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EL Forensics Team Starts Strong The Elk Lake Forensics Team opened its season by bringing home three trophies at the James M. Langan Memorial Forensics Tournament at Scranton High School on November 12. Elk Lake’s debaters led the way. In Varsity Lincoln-Douglas Debate, junior Molly Copeland compiled an undefeated, 4 win and 0 loss record in the preliminary rounds by defeating debaters from LaSalle, Holy Ghost, Southern Lehigh and Shikellamy High Schools and advanced to Semi-Finals as the top seed. EL Forensics Team Place Winners at the James M. Langan Forensics Tournament at Scranton HS on November 12 (l-r) are: Karyn Hunsinger – fourth place in Varsity LD Debate; Molly Copeland – second place in Varsity LD Debate; Max McKeon – fifth place in Varsity Student Congress. Sophomore Varsity LD debater Karyn Hunsinger compiled a 3 win and 0 loss record in the preliminary rounds by defeating debaters from LaSalle, Southern Lehigh and Holy Ghost High Schools and advanced to Semi-Finals as the fourth seed. Because of their seedings in Semi-Finals, Copeland and Hunsinger were paired against each other. Elk Lake’s coaches advanced Copeland because of her higher seeding in Semi-Finals. This resulted in Hunsinger placing fourth in Varsity LD Debate. Consequently, Copeland advanced to Finals where she met Jill Maratek from Shikellamy HS. Copeland lost a split decision and placed second in Varsity LD Debate. Elk Lake’s third trophy came from sophomore Max McKeon who placed fifth in Varsity Student Congress in a field of 25 competitors. The EL Forensics Team will begin its Scranton CFL schedule on December 3 at the University of Scranton. They will then travel to suburban Philadelphia to compete at the annual LaSalle Forum Tournament on December 10.
The Blue Ridge High School Student council held its annual Semi-formal on November 5. Crowned King was Dan Allen (above right). Crowned Queen was Tiffanie Grover (above left). Court included Leanne Ferecnzi, David Ostrowski, Joseph Bennett, Jessica Burkett, Kelly Brant and Anthony Lewis, Freshman Dayna Keene and Nick Smith.
Students, Seniors Making History Information on daily life in Susquehanna County in the early 1900’s is scarce. By recording oral histories, local high school students are helping to change this. On Saturday, November 5, Emily Klie and Gabby Printz (Montrose), Blaise Ross (Blue Ridge), and Julianne Spadine and Virginia Wilmarth (Elk Lake) participated in the first series of interviews planned by the Susquehanna County Oral History Project (SCOHP). SCOHP is a group of writers and researchers interested in preserving information on the fabric of local life during a time that is little documented. Julianne Spadine and Eloise Bunnell With a grant from the Lorna W. Reynolds Children's Development Fund, SCOHP provided training, equipment, and support to these students and paired them with seniors willing to contribute their memories to a growing historical archive. Gabby Printz and Lee Smith SCOHP members thank Eloise Bunnell, Walter Cook, Evelyn Galloway, Elsie Hackbart, and Lee Smith for sharing their lives with these young people. Julianne and Emily wanted to know more about the challenges women faced 50 and 60 years ago. Mrs. Bunnell and Mrs. Hackbart, who both raised a family and worked outside the home, could tell them firsthand. Mr. Smith provided Gabby, who is interested in local politics, some insight based on his own unique experiences. Blaise learned from Mr. Cook that one of the effects the automobile had in Clifford Twp. was to widen the geographical area for finding potential spouses from about 5 to 25 miles. Virginia, interested in World War II, learned from Mrs. Galloway what ration coupons were and that, because Mrs. Galloway didn't have any for shoes, the ones she wore to her wedding were made of cardboard. The interviews were captured on digital recorders. Josh Brewer, Montrose Area High School graduate and an expert with recording equipment, is transferring them to CDs. The students will then index and partially transcribe the interviews. Some students plan to use this experience as the basis of their senior year project. Once the CDs and transcripts are returned to SCOHP, they will be archived at Salt Springs Park. Anyone interested in reading or listening to them, or in becoming involved in this project, can call the park at 967-7275 or Debra Adleman at 278-3371. The collection is young, but it will grow. It will, as it did for Gabby, "shine a light on local history."
Elk Lake Junior High Students Of The Month Elk Lake Junior High School principal Brain Mallery has announced the October, 2005 Students of the Month for grades seven through nine. Pictured (l-r) are: first row – Michael Baldwin, Briana Hollenbeck, Theresa Smurkowski, T.J. Warholic, Lori Swetter, Keek Morahan, Tricia Fassett; second row – Meagan Ploof, Kim Caines, Jordan Cole, Anthony Juser, junior high principal Mr. Brain Mallery, Brad Bonavita, Kurt Steele, Alissa Petty, Aaron Boner, Josh Aten, Hermelo Ramos. Absent from photo: Paula Cox, Kala Robinson, Priscilla Ceccoli.
Mt. View Elem. 1st Period Honor Roll Following is the Mountain View Elementary School first marking period Honor Roll for the 2005-06 school year. GRADE 4: Andrew Adams, Tyler Albert, Samantha Bennici, Paul Chichura, Zach Feduchak, Megan Getz, Bobby Griffin, Katelyn Hartman, Julianna Jarnagin, Nicholas Jarrow, Jillian Kochmer, Alyssa Kress, Tomi Lewis, Tigue Mackie, Peter Maloney, Samantha McWhirr, Matt Mecca, Sarah Nichols, Alexis Oakley, Mikaela Phillips, Tyler Salak, Michael Shevchuk, Chad Wescott. GRADE 5: Chelsie Bartlett, Gabel Bell, Elizabeth Black, Shannon Bollard, Jessica Bostjancic, Rebekah Brown, Tyler Chidester, Colton Esslinger, Victoria Fallon, Owen Flannery, Alexis Hancock, Kerri Jarnagin, Kurtis Jenkins, Marshall Kupinski, Erin McHale, Caroline Miller, Laura Moser, James O'Brien, Bradley Pfahl, Veronica Robbins, Nicholas Sabuacak, Vanessa Sedelnick, Lee-Ann Sherman, Victoria Sterling, Caitlyn Tague, Kelsey Twining, Katie Valentine, Stephanie Virbitsky, Tyler Walsh, Molly Williams, Kari Zupanovich. GRADE 6: Tess Berish, Jeff Bishop, Arron Chidester, Jonathan Chipelo, Nathaniel Chipelo, Marissa Christina, Katherine Cure, Allison Davis, Tabitha Flowers, Maria Garavuso, Michaela Gates, Brian Goble, Dominique Horrocks, Joseph Jarrow, Jesse Johnson, Shannon Kavetski, David Kern, Megan Kress, Cassandra Kudzinowski, Alexis Lewis, Elizabeth Lockwood, Joel Madas, Liam Maloney, Melinda Miller, Melissa Monahan, Casandra Moran, Nathan Moyer, Elissa Muller, Jordan Noldy, Sarah Pulice, Kelly Purdy, Alexandra Scott, Jeff Smalley, Gary Smith, Devon Suhadolnik, Alixandria Taylor, Devin Tonkin, John Valentine, Michael Wakalowski, Melissa Walker.
Mt. View High 1st Period Honor Roll Following is the Mt. View High School first period Honor Roll for the 2005-06 school year. GRADE 7: Gregory Adams, Thor Banks, Barbara Bennett, Alaney Berish, Diandra Bucksbee, Adam Conklin, Ashley Conklin, Aaron Goodenough, Lindsey Harvey, Christopher Herman, Carly Jesse, James Johnson, Katelynn Johnson, Bethany Kavka, Samantha Knowlton, Logan Mack, Julia Madas, Andrea Mason, Michael Mikloiche, Brian Miller, Christopher Powers, Michael Purdy, Brittany Resseguie, Cody Robbins, Kristen Shuster, Mary Skurnowicz, Kenneth VanGorder, Mary Walker, Ryan Walsh, Robert Weiler, Kalena Williams, Olivia Zick. GRADE 8: Ravi Figgles, Miranda Fisher, Sara Garavuso, Stephanie Grushinski, Cody Horrocks, Luke Jenkins, Codie Jones, Sharon Jones, Jacqueline Kochmer, Haley Kwiatkowski, Zachary LaRue, Michael LoSapio, Jonathan McBride, Mark Miller, Kelly Morgan, Robert Novak, Amanda Roberts, Jeffrey Salak, Leah Tantanella, Seth Tiffany, Lucas Walker, Katherine Webster, Kelsey Whitaker, Sean Whitaker. GRADE 9: Elaine Arsenault, Shawnna Benedict, Darlene Bloxham, Sarah Bradley, Calla Bufford, Justin Cerra, Michael Conklin, David Corbin, Bryce Edwards, Sara Evans, Sondra Fallon, Angela Ferrence, James Gething, Michaelene Gongliewski, Nicholas Hancock, Timothy Harmer, Joseph Harvey, Misty Karhnak, Michael Kovacs, David Krizauskas, Michelle Lahnemann, Gerard Lockwood, Jr., Brandi Manzer, Scott Martens, Daisy Matulevich, Brittany McGraw, Chase McLaud, William Merritt, Brandon Miller, Victoria Novajosky, Michael Oakley, William Owens, Alexander Pashchuk, Stephanie Peterka, Joshua Pfah, Kenneth Robbins, Amanda Schmidt, Jessica Short, Suzanne Skurnowicz, Zakkary Snedeker, Melissa Sohns, Donald Tantanella, Shelbey Twining, Sarah Walker, Jacqueline Wayman, Colleen Whitaker, Mariah White. GRADE 10: Maura Bocan, Allison Bodt, Alisha Burgess, Krystal Chubirka, Gina Cicco, Matthew Daniels, Crystal Davis, Stephanie Diehl, Dale Faux, Dale Fisher, Christian Fry, Jr., Kelly Griffin, Joshua Harris, Kyle Holgate, Joshua Jarnagin, Amy Kern, Patrick Lambert, Amanda Leach, Brian Lockwood, Dustin Mack, Amanda Makosky, Christie Marcho, Zachary Matulevich, Matthew Morgan, Justin Moser, Andrew Nichols, Wade Nordahl, Justine Pevec, Matthew Powers, Kelly Rafferty, Kristin Repchick, Nicole Rhodes, Erin Robinson, Casey Schweppenheiser, Megan Shipsky, Brittany Stankiewicz, Marc Taylor, Bonnie Thompson, Rachel Vauter, Justina Wadge, Michelle Wedin, A'Leia Weida, Christina Zick. GRADE 11: Alexander Bodt, Wesley Congdon, John Corbin, William Davall, Kyle Davidson, Julio Faramelli, Diipali Figgles, Meghan Gardoski, Derek Gelormini, Melinda Gentelia, Steven Gillman, Joshua Hancock, Kenneth Jesse, Robert Johnson, Chelsea Marcho, Julie Novak, Adam Oakley, Jeffrey Oakley, Matthew Potter, Hilary Shinn, Jordan Shugart, Brendan Smith, Nicholas Stoud, Lucas Tantanella, Jocelyn Thomas, Whitney Twining, Amanda Tyler, Alisha Ward, Bethany Zablotsky. GRADE 12: Tegan Aherne, Stacy Barney, Donald Belcher, Amanda Bennett, Jonathan Bennett, Sierra Buck, Jacquelyn Buzzerd, Robin Cobb, Andrew Conrad, Justin Davis, Nicole Durland, Shanna Eshelman, Jenna Fancher, Leon Feduchak, Elizabeth Ficken, Stephanie Funke, Kerri Green, Colleen Griffin, Benjamin Griffiths, Joseph Johnson, Luke Kavka, April Kern, Joseph Kochmer, Darek Ladden, Autumn Laske, Matthew Latwinski, Shaynna Mack, Amanda Marcy, Bethany Martens, Caitlyn McBride, Scott McLaine, Jody Molenko, Stacy Morrison, Alicia Oakley, Matthew Panasevich, Luke Parraga, Rebecca Phelps, Brandon Piasecki, Beatty Price, Jenna Regan, Jessica Rudock, Jessica Speth, Samantha St.Clair, Magdalena Stueken, Kathryn Walker, Jesse Walton, Jessica Wedin, Whitney Williams, Amber Zick.
Susky High First Period Honor Roll Following is the Susquehanna Community High School first marking period Honor Roll for the 2005-06 school year. HIGHEST HONORS (93-100) GRADE 12: Jessica Antolos, Christopher Balliet, Stephanie Crandall, Amanda Figueroa, Kimberly Frechen, Katie Lawrenson, Ryan Lee, Brooke McKee, Zack Pannepacker, Casey Phetmoungkhoune, Stephen Sicovitch, Jeremy Travis, Curtis Walker. GRADE 11: Allison Bates, Sarah Biegert, Andrew Crawford, Kathryn DeWitt, Carla Gehman, Meghan Gilleran, Kristin Gumaer, Timothy Haynes, Ashley Hubal, Kirsten Kemmerer, Jessica Lee, Carrie Lewis, William McHale, Nicole Ransbottom, Ellen Reavey, Perri Weldy, Danielle Williams. GRADE 10: Christopher Felter, Tara Flor, Ashley Price, Tamara Sagar, Geri Smith, Craig Soden, Jessica Welch. GRADE 9: Sydney Carmody, Christy Glidden, Jennifer Glover, Brittany Heller, Jessica Hubal, Angela Leonard, Hannah Price, Aaron Soden, Bradley Stone, Jeffrey Williams. GRADE 8: Courtney Dinniny, Nicholas Felter, Thomas Kelly Jr., Kyla Kemmerer, Maggie Lawrenson, Adam Macazan, Michael Nagel Jr, Shawn Norton, Sonal Patel, Brandon Stone, Andrea Walker. GRADE 7: Zachary Baker, Sean Leonard, Nicholas Marco, Kyle Napolitano, Sarah Parsons, Basia Polak, Alex Price, Steven Skurski, Kristen Wentzell, Derek Williams, David Winn. HONOR ROLL (90-93) GRADE 12: Bryan Bowers, Daniel Brinton, Aaron Callender, Jamie Gallagher, Ryan Gilleran, Jordan Jackson, Melissa Leet, Kyle Price, Julia Wallace. GRADE 11: Melanie Biesecker, Wendy Bohannan, Abigail DeWitt, Jia Luo Dong, Kaitlin Flor, Casey Glidden, Andrew Napolitano, Elizabeth Rifenbury, Samantha Schmidt. GRADE 10: Ashley Blewett, Mary Joseph Cotter, Lucas Marion, Angela Petriello, Shawnee Soules, Ashley Troup, Kristy Tyler. GRADE 9: Ashley Aldrich, Christine Biegert, Daniel Boughton, Connor Freitag, Diana Greene, Lindsay Lawrenson, Michael Lloyd, Cody Scepaniak, Lacey Sholtiss, Leann Terpstra, Ashley Wray. GRADE 8: Jordon Aldrich, Scott Arthur, Mindy Batson, Jakilyn DeCicco, John Herbert, Matthew Leet, William Silfies, Courtney Slocum, David Szili, Jami Towner. GRADE 7: Kelly Burke, Kelsey Carmody, Kacie Chesnick, Kalyn Cina, Ryan Rosenthal, Shane Wolf. MERIT ROLL (85-90) GRADE 12: Christopher Baker, Matthew Butts, Jeremy Jumper, Mary Kuhn, Marisa MitchellFlanagan, Bryan Price, Timothy Redington, Allen Russell, Mark Shannon, Lauren Valentine, Armando Vivenzio, Marissa Weidow. GRADE 11: Cameron Arthur, Debra Barton, Shianne Barton, Justin Butts, Andrew David, Christopher Delaney, Joshua Depew, Stephanie Ficarro, Joshua Fisk, Amber Gaffey, Craig Hubal, Brian James, Brian Norton, Caitlin Piercy, Allen Plant, Deanna Stone, Jessica Terpstra, Brianne Thomas, Teri Upright, Billie Jean Wilbur, Ashlie Yoder. GRADE 10: Shayna Benson, Ellen Biegert, Caryn Conklin, Timothy Delaney, Daniel Downton, Kristen Edwards, Michael Ervin, Kirk Fallon, Robert Glover, Shannon Hugaboom, Brent Keyes, Alexandria Kotran, Natalie Piercy, Craig Price, Ashley Repa, Danielle Roy, Rashel Swanson, Cynthia Williams, Megan Zappe, Brittany Zebrowski. GRADE 9: Stephen Andujar, Dylon Beamer, Heather Bixby, Caitlin Burke, Amanda Carvin, Monique Drag, Molly Edwards, Timothy Gall, Chelsea Henry, David Jackson, Kayshia Kruger, Justin Lee, Ellen Matis, Joshua McKinney, Heather MitchellFlanagan, Danielle Moore, Carrie Phetmoungkoune, Kelly Sheriff, Anthony Wayman, Misha Weldy. GRADE 8: Tyler Butts, Kaitlin Callender, Maria Elena Canzoneri, Benjamin Case, Kelly Conklin, Nicole Conklin, Tyler Dibble, Melissa Elliott, Justin Falletta, Eric Fisk, Shane Hugaboom, Kristianna Lake, Kelly Landry, James Marion Jr, James Petriello, Lauren Reddon, Christopher Repa, Gafston Stone, Kayla Valentine, Matthew Welch. GRADE 7: Kimberly Aldrich, Christine Compton, Susan Greene, Kaitlyn Halesky, Julianne Kuhn, Jacob McKinney, Kacey Norris, Jesse Redington, Amanda Roth, Timothy Sagar, Robert Skiba, Zachary Stark, Randy Stone, Courtney Sullivan, David Vales, Nicholas Vales, Melissa Zawisky.
Blue Ridge Elem. 1st Period Honor Roll Following is the Blue Ridge Elementary Honor Roll for the first marking period of the 2005-06 school year. HIGH HONOR ROLL Mrs. Buffington: Samuel Brush, Tyler Drake. Mrs. Chamberlain: Madison Button, Sawyer Dearborn, Jessica Jhingoor, Sara Schmidt. Mr. Mazikewich: Christopher Carlsen, Ashley Klenchik, Tyler Marvin, Ian Robinson. Mrs. Wolfe: Troy Carey, Mary Casella, Allison Coller, Taylor Decker, Elizabeth Fink, Michael Gathany II, Shanyn Mattocks. HONOR ROLL Mrs. Buffington: Melayna Amrien, Akeyla Biesecker, Edward Bryant III, Eric Conroy, Devin Hawk, Janet Ianuale, Joseph Phillips, Joel Warner. Mrs. Chamberlain: Alex Crandall, Theodore DeMartino, III., Riley Fekette, Abigayle Kerr, Patrick Maginley, Nathaniel Wellman. Mr. Mazikewich: Brooklyn Brulla, Stephanie Button, Rebecca Gardner, Edward Gorick, Vincent Kruse III, Kristen Kubasti, Karleen Mazzone. Mrs. Wolfe: Harley Ayers, Ê. Melody Carpenter, Jacob James, Michelle Moser.
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