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FOR SALE: Little pigs, nine available, seven weeks. $45.00 each. Large bear rug, $350.00. call (570) 465–7125 or (570) 465–3146, leave message. (S28-TF) FOR SALE: Skyline mobile home. Three bedrooms, two baths (one with garden tub), living room, kitchen w/dining area, stove, refrigerator, skirting, shed. Heated with LP gas – very efficient. Setup in trailer park. Very good condition. Asking $20,000. Call (570) 879–4409. (2T-O12) REWARD: $1,000.00 for supplying information leading to the recovery and conviction of those men who broke into my residence and removed three firearms on October 6, 2005. Call 465–7408. (2T-O19) FOR SALE: Fed Ex route. Earnings 65K plus per year. Route and two-year old truck, 50K. Call (570) 465–9374 after 5:00. (O19) FOR SALE: Craftsman snow thrower, 24 inch, self-propelled. $150.00. Also, medicine cabinet, unused, $50. Phone (570) 756–3136. (O19)
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