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Waiting For You!
Stinky Boys Prepare For Memorial Day
Abbey Puzo Crowned County Dairy Princess
ASSETS Class Graduates
Turnpike Senior Center Update
Host Sites Sought For Free Computer Kiosks
PennDOT Recognizes ’07 Stars Of Excellence
Diabetes Walk Raises $6,000
District Deputy Visits Masons
Barbara Kelly Receives PASR Commendation

Waiting For You!

This is "Kydus." He is a male, adult dog around five years old. He is a shaggy, mixed breed, maybe some terrier in him? He has a neat silver and white medium fur coat, and is medium size, around 50 pounds. He needs to be the only pet in the house. Check him out at the Susquehanna County Humane Society, 278-1228.

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Stinky Boys Prepare For Memorial Day

Members of the Stinky Boys motorcycle club held their fourth annual Adopt-A-Highway program on Sunday, May 21. Volunteers collected a small mountain of roadside trash along the routes leading into Susquehanna Boro. This program, organized and coordinated by Don and Debbie Norris, is a way for the club to give something back to the community, and is scheduled yearly in preparation for the Memorial Day activities in the boro. Pictured (l-r) after the cleanup are: front row – President John Benson, Billy Terpstra, Debbie Norris, Susie Johnson, Beth Terpstra, Missy Wolfe, Dave Lyon, Andy Cizike; back row – Jason Borne, Kevin McQuillan, Donnie Norris, Bill Johnson, Shawn Krause, Mike Wescott, Chuck Cuevas.

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Abbey Puzo Crowned County Dairy Princess

After being escorted by her brother, Airman Greg Franklin of the United States Air Force, 2006/07 Dairy Princess Ashley Franklin took the stage to begin the events leading up to crowning Abbey Puzo 2007/08 Princess.

Ashley Franklin (right) crowns the new Susquehanna County Dairy Princess, Abbey Puzo of Montrose.

Amanda Miner welcomed everyone to the pageant and spoke of her experience as the 2005/06 Princess, telling of the opportunities, meeting new people, improving her public speaking skills and writing ability while Princess. Amanda introduced members of the dairy court. Mariah Tompkins, daughter of Mark and Cindy Tompkins will be promoting the dairy industry as a Dairy Maid and Alicia Roe, daughter of Steve and Vicky Roe will be returning to the program as a Dairy Ambassador.

Dairy Princess Ashley Franklin presented the Tompkins family with a gift certificate in appreciation for hosting the fifth annual “Day on a Dairy Farm,” an event hundreds of people attend to spend a few hours on a dairy farm.

Amanda Zembrzycki, 2004/05 Dairy Princess, presented Ashley with a scholarship on behalf of the County Dairy Princess and Promotion Committee. Amanda then recognized Abbey Puzo, Nicole Brooks and Ashley for reporting their promotions in a timely way, each and every month this past year, with gift certificates.

Shana Mack, 2003/04 Dairy Princess, commented on the excellent quality of Ashley, Nicole and Abbey’s scrapbooks. The girls received a gift for their efforts. Shana presented Abbey Puzo with Harford Fair concert tickets in recognition of writing over 100 thank you notes to the many businesses and individuals that support the dairy promotion program.

Former Dairy Princess, Susan Augustine English introduced Abbey Puzo as an honor student, president of her sophomore class and a football and basketball cheerleader at Montrose Area High School. Abbey owns 15 dairy animals, has been showing cows since she was four years old, and is a ninth-year member of the Watrous Corners 4-H Club. Abbey works on her family’s dairy farm, milking and feeding the cows and also works at Gracious Living Personal Care Home with plans of entering the nursing program at Mansfield University.

Ashley Franklin made her farewell speech, crediting the program for giving her the self-confidence to stand and speak in front of a group of people and appreciation for the positive experience serving as Dairy Princess brought her.

Before being crowned, Abbey Puzo stated, “Having news ideas and new ways to promote, I can’t wait to begin promoting the dairy industry here in Susquehanna County.” Abbey was crowned the 2007/08 Dairy Princess by outgoing Princess Ashley Franklin.

The evening concluded with a reception hosted by former Dairy Princess Kelly Diaz.

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ASSETS Class Graduates

The TREHAB Center's ASSETS Program graduated a class of 22 entrepreneurs during a ceremony and dinner held at the Montrose Bible Conference on May 17. Some 50 graduates, guests, and program trainers and mentors attended the event.

Graduates of the Spring ASSETS Class, along with speakers, (l-r) are: seated – Stacy Tyler, Tracey Daly, Bonnie Houck, Charles “CJ” Jaget, Jr., Kris Ely; standing – Bethany Ann Newberry, Janice Stewart, Gary Phillips, Lori Sampson, Veronica Place, Michael Starzec, Jay Schake, Eric Johnson, Victoria Forget, Brian Mirra, Wyoming County Commissioner Judy Mead, Scott Faux, Mark Stanton, Melody Brace, TREHAB Executive Director Dennis Phelps, ASSETS Program Director Mary Anne Waddington. Not present for the picture were graduates Cassandra Biesecker, Joan Eidenier, Charles W. Jaget, Anson Salsman.

Dennis Phelps, Trehab's Executive Director, welcomed and congratulated the graduates. They represent such small enterprises as a fudge- and candy-making business, a dog breeding enterprise, and an heirloom-quality handmade knife producer. Phelps also thanked those members of the community who had served as trainers and mentors.

The TREHAB Center’s ASSETS Program (A Service for Self-Employment Training & Support) is a program for entrepreneurs in the process of starting up or reinforcing a small business. Since its inception, ASSETS participants have successfully completed 32 cycles of eight-week sessions each held in Susquehanna, Bradford, Sullivan and Wyoming Counties.

Mary Anne Waddington, ASSETS Program Director, introduced the graduates and presented each with a certificate of completion of the program.

Graduates of this 32nd ASSETS class, and their businesses or services are: Cassandra Biesecker, stone; Melody Brace, “Endless Fudge”; Tracey A. Daly, Golden Retriever breeding and sales; Joan Eidenier, art buyer/seller/importer; Kris Ely, bookstore; Scott Faux, contracting/construction; Victoria C. Forget, seamstress; Bonnie Houck, in-home personal care; Charles W. Jaget, rental properties/trailer park; Charles “CJ” Jaget, Jr., home improvements/historical restoration; Eric Johnson, auto body specialist; Brian Mirra, ATV campground; Bethany Ann Newberry, ATV campground; Veronica Place, bottled water manufacturing/distribution/sales; Janice Stewart and Gary Phillips, horse ranch/camping/trail riding; Anson Salsman, construction; Lori Sampson, bookstore/café; Jay Schake, auto detailing/restyling; Mark Stanton, handmade heirloom-quality knives; Michael Starzec, home improvements; and Stacy Tyler, health food store.

Guest keynote speaker for the ceremony was Wyoming County Commissioner Judy Mead. She presented the graduates with certificates from PA Rep. Sandra Major in recognition of their participation in this intensive, small business program. After the presentations, she spoke to the graduates about the many challenges of starting and owning a small business, calling these enterprises “the backbone of our rural economy.”

ASSETS offers intensive training in the form of a Business Design and Management course that includes marketing, finances, record keeping, legal and tax issues, management, insurance and advertising. Mentoring is also offered through the volunteer services of area businesspersons or other professionals. The ASSETS program also offers case management and follow-up to assist in business plan completion, locating loan sources, and making referrals to other support groups.

The next class will be offered in September. Anyone interested in learning more about the ASSETS-Trehab program should contact Mary Anne Waddington at 278-5228 or 1-800-982-4045, ext 5228.

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Turnpike Senior Center Update
By Mary Heesh

Happy birthday to all of our May and June babies.

Our line dancing has started again on Tuesday afternoons.

We have a couple more domino players. Good luck, girls.

Some of us went to the school and saw the play. What a great time we had. Those kids have a lot of talent.

We made crafts for the Meals on Wheels.

We had a master gardener here and made a lotion with herbs. What a great time it was, and what nice lotion we had for all our rough spots.

A group of us went out for lunch at the Candlestick Inn. Everyone enjoyed their lunch, and we sure got big servings, and a lot of food came home with us for later.

Beautiful weather lately. We have our air conditioners in – in case we need them for the really hot weather we may get.

We have had a visitor up here – a furry, black bear. Maybe he’s looking for a future home in his golden years. Well, this is the place to come.

We had exercise at 8 a.m. We have six ladies that come five days a week. Come and join us.

Mary Ryder fell while in Windsor. She was watching for the parade. She is feeling better and was out doing her laundry. Keep it up, Mary.

Some of us are going to ceramics class.

We picked the winner for the 50/50, it was Helen Foster. The winner of the anything basket was Marian Glover. Congratulations, ladies.

We also had a Saturday get-together for Mothers’ Day. We all brought food to pass and we played surprise bingo. Everyone brought something and put it in a paper bag. When you bingoed, you got a bag, but not your own. It was fun and everyone had a good time.

I went to the South New Milford Baptist Church with daughter and granddaughter, for a mother and daughter dinner. What a  nice time, and a beautiful meal was put on, with decorated tables. The men and young fellows served, they did a really nice job of it. Thank you, Robin for inviting me to go.

The flowers out front look nice. Our trees didn’t last as long as last year, but they were pretty for a while. We had lots of flower deliveries up here for Mothers’ Day. It was a good day.

See you next month.

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Host Sites Sought For Free Computer Kiosks

The Susquehanna County Historical Society & Free Library Association has been awarded a federal grant to install computer kiosks around Susquehanna County. "In order to finalize the grant, we need to find five host locations," says Administrator/Librarian Susan Stone, "and get commitment letters from them as soon as possible." Locations must be open to the public, have high-speed Internet access they are willing to share, and be able to provide the space for a stand-up computer kiosk (approximately 10 square feet). The Library would provide all equipment, furniture, and maintenance.

The computer kiosks would allow people to search the library's catalog, as well as to check email, look for information like directions and weather, and more. Filters and security systems would be in place to prevent inappropriate and unsafe use. "Our primary goal is to reach out into the western and southern portions of the county, where we don't have branch libraries," says Mrs. Stone, "but other locations where there is no library would work as well. Our hope is that this would be a win/win arrangement for a business, attracting more traffic at no cost." The one definite location already in agreement is Stateline Plaza in Little Meadows.

Suggestions and offers for hosting are eagerly sought; call 278-1881 or email

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PennDOT Recognizes ’07 Stars Of Excellence

PennDOT Secretary Allen D. Biehler, P.E. announced that 29 employees statewide were honored with Stars of Excellence Awards. Two employees were from District 4-0.

Ronald P. Bonacci, Olyphant, and Connie Burgh, Montrose, were recognized for their tremendous dedication and outstanding service to improving the state’s transportation system for millions of Pennsylvania’s citizens. They received their awards from Secretary Biehler during a luncheon at the governor’s residence in Harrisburg.

Pictured (l-r) are: Ron Bonacci, Connie Burgh, and District Executive Stephen Shimko at the Stars of Excellence Awards in Harrisburg.

Bonacci, a PennDOT District 4-0 Traffic engineer for 37 years, is considered by his colleagues to be an effective teacher and role model, and is admired for his thoroughness, pursuit of safety and receptiveness to creative engineering solutions. He was the driving force in helping launch District 4’s ITS program; spearheaded the Wrong-Way Ramp Initiative, and was instrumental in instituting the “Sign Upgrade Program,” later adopted statewide. In tornado-ravaged Lake Carey, Bonacci earned kudos for his coordination of recovery efforts on behalf of both PennDOT and other organizations involved.

“Ron personifies the PennDOT safety messages we want to communicate to the public,” says Stephen J. Shimko, District Executive.

Connie Burgh, Clerk Typist II in Susquehanna County for 14 years, is known for her efficiency, her clerical proficiency in any role, and her ability to anticipate the needs of fellow employees and the organization. She coordinates customer advisory boards, the summer and winter programs, the Adopt-a-Highway program, and is primarily responsible for the success of the State Employee Combined Appeal at the county level.

“Connie is respected for her customer service-oriented attitude and her confidentiality in dealing with employee issues. She is the type of employee we all wish we could clone,” says Shimko.

“I am pleased to honor these outstanding members of our team for their hard work, leadership and dedication to transportation,” Secretary Biehler said. “These employees suggested inventive solutions to challenges and developed new programs and processes that have enhanced our ability to provide the best service to our customers.”

The Star of Excellence Awards, bestowed annually, honor a standout selection from among PennDOT’s 12,000 employees. The recipients represent the breadth of the department’s workforce – from clerks, secretaries and highway maintenance workers to managers, engineers and bureau directors.

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Diabetes Walk Raises $6,000

More than 40 walkers, representing hundreds of sponsors, participated in the ninth annual Valerie (Holmes) Shook Memorial Walk to Cure Juvenile Diabetes, held on Saturday, May 12. Walkers took a four-mile round trip on the Bridgewater Riding Club trail bed.

Walkers at the 2007 Valerie (Holmes) Shook Memorial Walk to Cure Juvenile Diabetes, held on May 12.

Walkers either raised money ahead of time or self-sponsored on the day of the walk. Paper sneakers had been sold in the months before the walk. Many other local businesses also supported the walk with donations. Valerie's co-workers, family, and friends organized the event and made sure everything ran smoothly.

Adding together donations, sponsors, and sneaker sales, with some money yet to come in, about $6,000 was raised locally for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.

T-shirts were provided by the JDRF for those who raised $100 or more. For the first time these shirts were customized for the local walk! Extra T-shirts are now on sale at the Montrose Library.

Photos from this year's walk are on display at Next year's date has already been set, so mark your calendars for Saturday, May 10, 2008. Coordination of the Walk is handled through the Susquehanna County Library (570-278-1881).

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District Deputy Visits Masons

Royal Arch Masons from Susquehanna, Wayne, and Northern Lackawanna Counties in PA, and Broome County in NY, met in Susquehanna at their Masonic Hall, 107 Euclid Ave, in Susquehanna, on Monday evening, May 14, for an "official visit" of their District Deputy and some other grand- or state-level officers. Pictured left to right are: row 1 – Benjamin Beynon, Maurice Sweitzer, Dieter Dauber, John Zickler, Jared Horn, F. Dean Lewis, W. Meredith Golden III; row 2 – Barney Wilkins, Keith Foster, Erwin Herman, Richard Klem, Sr., William Hand, Eugene Graves, Gary Baker, Edward F. Collins, Richard Allen, Robert Benson, Howard Gray; row 3 – Robert Whitney, David Lewis, Daniel Rupakus, Robert Page, Gerald Parks, Fred Baker, Jeff Burman, Robert DiPalma, Anthony S. Gerchman.

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Barbara Kelly Receives PASR Commendation

On April 24, at the St. Mary’s Center in Scranton, Barbara Kelly, the treasurer of the district chapter of the Pennsylvania Association of School Retirees, was awarded a PASR commendation. The commendation was presented to Barbara by Dr. John Nye, PASR State Vice President. The commendation recognized Barbara for her involvement in PASR. She is the district treasurer, assistant treasurer for PASR, and her local chapter treasurer. Pictured above are Barbara and Dr. John Nye during presentation of the commendation.

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