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Quarry Quandary Heats Up
By Melinda Darrow

It seems fair to say that the atmosphere at the August 15 New Milford Township meeting could be aptly described as “volatile.” For yet another month the air in the hall reverberated with shouts and, at times, personal verbal attacks. The township solicitor was not present, which Mr. Hunter attributed to not expecting such a crowd after the public meeting on Tuesday. Contrary to this expectation the hall was again filled to the point of visitors standing along the back wall. Many concerns were expressed, many requests made, and about two-and-a-half hours spent before an uneasy peace was made for another evening.

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DEP Meets With Community
By Vera Scroggins

About 250 people walked quietly into the Blue Ridge High School auditorium on Tuesday, August 14. They were there for an important public meeting set up by the DEP, Department of Environmental Protection, Pottsville District Office, and headed by Mining Manager Thomas Callaghan and Dan Koury, Watershed Manager, both present. This public meeting was requested by a growing number of concerned citizens in the area and the county, to limit and control large-scale mining.

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