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Gold From God's Word
Lenten Mission At Holy Name Of Mary
Ecumenical Service Enjoyed
Vocal Ensemble At SNM Baptist
Way Of Cross At Holy Name Of Mary
Lutheran Church Holy Week Services
Voices Of Praise At Bridgewater Baptist


According to the Pocono Record in Stroudsburg ( May 15, 1996), parents of a sixth grader were suing the East Stroudsburg Area School District for what they claim as subjecting their daughter to a compulsory strip and body cavity search. It turns out that their daughter and 58 other J. T. Lambert Intermediate School girls were summoned to the infirmary. The school nurse instructed them to strip down to their underwear in preparation for a gynecological examination.

Some parents said their daughters asked not to have their genitals examined but were told they "had" to. Some of the girls started to cry and at least one was denied the right to call home!

The school was greeted with a storm of parental protests. The doctor who performed the exam said she was looking for "warts or lesions." She said, "I want to do what's in the best interest of the children," adding later, "Even a parent doesn't have the right to say what's appropriate for a physician to do when they're doing an exam."

This type of arrogance seems to be becoming more and more the part and parcel of today's education and medical fields. Thomas Sowell's "Inside American Education" gives numerous examples of schools usurping parental authority, i.e.: doing what they, as opposed to the parents, think is best for the children. Often what they do is unbeknownst to parents. Fifth and sixth graders are shown films of child birth and pornographic scenes under the subject of "Health." Concealed agendas are often clothed in the terms "health education" and "gifted students."

Maybe the problem of America's youth is found on the inside rather than the outside. Maybe this is why, in 1940 the number three problem in public schools was "making noise" and, in 1992 was "pregnancy." In 1940, the number five problem was "out of line" and in 1992, was "rape"! Perhaps the sex education course stimulates instead of educates!

Parents pay schools to teach their kids how to read, write and do arithmetic. They don't pay them to undermine and challenge parental values and authority! It's time that is made clear. It's under Communism that the government has more authority over children than parents! America has gone from a Republic to a Democracy and maybe we're not as far away from being Communistic as you may think!

This decline in a society is described in Romans Chapter 1 verses 18-32. It is the result of suppressing God out of a society! Think about it!

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Lenten Mission At Holy Name Of Mary

Tom Edwards, a lay Catholic evangelist, will present a Lenten Mission at Holy Name of Mary Parish, Montrose, March 31 through April 2, beginning at 7:00 p.m. each evening. Monday evening will begin with Mass, followed by Tom’s talk on "The Personal Touch." Tuesday’s talk is "Heart Transplant," followed by individual confessions with visiting priests. Wednesday will also begin with Mass, followed by the mission talk, "Forgiveness."

Tom Edwards has given his "Journey into Scripture Parish Missions" throughout the United States, England, Wales, Canada, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Kazakhstan, Jamaica, Ghana, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania and South Africa. Tom’s goal is always to bring the Word of God alive and applicable to one’s life today.

Father Nash and the parishioners of Holy Name of Mary invite all to attend. For further information, call 278–1504.

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Ecumenical Service Enjoyed

The Brooklyn Universalist Church was one of approximately ten Susquehanna County churches cooperating in the annual Ecumenical Lenten Services, on Wednesday night, March 12.

The Brooklyn Church on Maple Street was filled to capacity as members of congregations joined together for a service for this sacred Christian season.

The prelude that evening was provided through the talents of Hendrick Marr as he played "By Faith," written by Bertha Frick. The Mountain View Chimettes presented the postlude as they played "Festive Fanfare". During the evening the latter played "Lamb of God Most Holy" and "Lord of All Hopefulness" to the packed church.

Members of the New Milford Choir sing a special hymn for the annual Susquehanna County Ecumenical Lenten Service.

The opening was from the Book of Psalms and was shared by Rev. Deborah Vandermark-Daily of the Hop Bottom/Brooklyn United Methodist Churches and Rev. Dan Littleton of the Great Bend United Methodist Church. Rev. Ralph Christianson acted on the behalf of the Universalist Church as host to this wonderful gathering of congregants and ministers from various places in the County.

Rev. Charles Casaretti delivered the evening's Pastoral prayer, which was followed immediately by a special musical sharing from the New Milford United Methodist Church. Rev. Joyce Allen of the New Milford and Heart Lake United Methodist Churches led the Profession of Faith.

The children's time was handled with finesse by Rev. Ben Robinson of the Gibson Charge United Methodist Church. The children were drawn to his warm delivery, addressed to them. The biblical text shared for the evening, Luke 13:13-35, was delivered by Rev. David Riley of the First Baptist Church of New Milford.

"The Hen in the Foxhouse", the evening message, left everyone with much room for pause in their lives, as the Rev. Ed Wolf of the First Presbyterian Church of Hallstead reflected on the Lord's talent for dealing with fox-like people in the world.

Rev. Casaretti delivered the final Benediction, prior to the postlude offered by the Chimettes. All were invited downstairs for refreshments that were courtesy of the Universalist women's organization at the Brooklyn Church.

The series will continue until the last week in Lent. For information on the services, it is recommended you contact any of the pastors in the churches listed in this service here.

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Vocal Ensemble At S N M Baptist

Word of Life Bible Institute's Second Year Vocal Ensemble, The Victory Ensemble, will be performing at South New Milford Baptist Church, 7 p.m. on April 5 and 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, April 6. The Victory Ensemble will present a rally and concert, singing traditional and contemporary Christian music. Mr. Brian Donley, Director of Music at Word of Life Bible Institute, has a master of music degree and has directed the music at Word of Life since 1977.

The Victory Ensemble, a group of men and women in their second year at the Word of Life Bible Institute, travel to churches, schools, and special events testifying in word and song of their love for Jesus Christ. Don't miss The Victory Ensemble singing in concert at South New Milford Baptist Church on April 5 and 6! The church is located on Rt. 848 approximately 1 mile west of Interstate 81.

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Way Of Cross At Holy Name Of Mary

On Sunday, March 30, at 7:00 p.m. the senior high school youth group of Holy Name of Mary Parish, Montrose will be presenting "The Living Way of the Cross," a dramatic reenactment of the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Special music will enhance the presentation. Everyone is invited to attend. Father Jim Nash serves as Pastor.

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Lutheran Church Holy Week Services

The Great Bend Hallstead Lutheran Church, 302 Main Street, Great Bend, PA, will hold services on Palm Sunday at 8 a.m., and Easter Sunday at 8 a.m. On Good Friday there will be a Tenebrae service at 3:30 p.m. The Good Friday and Easter Services will be led by Rev. Bode. Everyone is welcome to join. For further information call (570) 879-5154.

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Voices Of Praise At Bridgewater Baptist

Voices of Praise, a select group of nine young ladies from Practical Bible College, Johnson City, NY, will be at the Bridgewater Baptist Church on Sunday, April 6, 10:45 a.m. These singers have voluntarily committed their time to develop their music skills in order to minister and represent their college in area churches. Each spring they travel throughout New York and Pennsylvania to encourage and uplift through music and testimony and are excited about serving the Lord in this manner.

The people and pastors at Bridgewater Baptist Church, located on the corner of Church and Spruce, Montrose, invite the public to attend worship with them on Sunday, April 6, 10:45 a.m., and be blessed by this inspiring group of singers. For more information or directions, call the church office at (570) 278-2352.

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