Wanted HELP WANTED: Summer Fun as Girl Scout Overnight Camp Staff, June 7-Aug. 9. Positions inc. Unit Leader (21/older); Caretakers Helper, Kitchen, Horseback Riding, Lifeguard (18/older). Call (570)344-1224 for info-app. EOE (M14) NEED A TAG? ID tags (military style) for dogs, cats, children, adults, for any occasion. Call Lou Parrillo, 853-3835. (N6-TF) BECOME A KIDSPEACE FOSTER PARENT: Call us in Tunkhannock for more info, 8369987 or 8005512238. (4T-M7) ALL STEEL BLDGS.: Up to 60% off! 30X40, 50X80, 70X150. Call now! First come, first serve! Can deliver! Roy (800) 499-2760. (2T-M7) FOR SALE: Wolff Tanning Beds. Affordable, convenient. Tan at home. Payments from $25/month. Free color catalog. Call today, 1-800-842-1305. (M14) 3-STEEL BLDGS.: 28x30 was $8,900, sell $3,890; 36x48 was $14,900, sell $5,950; 48x100 was $26,900, sell $12,900. Call now! Tom (800) 3927806. (M14) HOUSE FOR SALE: 22X53 double wide, 3 bdrm, 2 bath. Separate 28x32 2-car garage, 12x16 garden shed. All on 1 1/2 acres along Rte. 11, Great Bend, PA. Must sell! Building new home. $60,000.00 offers 8794461. (4T-M14) None this week. For $10 you can place a classified ad up to 20 words for 4 weeks on our website. Payment must accompany your ad copy we do not bill for classied advertisements. This is for NON-COMMERICAL Classifed Ads only. Business classified advertisers, please call us at 570-853-3134 or e-mail us at for rates and information.
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