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Susky Nixes Police Agreement

With all  members present, president Ron Whitehead presided at the February 22 meeting of the Susquehanna Boro Council. At his request, an item was added to the agenda, reopening discussion on the proposed shared police services agreement with Great Bend Boro. There was some debate as to whether or not this item should be added; a special meeting had been held on February 15 to discuss the matter. At that meeting, a motion had carried to authorize the boro solicitor to draw up a contract, but (due to a family situation) Mr. Bronchella had left the meeting before the motion was brought to a vote; a tied three-to-three vote was broken by Mayor Hurley. Mr. Whitehead felt that Mr. Bronchella should have the opportunity to vote on the matter, and questioned whether it was prudent for council to continue spending money to pursue it.

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G. B. Twp. Gets New Roadmaster

A handful of regulars attended the February 22 meeting of the Great Bend Township board of supervisors, and heard one of the three, George Haskins, submit his resignation as roadmaster. It wasn’t unexpected, really, since Haskins expressed a desire last fall to vacate the position to attend to his business. With the majority of winter pretty well behind us (fingers crossed), and with confidence in his successor, the timing was right for Haskins to step down from this responsibility.

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