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Help Wanted
HELP WANTED: Porosky Lumber is currently hiring for full-time employment in the sawmill. Please stop at the office (junction of Routes 370 and 247) in Preston Park, PA to fill out an application and immediate interview. (M4-TF) HELP WANTED: Part-time animal caretaker needed. Weekends and holidays a must. Please call (570) 727–3458. (2T-M4) LINE COOK/KITCHEN PREP: For dinner service Wednesday through Sunday, late afternoon to evening hours. Work with CIA trained chef in a fine dining atmosphere. Call Bob at (570) 679–9500 or apply at Stone Bridge Inn & Restaurant. (A20-TF) HELP WANTED: Full-time, Tuesday – Saturday, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m., Great Bend Exxon, Rte. 11, Great Bend, PA. Apply in person. (3T-M11) SUMMER OPPORTUNITIES: Counselors, lifeguards, office manager, cook, EMT/nurses needed for Girl Scout overnight camp. 18+ Call (570) 344–1224 or e-mail (2T-M11) THE SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY is asking for donations for its annual fund-raiser yard sale. Items may be brought to the shelter in Montrose everyday from 10:00-3:00, except for Sundays and Wednesdays. Please, no clothes or books. Questions call 278–1228. (M11)
FOR SALE: Air conditioner (needs 220 line), weight bench, used lawn mower, 1991 Ford Tempo (excellent condition), white patio chairs, piano – old but new. 879–8130, leave a message. (M11) FOR SALE: Apartment sized stackable washer/dryer. Standard or sink hookup washer. 120V dryer. Like new. $1,000 new, $450 or best offer. Call (570) 465–7429, please leave a message. (2T-M11)
HOUSE FOR SALE by owner. Vinyl siding, newer roof. Needs minor interior repairs. Large town lot in Susquehanna Boro. $25,000. OBO (570) 853–5031. (A27-TF) RAINBOW TROUT: 6-7 inch and 12-14 inch. Spring sale, Melrose Farm, (570) 727–3257. Weekend sales and by appointment. (8T-A6)
FOR RENT: 1/2 house, up and down, two bedrooms, private driveway. No pets. No smoking. Includes heat, sewer, garbage. Call 853–0946, leave message. (2T-M4) FOR RENT: Studio apartment, private drive. No pets. No smoking. Includes heat, sewer, garbage. Call 853–0946, leave message. (2T-M4) ?FOR LEASE: Over 1,600 sq. ft. of store space in Lanesboro. Can be used for retail store or business office space. Adequate parking. $450.00 per month, plus security deposit. 853–3694. (M9–TF)
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