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Elk Lake Jr. High Students Of The Month Pictured above (l-r) are: seated – Mara Kerr, Gillian Clarke, Mackenzie Franssen, Chris O’Brien, Jeffrey Horvath; standing – Chris Gruver, Josh Ralston, Matthew Walters, Dennis Brace, Junior High Principal Mr. Brian Mallery, John Kryeski, William Noble, Travis Sirmons, Matthew Mosier. Absent from photo: Dakota Jones. Elk Lake Junior High School principal Brain Mallery has announced the November, 2005 Students of the Month for grades seven through nine.
Kristy Pavelski Makes N C Dean’s List Michael and Rachel Pavelski are proud to announce that their daughter, Kristy (pictured), a freshman at Neaumann College made the fall, 2005 Dean’s List.
Blue Ridge Elementary “Reads For 2006” On Friday, December 2, Blue Ridge Elementary students joined millions of other students around the world in reading for one-half hour. Scholastic’s sponsored event encouraged schools to create a reading theme to set the stage for their unified reading activity. Blue Ridge Elementary chose the theme “A Day at the Beach,” and each grade level went about decorating their classroom reading areas with palm trees and beach environments. A special beach lunch was prepared to go along with the reading theme. Students were invited to bring beach towels, and wore summer clothing while reading in their beach environments. Pictured (l-r) are Blue Ridge Elementary Fifth Grade Students Iliene Fitch, Jessica Jhingoor, Devon Sieben, Sara Schmidt, Tyler Drake. Students selected books of their choice to read, and were made aware of the fact that millions of other students around the world were participating in this initiative at exactly the same time. At the close of the students’ reading time, the PTO provided snacks/refreshments. The activity gave the students and teachers the opportunity to participate in a program that encourages children all over the world to celebrate the joy of reading.
More than 375 students graduated from Pennsylvania College of Technology at the conclusion of the Fall 2005 semester. Commencement ceremonies were held Saturday, December 17 at the Community Arts Center in Williamsport. Graduating from our locale with an Associate of Applied Science Degree were the following students. Geno Bo Plutino, Elm St., Susquehanna, Automotive Technology. Erick M. Stone, RR 1, Susquehanna, Automotive Technology.
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