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June 20 – 21 AARP MATURE DRIVING class with instructor Frank McKeon, Tuesday, June 20 and Wednesday, June 21, 1 to 5 p.m. at the Blue Ridge Great Bend Senior Center. For info call 879–2896 or 965–2521. SUMMER SOLSTICE NIGHT HIKE, Wednesday, June 21, 9 p.m. at Salt Springs State Park. All are welcome. SUMMER SOLSTICE LABYRINTH WALK, Wednesday, June 21, 7 p.m. at the Self-Discovery Wellness Arts Center, Montrose. For info call 278–9256. All are welcome. CLAMS/STEAK sandwich night, Wednesday, June 21, 5:30 – 8 p.m. at the Binghamton Elks Lodge, Kirkwood. All are welcome. June 22 PIZZA NIGHT, Thursday, June 22, 5:30 – 9 p.m. at the Binghamton Elks Lodge, Kirkwood. Eat in or take out. All are welcome. June 23 CHICKEN/FISH DINNER, Friday, June 23, 6 – 8 p.m. at the Binghamton Elks Lodge, Kirkwood. All are welcome. June 24 ROAST BEEF SUPPER, Saturday, June 24, beginning at 5:00 p.m. at the Thompson United Methodist Church. All are welcome. WALK IN & WEAVE program, Saturday, June 24, 10 a.m. at Salt Springs State Park. Try your hand at weaving on antique looms, with instructor. All are welcome. IT’S NOT JUST A TREE program, Saturday, June 24, 9 a.m. at Salt Springs State Park. Learn how to identify common trees as well as other interesting facts. All are welcome. MIDTOWN FESTIVAL Craft Fair, Saturday, June 24, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in New Milford (rescheduled from June 3). Games, food, raffle, pie baking contest, more. Call 465–3394 for info. All are welcome. June 24 & 25 BLACKSMITH program with Tim Button, Saturday, June 24, and Sunday, June 25, noon to 5 p.m. at Old Mill Village Museum. For info or to register, call 434–3353. All are welcome. June 25 BREAKFAST, Sunday, June 25, 8 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the Binghamton Elks Lodge, Kirkwood. All are welcome. June 26 FAMILY AL-ANON meeting, Monday, June 26, 7:30 p.m. in the Fr. Jim Nash Parish Center, Montrose. For info call 222-4240 or 289-4054. All are welcome. June 27 WING NIGHT, Tuesday, June 27, 5:30 – 9 p.m. at the Binghamton Elks Lodge, Kirkwood. All are welcome. June 28 SPAGHETTI DINNER, Wednesday, June 28, 5 – 8 p.m. at the Binghamton Elks Lodge, Kirkwood. All are welcome. June 29 CHICKEN & BISCUIT lawn supper, Thursday, June 29, 5 p.m. at the Starrucca Baptist Church social rooms. All are welcome. PIZZA NIGHT, Thursday, June 29, 5:30 – 9 p.m. at the Binghamton Elks Lodge, Kirkwood. All are welcome. June 30 BEEF/FISH DINNER, Friday, June 30, 6 – 8 p.m. at the Binghamton Elks Lodge, Kirkwood. All are welcome. July 2 CANDLES/WOODSMAN programs, Sunday, July 2, noon to 5 p.m. at Old Mill Village Museum. Call 465-3448 for info. All are welcome. July 4 CHICKEN BARBECUE, Tuesday, July 4, 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. at the Thompson Hose Company. Parade 11:30 a.m. Games, food and entertainment all day, bingo, fireworks at 10:00 p.m., much more. All are welcome.
Monday, June 26: vegetable lasagna, three-bean salad, peas, orange, rye bread, fresh apple. Tuesday, June 27: Italian marinated chicken, Brussels sprouts, whole wheat bread, peaches. Wednesday, June 28, stuffed peppers with sauce, mashed potatoes, mixed vegetables, dinner roll, graham cracker and peanut butter, fresh orange. Thursday, June 29: sliced turkey with gravy, French style green beans, sweet potatoes, wheat bread, graham cracker and peanut butter, fruit cocktail, cranberry sauce. Friday, June 30: spaghetti and meatballs, tossed salad, Italian bread, lemon meringue pie, diet vanilla pudding. Senior Menu June 19 – 23 Monday, June 19: Sloppy Joe, macaroni salad, broccoli, hamburger bun, apricots. Tuesday, June 20: seasoned pork chop, mashed potato, corn, grape juice, seeded rye bread, graham cracker, applesauce. Wednesday, June 21: Italian sausage, home-style baked beans, hot dog bun, chewy granola bar, pears. Thursday, June 22: chicken casserole, French style green beans, cranberry juice, honey wheat bread, cherry pie, cherries. Friday, June 23: macaroni and cheese, baby carrots, three-bean salad, whole wheat bread, fresh orange.
New Life Concert At Jackson Baptist The New Life Trio from Dayton, OH will be in concert at the Jackson Baptist Church on Sunday, July 16 at 7:00 p.m. This is sure to be a time of inspiring southern gospel music as well as great Christian fellowship. Pastor Gary Haskell, Sr. invites all to attend. For further information, call 756–2265.
The bicentennial logo designed by Helmut Kunst for the Clifford Township Bicentennial Celebration is beautiful, detailed and thoughtful. Many have admired it as a work of art. It comes as no surprise that two groups have decided to have the logo adorn their quilts: the Clifford Baptist Church and the Clifford Township Supervisors. The queen-size, tea dyed cotton quilt top is totally hand stitched by members and friends of the church. The logo is in the center; each corner of the quilt has a different block design stitched in it: Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Pavement, Harrisburg and Pennsylvania Wheel. The quilt sponsored by the supervisors is double-size; its design comes from intricately pieced fabrics, all hand and machine appliquéd by Adrian Crossman. The three-foot star design on the back of the quilt and the border are hand quilted. Raffle tickets will be sold on July 1 and 2. Both quilts will be raffled off Sunday, July 2 at the firemen’s picnic grounds on Rt. 106. Proceeds will help with the bicentennial celebration expenses. These unique quilts can be fabulously displayed on a bed or hung as wall art and will surely be a cherished inheritance.
The Rail–Trail Council of NE PA will hold its regular monthly meeting on Thursday, June 22 at the Gravity Inn in Waymart. Dinner will be available from the menu at 6 p.m., with the meeting following at 7 p.m. All are welcome. Interested persons may meet at 5:30 for a short visit to the proposed trail connections around the federal and state prisons. Trail construction work will be updated. Discussed will be the ongoing ATV patrol and resulting citations. Plans are underway for a mid-August ribbon-cutting celebration. Call the office for details or questions, 785–7245.
Dancers Prepare For Upcoming Recital The Windwood Hill Dance Academy will perform their annual summer recital on Friday, June 16 at 7:00 p.m. and again on Saturday, June 17 at 1:00 p.m. at the Susquehanna Community High School. The recital will showcase the accomplishments of all of the students for the past year and will feature a variety of selections in ballet, tap, jazz, hip-hop, and Celtic. For information, call 853–4882.
The Canawacta Rod & Gun Club will be providing a free fishing seminar on June 17, from 9:00 a.m. until noon at their Oak Hill location. Instructors and fishing equipment will be available to teach kids how to cast, tie fishing knots, use bobbers, sinkers, live bait, and lures. A free lunch will be provided and you may bring your own fishing poles if preferred. All children must be accompanied by an adult guardian.
Library Friends Booth Needs Volunteers If you're in Montrose for the Fourth of July celebrations, please consider volunteering at the Library Friends booth. Sales of Blueberry Festival t-shirts and sweatshirts, commemorative items, and snacks and drinks all raise money for the county library system and Historical Society. Chances on the quilt (a beautiful Log Cabin pattern made by the Crazy Country Quilters) will also be for sale. If you can spare even an hour, please contact Elaine Henninger at 278-3265.
Just for Fun Contests At Clifford Bicentennial Over forty volunteers have been devoting a fabulous amount of time planning the Clifford Township Bicentennial celebration. Now it’s time to have some fun!! Fellas, on Sunday, July 2 at three o'clock please bring your beards to the Clifford Volunteer Firemen's Picnic Grounds to participate in a “just for fun” beard contest. Best of Show ribbons will be awarded for Best Groomed, Judge’s Favorite, Best Try, Best Look Alike of Gabby Hays, Abraham Lincoln, Ernest Hemingway and Santa Claus. A ribbon will also be awarded for Best Mustache. Ladies, bring your pies to the "Sweets" stand (formerly known as the Firemen's Picnic pie stand) between noon and two thirty. At three thirty, Judges will award Best of Show ribbons in several categories: Best Single Crust, Best Double Crust, Best Apple Pie, Best Tasting, Best Looking, Judge’s Favorite, Most Imaginative Filling, and Best Store Bought Pie! All the pies will then be sold at auction to the highest bidder with the volunteered skills of local auctioneer, Tom Randt. Proceeds will benefit the Clifford Township Historical Society, Inc. So, please come join us for some good old fashioned fun! Questions? Contact John or Ruth Knighton at (570) 222-4410
The Democratic Committee of Susquehanna County met and reorganized Monday, June 12. Elected as County Chairman was John Hoffman, of Lakeside, in New Milford Township. Sandra Kazinetz of Great Bend Township was elected Vice Chairperson. Karen Hoffman, also of Lakeside, is the new Secretary and Rick Ainey of New Milford Borough became Treasurer. Chairman Hoffman thanked the former board members, introduced Barney Wilkins, who was elected State Committeeman in May and welcomed the many new and returning committee people. Hoffman announced chairmen for the July Fourth parade in Montrose and special events. Attendees then enjoyed refreshments. The next meeting of the new Executive Committee, to which all members of the Democratic Committee are invited, will be Wednesday, June 21, 7:00 p.m. in the New Milford Borough building. Cancer Resources Guide Available At B-K Hospital The Northeast Regional Cancer Institute will feature the seventh edition of the Cancer Resources Guide on Tuesday, June 20 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon during a table display in the main lobby of Barnes Kasson Hospital. Everyone is invited to pick up a copy. Developed by the Northeast Regional Cancer Institute, the Cancer Resources Guide is designed to provide newly diagnosed cancer patients, their family, friends and healthcare professionals with a one-stop resource for essential cancer information; local, state and national cancer service and support organizations; as well as other cancer related services. The guide also includes inspirational stories from cancer survivors and useful explanations of services from many individuals and organizations involved in all areas of the spectrum of cancer care. The Cancer Resources Guide is also available in an interactive online format. To view the Cancer Resources Guide online visit www.cancernepa.org. For more information about the Cancer Resources Guide or cancer education programs contact the Northeast Regional Cancer Institute at (570) 941-7984 or (800) 424-6724.
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