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Elk Lake Passes Budget

Elk Lake School Board passed its preliminary budget at a Tuesday, May 13 budget meeting, calling for an 8.4 mill increase for its Wyoming County residents and a .4 (point 4) mill decrease for Susquehanna County residents. The budget is now ready for public inspection, before a final budget is passed.

Market values are set by the State Tax Equalization Board when more than one county is involved, and these figures are reportedly two years behind. However, Board member Bruce Marshall of Meshoppen Borough asked why tax rates increase when there is an increased assessed value of properties which should make taxes go down.

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More, Less Taxes In Blue Ridge

The Blue Ridge Board of School Directors had a busy evening on May 12, and the 37-point business agenda was only an outline of what they had to consider. The key issues, as usual, concerned money, in this case, where's it going to come from? There was a plea from the County for tax abatement, while at the same time the Board was considering a modest property tax increase, and nobody knows yet how much the state will contribute.

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