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Commissioners Mum On Supervisors Last week the Susquehanna County Commissioners added a couple of full-time guards to the security staff at the county prison but failed to act on the need for round-the-clock shift commanders. Commissioner Jeff Loomis, who is chairman of the prison board, did emphasize the need for security guards to be on duty around the clock. But he offered no response when Jim Jennings of Brooklyn Township pointed out that Susquehanna County has the only jail in the state without shift supervisors on duty 24/7.
With the 2005-2006 school year just ended, the Blue Ridge School Board is quickly ramping up for 2006-2007. At their meeting on June 12, members voted to hire several teachers, substitutes, custodians and aides, agreed on a compensation package for four administrators, and then passed a record budget to pay for it all. Deborah Ucci was present to accept the Board's welcome as a learning-support aide for next year, and Tina Sieben will work as a Middle School aide for a student. Kyle Wheeler, John Gaughan, and Kathleen Wilbur became custodians as of June 12.
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