently celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary on a cruise to the Bahamas as guests of their children and grandchildren, Tom and Chris Westfall, Kaitlyn and Aaron Westfall, Ann and Bob Ficarro, Alex and Triston Ficarro, Maureen and Curt Cockrell, and Emma Cockrell.

Mary and Jack have resided in New Port Richey, Florida, since 1994.

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Ashley Ambirge Publishes Book

2002 Blue Ridge High School graduate Ashley Ambirge announced publication of her first book, “Become a Costa Rican in 30 Minutes Flat: Insider’s Tips to Visiting Quepos/Manuel Antonio.”

The book is based upon Ambirge’s 2004 college semester abroad, in which she left the safe harbors of Wilkes University to study Spanish in Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica, and is divided up into ten no-nonsense chapters aimed at teaching those planning a trip to this Central American hotspot the things it took her months to figure out; from why it’s a really bad idea to pull over on the side of the road in a rental car, to the foolproof trick to getting a taxi for a quarter of the price.

“I’ve visited Manuel Antonio a total of four times and have spent nearly a year living there; every time I’d be on another flight to Costa Rica, I found myself offering the other travelers advice that seemed to be of real value to them,” said Ambirge. “So then I got to thinking, why don’t I write all of this down somewhere and make it easier for everybody?”

The twin towns of Quepos and Manuel Antonio are nestled intimately together along Costa Rica’s central pacific coastline – a place that is currently one of Central America’s most popular up-and-coming hot spots. However, locals predict that the number of foreign visitors will skyrocket even more as construction of the country’s future largest marina comes to an end over the next one to two years – one of the biggest things to ever hit the area.

Become a Costa Rican in 30 Minutes Flat: Insider’s Tips to Visiting Quepos / Manuel Antonio is currently being distributed in electronic format and is available for immediate purchase at

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28th Blueberry Festival Another Record-Breaker

On Friday and Saturday, August 3 and 4, the 2007 Blueberry Festival was held on the Village Green in Montrose. The weather cooperated – no rain, plenty of sun – and huge crowds turned out to enjoy the blueberry festivities. "The festival is held the first Friday and Saturday in August, rain or shine," said Susan Stone, Administrator/Librarian of the Susquehanna County Historical Society & Free Library Association. "We were once again lucky with the weather, but as always, we're luckiest of all with our wonderful community support!"

The festival continues to get bigger and better every year, thanks to the participation of community-minded helpers, both organizations and individuals. Hundreds of volunteers not only staff the many booths and provide entertainment, but also put in literally thousands of hours ahead of time sorting books, picking berries, baking, and dozens of other tasks. Local businesses donate essentials from baskets and ice cream to advertising.

The Montrose Women's Club muffin table, which is stocked by donations of hundreds of home-baked muffins, held the ever-popular Blueberry Muffin Contest. Judges Jerry Safko (priest at Holy Name of Mary Catholic Church), Deborah Rose (United Methodist pastor), and Chuck Link (First Presbyterian pastor) tasted a wide range of muffins. First prize went to muffins baked by Lorraine Chidester, second to Debra Strong, and third to Jean Torrey. The winning muffins went at a higher price and quickly sold out!

Festival visitors admired the quilt (made by the Crazy Country Quilters), in a lovely design of blue embroidery work surrounded by blue squares. Every year a different quilt is made to be raffled off at the festival. K. Brundage won this year's quilt and its accompanying pillow. More than 40 winners at the Basket Raffle went home with lovely, original baskets. Congratulations to all!

The Silent Auction featured many unique items donated by members of the community, from works by local artists to goods and services from county businesses. Excitement ran high in the last few minutes before the auction closed, as eager bidders competed to raise the prices.

While parents bought Blueberry Festival pottery and clothing, admired the handcrafts, and browsed for books at the used book sale, children played games on the Green, lined up to bounce in the Price Chopper Bounce Castle, and had their faces painted. Race-against-time games were popular, including basketball, jump-rope, and cookie stacking. On Saturday, activities for older kids and teens included pie-eating, bubble-gum blowing, and water balloon contests, as well as a "Fear Factor Challenge" with foods like Chef Boyardee with chocolate sauce and peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwiches.

Food and beverages were available all day, from blueberry pizza to blueberry shortcake. Cotton candy and slushees were served up by the Knights of Columbus. Volunteers picked hundreds of pounds of fresh blueberries, which were snapped up by berry lovers. Festival mascot Newberry the Blueberry made many appearances, shaking hands and posing for pictures, and character entertainer Manny Tikitz roamed the Green. Saturday's White Elephant Sale filled the top section of the green, with people finding treasures that others no longer wanted.

On Friday, Joe Welden and his band played jazz standards at 10 a.m., followed by Black Sage's medley of Celtic and bluegrass music. Patrick Bayer played a solo set at 1 p.m. Noelani's Hula School filled the green in front of the Post Office with the colors and sounds of the Pacific on Saturday morning, followed by East Bay View. The afternoon's entertainment peaked with the 13th Annual Massed Band Concert, with classic American favorites played by dozens of musicians of all ages, conducted by Bob Orner and Suzanne Bennici. Civil War re-enactor Brian Swartz (Poor Boys/Living History Guild) camped in front of the Monument overnight. He talked to visitors and demonstrated his authentic equipment. All entertainment is volunteer and deeply appreciated!

The Chairpersons for this year's Festival – Cookie Capotosto, Jean Dunn, and Flo Whittaker – were delighted with the festival. The gross receipts were once again the highest ever! All figures are not yet in, but Mrs. Stone estimates that the totals should pass $50,000. All the funds go to the Susquehanna County Historical Society and Free Library Association and are used to help operate the county library system and the county's local history museum and genealogical center. "We count on the festival proceeds to reach our annual budget," she said. "It's the effort and time selflessly donated by so many community people and businesses that make the festival successful. From the service clubs, to the banks, to the hospital, from the smallest to largest businesses, the probation officers and inmates who tirelessly set up and took down, and the hundreds of individuals who helped – it would take pages to list them all! We are enormously grateful."

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Fishing Derby Winners

Pictured (l-r) are winners of the annual fishing derby sponsored by the Susquehanna Borough Council during the annual Hometown Days celebration: front – Sophie Lawrenson; back - Kevin Ayres (first place), Emily Lawrenson, Miranda Romanofski. Also participating but not pictured are Brandon Stalker, Rachel Stalker, Taylor Millard.

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Waiting For You!

This is Lilac. She is an adult, shorthaired Siamese mix. She is litter box trained. She is a little shy but, is very loving. She prefers not to be held. She may be better in a house without small children.

To see Lilac

stop by the Susquehanna County Humane Society, 278-1228.

The Society now has new hours, Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 11:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m., and Wednesday and Thursday, 11:30 a.m. until 7:00 p.m.

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Get A Clue At Your Library

The Susquehanna Branch Library is honored to proclaim the following participants in its Summer Reading Program 2007, Get A Clue At Your Library: David Armitage, Michael Armitage, Ryan Armitage, Baily Barnes, Noah Bargesse, Devyn Benson, Kelsea Benson, Daniel Braun, Michael Braun, Bethany Burns, Jonathan Burns, Chelsea Bush, Abigale Cass, Caitlyn Cass, Nicholas Chamberlain, Susie Chamberlain, Aaron Cook, McKenzie Cook, Peyton Cowperthwait, Jack DeLaPlaine, Joseph DeLaPlaine, William Paul Dibble, Ethan Dixon, Hailey Dixon, Ryan Fisk, Ashley Foote, Ricky Foote, Cori Glidden, Jack Glover, Katy Glover, Austin Gow, Brandon Gow, Kaitlyn Gow, Kara Gow, Brianna Graves, Jon Michael Graves, Emily Hall, Eric Hall, Keith Hubal, Rachel Hubal, Samantha Irwin, Allison Jenkins, Jonathan Jenkins, Devon Kelley, Cheyenne Kelley, Emily Lawrenson, Sophie Lawrenson, Marissa McKinney, Zachary Meck, Christian Miller, Geena Miller, Dori Page, Philip Page, Trevor Passetti, Reilly Potter, Rhiannon Potter, Cody Rockwell, Rockell Rockwell, Alexis Roe, Jody Slocum, Carlton W. Smith, Ryan Stallings, Jessica Teribury, Jonathan Teribury, Elvis Vermilyea, Raya Vermilyea, Jackie Wheeler,

This year’s summer program theme was “Get A Clue At Your Library” where the children entered and learned of the world of crime solving and detective work. The children went on a rock exploration during the session entitled Rock Doc, deciphered clues, such as paw prints, that led them to a culprit, listened to crime solving stories during story hour, and were visited and fingerprinted by a real detective, who talked them through a realistic crime scene in which they were given the chance to try to search for clues.

Certificates of Participation were distributed at the close of the program. Congratulations to all who participated and made this year’s reading program a success.

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