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100 Years Ago
Along the Way...With P. Jay

From the Desk of the D.A.
The Healthy Geezer
The Family Doctor
Veterans’ Corner

100 Years Ago

BROOKLYN: There is a fine opening for a stirring, up-to-date doctor. The vacancy caused by the death of Dr. A. Chamberlain has never been filled and a good place awaits some one.

CARBONDALE and THOMPSON: A peculiar burglary occurred at Carbondale on Saturday, where some one broke into the property room of the theatre there and took two of a group of six pistils, which hung on the wall. Suspicion fell on two young men who had been seen loitering about the place and who had left the town, but later the manager of the theater was surprised to receive, by express, the missing pistols, they having been sent from Thompson, this county.

LAWTON: Isaiah Haire, who has for a number of years conducted Hotel Haire at Lawton, has rented his hotel property to William H. Millard, who will take possession soon.

SUSQUEHANNA: Edwin G. Taylor, who died suddenly Tuesday evening of heart failure, was one of our oldest and most respected residents. He was apparently as well as ever when he attended the Republican caucus on Tuesday evening. Deceased was a veteran of the Civil War, county treasurer of this county in 1873, and has served the borough as councilman and filled other positions of trust during his residence here. Mr. Taylor was 77 years of age and is survived by a wife and two sons, who have the sympathy of their entire community in their sad bereavement.

SPRINGVILLE: Several teams went over to Hopbottom, last week to get coal, as there seemed to be a shortage. AND: Ice men are beginning to look across their noses. AND: Dr. J. O. Spencer, President of Morgan College, Baltimore, will deliver a lecture in the High school building, Wednesday of this week. The fact that Mr. Spencer started out as a boy from this vicinity, his home being in the village of Lynn, should be a reason as well as his ability as a speaker to insure a full house. The subject is “Japan Yesterday and Today.”

SOUTH MONTROSE: The large ice house at the milk station is being filled with ten-inch ice from Decker’s pond.

GELATT: The Sleighing this winter is like the old woman’s soap-it comes and goes.

BIRCHARDVILLE: A medicine company will have a vaudeville every evening this week at the Grange Hall. Admission ten cents.

FLYNN: William Lane, who has been in the contracting and building business in Elmira for the past year and a half, is about to purchase the J. W. Flynn farm, one of the most desirable locations in western Susquehanna.

FOREST CITY: The borough council recently took the first steps toward another effort to sewer the town. An ordinance passed two readings providing that a special election be held asking the voters of the town to authorize a bonded indebtedness of $10,000 for sewer purposes.

UNIONDALE: Mrs. Edith Churchill Dickey, who has been a great sufferer from consumption, died at her home in this vicinity Monday evening of last week, leaving five motherless little boys. It is reported that her father, sister and brother, each took one, and there are still two left without any place.

FRIENDSVILLE: Last week A.O.H. Hall was the scene of a series of plays, presented by the Trixie Monroe Company, a troupe traveling for the Modern Remedy Company, of Ohio. Prizes were offered for the most popular baby; also the most popular lady. Baby prize, a gold necklace, was won by little Juan Casey, niece of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Hannan. The lady’s prize, a silver set, was won by Celia Matthews, only three ladies contesting.

EAST KINGSLEY: Elmer D. Tiffany is busily engaged in trapping, having made over $16 this winter in the sales of furs.

MONTROSE: The death of William K. Harris, occurred at his late home in Waverly, Pa., on Jan. 21, 1907, after enduring with patience a severe attack of rheumatism, which produced heart failure. We always claimed Mr. Harris as one of our own citizens, despite the fact he left Montrose several years ago. While a resident here he owned a home on Chenango street next door to Bethel church, where his friends used to love to go and have social chats. He was a great reader and ever ready to discuss both religious and political questions of the day. While he and his good Christian wife lived near Bethel church, they were instrumental in doing great good for it and services were regularly held there, and warm enthusiasm prevailed, especially during the pastorate of Rev. Mr. Burrell, when in this church Mr. Harris was leader of a large and excellent choir. He is remembered in this community as a God-fearing man and upright citizen. His wife, Mrs. Martha Harris, and an adopted daughter, Mary, are left to mourn his loss. The funeral was held Thursday afternoon from the Bethel A.M.E. church, at Waverly.

SCRANTON: The number of typhoid cases in Scranton has reached to 1076; diphtheria cases, 45; scarlet fever, 71. Official deaths from typhoid, 93 up to noon Saturday. In one house in one family there was one stricken with diphtheria, one with typhoid, one with scarlet fever. Three signs are on the house.

NEWS BRIEFS: A York state man gathered and sold $28 worth of burdock seed last fall. It is used in making burdock blood bitters and is worth a dollar an ounce. AND: Over 10,000 tons of toys, most of them cheap little articles hand made by the thousands of persons engaged during the winter in that business in Germany, were shipped to this country for the Xmas trade this year. AND: On Wednesday morning at 7 o’clock, at Montrose, the thermometer registered 11 degrees below zero, and on Thursday morning, 17 degrees, and at Hawley’s farm 22 degrees. At Franklin Forks it went down to 25 degrees. [Assuming all temps were below zero]

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Along the Way...With P. Jay


When a flush beats a full house!

I hope I am wrong but there seems to be a feud brewing in Clifford Township over the proposed Dundaff/Crystal Lake sewer project. And if it’s so, it would be a shame.

Clifford Township is the closest community to what I would ever consider as a modern-day Utopia. It has almost everything a family could want and need, including one of the lowest real estate tax rates in Susquehanna County and perhaps in the Commonwealth.

The township has a volunteer fire department that is second to none, a recently created volunteer rescue squad that has already been honored as best in the state, a new park with playground equipment, ballfields and a whole mess of stuff for young and old alike, and progress is being made on remodeling the municipal building that was once the Clifford Elementary School. It has also added new equipment and new personnel to its expanded police department.

The people of Clifford Township reflect a mix of families that trace their roots back for generations and newcomers who did not hesitate to become involved in the community. Organizations cropped up here and there, and for the most part, they are blessed with volunteer help that focuses on the township’s needs rather than its political structure.

Last year the township celebrated its bicentennial and it was a huge success. In conjunction with the celebration, the township dedicated a new military honor roll featuring the names of all township residents who served in Uncle Sam’s Armed Forces. The honor roll stands in front of the municipal building, offering mute testimony to those who responded when they were needed.

I guess I could devote this entire column to the township and its people but let’s take a closer look at the proposed sewer project. The plan calls for the Dundaff and Crystal Lake areas to be sewered at a cost originally guesstimated in or around the $2 million mark. As the plan moved forward, it began to expand. White’s Trailer Court in Dundaff, that was originally excluded suddenly found it was in the area to be sewered, adding some 40 more EDU’s to the plan. Along with other changes, the cost of the plan escalated and soon it was closer to $3 million.

The cost for individual homeowners in the Dundaff/Crystal Lake area to tie into the system mushroomed and now appears to be in the neighborhood of $6,000 to $10,000, depending on who is doing the talking. Most of that money will go to neighboring Greenfield Township where the sewage from Clifford Township will be sent via underground mains. When the project is completed, residents tied into it will start to receive two sewer bills a month. One will be from Greenfield Township where the sewage is treated, and the other will come from Clifford Township to make the payments on the township’s share of the cost of the project.

At last count, the township had pledges of more than $2 million to defray the cost of the project. But last November’s election brought about some political changes that now leaves the township wondering how much, if any, grant money it will receive.

At a meeting of the township supervisors in December, the sewer project shifted from being something needed to becoming a financial burden on longtime residents of Dundaff, who said they could not muster up enough cash to tie into the sewer system. Told that the federal government might be able to arrange low interest loans so the needy could tie into the system, many residents were still approaching the concept with caution. Now, instead of a monthly payment to Greenfield for processing the sewage and a monthly payment to Clifford Township to pay the township’s share of the project, along comes a third monthly payment to pay tie in fees.

Recently the project was responsible for the birth of another group called Concerned Citizens. At the December meeting, the group turned in petitions with more than 400 signatures, all opposed to the project. They recently put out a two-page synopsis of the project, and are urging township residents to attend the February 13 meeting of the township Board of Supervisors.

Concerned Citizens did a lot of homework before they put out their most recent article on the sewer project. The bottom line is, they are opposed to it as presented; they believe it is catering to a handful of Crystal Lake residents, and they would prefer a Clifford Township project – when it is needed – rather than tying into a neighboring township’s system.

One of the strongest arguments I have heard against the sewer project at this time are reports that Crystal Lake is not polluted as proponents of the project allege. There is no doubt that ultimately the state will step in and decide if and when Crystal Lake is being bothered by on-lot sewer systems (septic tanks). And many believe that if the state demands a sewer system for the Crystal Lake area, it will come up with a way to finance it.

A closing thought from here. Crystal Lake is actually located in three municipalities – Clifford, Fell and Greenfield townships. Wouldn't it make more sense to have these three communities chip in one-third each and install a sewer system that would ensure that the entire lake is pollution free? And it is a proven fact that when three towns join forces to solve a problem, the Commonwealth takes a more favorable look at the project and tends to loosen the purse strings a bit more.

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From the Desk of the D.A.
By District Attorney Jason J. Legg

In April 2006, I did a column regarding a decision by the United States Supreme Court in Georgia v. Randolph regarding the rights of co-tenants to give police consent to search a residence for contraband. In that case, the police responded to a domestic dispute between a husband and wife, where the wife consented to a search of the shared residence, but the husband told the police that he did not consent. The police conducted a search over the husband’s objections, found controlled substances, and prosecuted the husband. The United States Supreme Court determined that, in circumstances where a co-tenant was present and objecting, the police could not accept the other co-tenant’s consent to search the shared premises. In response to that ruling, I raised several questions about future scenarios that were bound to occur, such as where one co-tenant merely waits until the other co-tenant of the residence was not home to give the police consent to search the residence. Would such consent be valid even where the police knew that another co-tenant had rights to the premises and did not give consent for the search? The Pennsylvania Superior Court recently addressed this very issue.

In Commonwealth v. Yancoskie, the police met with the defendant’s wife’s attorney, were informed that the wife was going to leave the defendant, and that the defendant maintained an illegal marijuana growing operation in the marital residence. Thereafter, while the defendant was out of town on a fishing trip, the wife gave consent to the police to search the residence, which yielded marijuana, drug paraphernalia, a firearm, and more than $90,000. The defendant was then charged with various felony drug offenses, which resulted in his conviction and a sentence of three to five years in state prison. The defendant appealed his conviction, contending that the search of his home was unlawful, as he never provided consent for the search.

The defendant contended that the search was unlawful because the police purposely planned their search, with the cooperation of his wife, at a time that they knew he would be away from the residence on a fishing trip. He argued that the police knew that he would have objected to the search – so they circumvented his rights by simply waiting until he was not there. In essence, the defendant argued that his case was similar to the Randolph case, as the police certainly knew that he would never have given them consent to search his residence, and the only difference being that he was not actually present to object. The Pennsylvania Superior Court disagreed with the defendant’s argument and concluded that the search was lawful.

The court specifically found that the police were under no obligation to search out other co-tenants of a specific property to determine whether they had an objection to the consent already provided to the police by an occupying co-tenant. Even though the police admittedly waited until the defendant was not in his residence to obtain the consent from his soon to be ex-wife, the court concluded that this did not change the lawfulness of the wife’s consent to search the residence. In making this conclusion, the court stated: “There is no evidence that [defendant’s] fishing trip was anything other than of his own volition. We hold that by voluntarily absenting himself from the house he shared with his wife, the contents of which he obviously was aware, [the defendant] assumed the risk that his wife would allow someone else, namely, the agents, to conduct a search.”

The Pennsylvania Superior Court has taken a common sense approach to the implications raised by the Randolph decision. Unless a co-tenant is actually present to voice an objection to a search, as in the Randolph case, the police may rely upon the consent given by the co-tenant on the scene, even where the police are clearly aware of animosity or hostility that exists between the co-tenants and the police specifically time their request for a search so that the potentially objecting co-tenant is not present.

Please submit any questions, concerns, or comments to Susquehanna County District Attorney’s Office, P.O. Box 218, Montrose, Pennsylvania 18801 or at

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The Healthy Geezer
By Fred Cicetti

Q. I seem to be getting a lot of headaches lately. I’m pretty sure it’s been caused by stress, but I was wondering if I should have it checked by a doctor.

You should definitely see your doctor. Most headaches are harmless, but they can be a symptom of a serious condition.

The American Council for Headache Education urges people to see a doctor if there are any of the following symptoms with headache:

Headaches that began after age 50; three or more headaches per week; taking a pain reliever almost daily; taking more than the recommended doses of over-the-counter pain relievers; stiff neck; fever; shortness of breath; unexpected symptoms that affect your eyes, ears, nose, or throat; dizziness; slurred speech; weakness; numbness; a tingling sensation; confusion; drowsiness; headaches that begin and persist after a head injury; a headache triggered by exertion, coughing, bending, or sexual activity; a headache that intensifies and persists; headaches that change character; persistent or severe vomiting; a headache that is your “first or worst.”

More than 45 million Americans suffer from recurring headaches. About 70% of headache sufferers are women.

There are primary headaches that are not related to another condition, and secondary headaches, which are.

Primary headaches include tension, migraine, mixed headache syndrome and cluster headaches.

About 90 percent of primary headaches are caused by tension. These muscle-contraction headaches cause mild-to-moderate pain and come and go. Tension headaches are called chronic if you have them more than 15 days per month. They are episodic if you get them less than 15 days per month.

Most tension headaches can be treated with over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen, aspirin and ibuprofen.

The precise cause of migraines is unknown. However, research has demonstrated that migraines involve the actions of nerves and blood vessels. The pain from migraines is moderate to severe. They can last from hours to days, and can be combined with stomach distress. Prescription medications are often needed to treat migraines.

Another subcategory of primary headache is mixed headache syndrome, which is the combination of migraine and tension headaches.

Cluster headaches, which come in groups, are the worst type of primary headache. The pain hits behind one eye and it’s severe. Cluster headaches occur one to three times per day during a cluster period, which may last two weeks to three months.

Preventive medications are prescribed for cluster headaches. During a cluster headache, injecting medication or inhaling 100 percent oxygen may help. About 85 percent of cluster-headache sufferers are male.

Secondary headaches include chronic progressive, sinus and hormone headaches.

Chronic progressive headaches worsen and become more frequent. These headaches may be caused by a brain or skull illness such as encephalitis, inflammation of the brain. If diseases are ruled out, doctors will try to focus on preventing the pain from striking. Preventive medication may include antidepressants, muscle relaxants or other drugs.

Sinus headaches cause pain in the head and face and sometimes can fool you into thinking you have a dental problem. These headaches coincide with other sinusitis symptoms, such as nasal discharge. Over-the-counter pain relievers and decongestants work well with this type of headache.

Hormone headaches come with changing hormone levels during menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause. These are treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, and other drugs.

Another type of headache is caused by taking too much pain medication. This type is called a rebound headache.

If you have a question, please write to

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ASK The Family Doctor
By Dr. Richard Hacker

No Familiy Doctor This Week

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Veterans’ Corner

No Veterans' Corner This Week

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