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HEADLINES: It was an evening of presentations at the regular monthly meeting of the Montrose Borough Council held on October 4, and they were made before a full council house, plus borough solicitor Jason Legg.
Ridge Return Applications! Sometime before the end of this year, all property tax payers in Pennsylvania will receive forms allowing them to apply for property tax relief under the new Act 72 measure passed by the legislature this summer. The Blue Ridge School Board is urging all property owners to return the forms promptly. Why? Because the school district is responsible for mailing the forms, mailing follow-up forms if necessary, and managing the process. And all of that costs money and time. According to Business Manager Loren Small, a single mailing would cost about $2,200. The actual mailings will be done by a private firm, InfoCon, under a contract involving a number of cooperating school districts.
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