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Welcome! HEADLINES: It was reported at the May 3 meeting of the Thompson Boro council that final close-out figures are still, as of the date of this meeting, not available for the boros sewage project. A final cost is needed to determine how much money will be available for street paving. Council president Dennis Price reported that the project engineers are trying to expedite the paperwork, but until all bills and cost reports have been compiled the exact figure is not known. In the meantime, council is concerned that paving costs are rising almost daily, which will impact the scope of the paving that can be done. Spiffing up New Milford and improving the quality of life of its residents was the topic of various discussions throughout the regular monthly meeting of the Borough Council held last Thursday evening. These ranged from Mayor Joe Taylors suggestion that council members entertain a burning ordinance, especially in the summertime when smoke enters neighbors houses, and especially when the burning is of tires and plastic and paint cans, to what to do about property-owners and neighbors whose property looks less like a yard and more like a junk pile. This site is on a subscription only basis. The Obit and Classified pages have open access. You will need to be a paid subscriber to have complete access to the entire Susquehanna County Transcript website. Thank you for visiting.
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