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FCR Introduces Tentative Budget
By P. Jay Amadio

The Forest City Regional Board of Education unveiled a tentative 2007-2008 operating budget last week. The action complied with a state ruling that it either make a preliminary budget available for public inspection by January 25 or adopt a resolution that the board will not raise the taxes above 4.6 percent.

The tentative budget is $10,997,227, an increase of $400,663 when compared with the 2006-2007 budget. While the budget increase only amounts to 3.78 percent, the board will probably have to make cuts somewhere to keep the tax increase at or below 4.6 percent.

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Harford Undertakes Engineering
By Ted Brewster

At their meeting on January 13, Harford Township Supervisors voted to engage Hawk Engineering of Binghamton to provide studies for two projects at a total cost of $44,350. The studies are required to get state permits to rebuild a bridge on Pennay Hill Road, and to replace a sluice under Stearns Road at the outlet of Tingley Lake.

The township had two bids for the studies, but Sue Furney and Terry VanGorden were dissatisfied with the response from CECO of Scranton, the county's bridge engineering firm. When the original bid by Hawk on the Stearns Road project seemed very high, Rick Pisasik contacted them and found that the bid included the cost of construction administration. Removing that component made the two bids competitive.

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