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HEADLINES: East Ararat United Methodist Church is changing its winter schedule. Sunday 9 a.m. services will continue with the exception of Sunday, January 30 and Sunday, February 27. Saturday, January 29, a covered dish supper will be held at 4:30, followed by a 6:00 service. No Sunday, January 30 service. Again on Saturday, February 26 a covered dish supper will be followed by a 6:00 service. No Sunday, February 27 service.
Holy Name Of Mary New Year Masses Holy Name of Mary Church, Montrose announces the following events to begin the new year. Friday, December 31: New Year’s Eve – 7:00 p.m. mass, followed by Eucharistic Adoration; 12:00 midnight, Benediction, followed by mass. Saturday, January 1: Feast of Mary, Mother of God – 9:00 a.m. Holy Day mass; 5:15 p.m. Vigil Mass for Epiphany. Sunday, January 2: regular mass schedule – 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Friday, January 7: monthly Eucharistic Adoration will begin after the 12:10 p.m. mass and conclude with Benediction at 7:00 p.m. followed by mass. The Men of the Sacred Heart will also be in attendance. Father Nash serves as Pastor.
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