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It Stops A Beating Heart

January 22, 2003 marks the 30th anniversary of the Roe V. Wade Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion on demand. The number of babies aborted stayed at 1 1/2 million per year until just recently when an 11% drop in teen abortions was reported. We can only hope that these teens, peers of the millions who were aborted, are beginning to see that the death of the baby before birth is not a solution.

All of the promises of those promoting abortion thirty years ago stand in mocking denial of the truth. The most painful for me was the promise of less child abuse. Today new babies are being thrown away, left to die in horrible places. Sexual and physical abuse of America’s children is commonplace. When we refused to stop the slaughter of these innocent little citizens we lost a part of our moral compass. Our rights have always rested on our obligation not to interfere with another’s rights. With advanced ultrasound techniques we can now see the personhood of the fetus. But to see we must look.

The right to life of the child in the womb has been denied for 30 years because we have ignored the fact that abortion stops a beating heart – the beating heart of a living, growing human person. We have denied or ignored the fact that the scientific world has always insisted that a life is a continuum from conception until death. Albert Einstein was Albert Einstein at conception, just as he was when he developed the theory of relativity. It was just a matter of maturation.

Yes, thanks to Roe/Wade, America has the legal right to terminate a pregnancy but hopefully, soon we will come to understand we have no moral right to terminate the life and future of the baby in the womb.

If you are one of the countless women who are struggling with a past decision to abort and need to talk to someone, Rachel’s Vineyard is a national ministry with local representatives who stand ready to be there for you. 1 877-HOPE – 4 -ME or www.rachelsvineyard.org


Annette Corrigan

Jackson, PA

Combine The Two!

We are in agreement with "Izzy" Benson and Jim & Mary Bradstreet in regards to combining the two get togethers for the summer.

I am also a graduate of Laurel Hill Academy, Class of 1953 and would like to attend the High School Class reunions and the Sesquicentennial that is being planned for the Summer of 2003.

I live in Las Vegas, Nevada and with them scheduled at different times I would be unable to attend both functions.

I receive the Transcript and will be looking for further information about these two events.


Marjorie (Morris) Carson

Las Vegas, NV

Stop Taxing Our Property

Armstrong County was reassessed six years ago. I was very proud to represent the 77,400 citizens who signed the STOP (Stop Taxing Our Property) petitions demanding that the state legislature and governor abolish all property taxes on homesteads – primary residences – in Pennsylvania and replace them with more equitable taxes (which would be less costly to collect), to meet the needs of our schools, municipalities and counties. The people that signed these petitions accepted them like manna from heaven. We have now collected over 80,350 signatures.

Just like the miners who were dug out of that hole in Pennsylvania, our senators and representatives can dig us out from the burden of this unfair property tax brought to us from a bygone era. It is a cancer that is eating our society and state.

Well, folks, we are still here! We are getting stronger and stronger every day. Strength is in numbers and organization. Our strength comes from every taxpayer across the state of Pennsylvania. Join us in this effort to save our home from the unconstitutional oppression, the property tax system. It must be abolished, not reduced. The waste in government spending must also be abolished or there can’t be any solution.

Here’s what you can do to help: sign the petitions and distribute to family, neighbors, and to other counties. Our goal is to have one million signatures in six months. Petitions can be obtained by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to STOP, c/o TREC, P.O. Box 278, Elderton, PA 15736. You can visit the website at www.grandoldusa.com.


Lee Blose

Dayton, PA

Saluting Our Directors

Local school directors embody the American spirit and tradition of volunteerism and public service. They volunteer to serve in an unpaid, sometimes unheralded, position that requires them to spend from 16-20 hours per month reading, planning and meeting in an effort to ensure our students receive a quality education.

In addition to overseeing the budget, and dealing with taxation and funding issues, our school directors also negotiate employee contracts, hire employees and select the superintendent.

January is "School Director Recognition Month" in Pennsylvania, a time to recognize the valuable contributions of our school directors. They ensure decisions about our schools are made as close as possible to the needs of our community and our children.

The Blue Ridge School District thanks our school directors for their achievements and dedicated service: Denise Bloomer, Harold Empett, Lonnie Fisher, Dawn Franks, Priscinda Gaughan, Cindy Gillespie, Alan Hall, J. Thomas Phillips, and Joel Whitehead.

Public education is the only unit of local government spelled out in the Pennsylvania Constitution, which empowers school directors to set policy within the framework of the statutes enacted by the General Assembly. Our school directors clearly demonstrate a desire to serve our community in this unique public service role.


Blue Ridge School District

Molds Are In Most Houses

Molds are omnipresent in our lives and environment. You could fumigate your house and the molds would soon reappear. Especially the older houses, like the one I live in, have seasonally wet basements. Molds thrive on moisture, and "go to sleep" when it is dry.

In three days that my bath mat might lie in the damp tub, the underside turns black; mold has grown. After three days, that bread is old, it has green edges; mold has grown.

If you work in an old, damp house, disturbing the dust, you may inhale molds that could cause sickness. Molds are germs, like bacteria and viruses are germs. Any can cause sickness; that’s why we have doctors.

Mold is not site-specific to the CASS house in Montrose. But when that house was unheated for some time, molds grew, as one would expect. Expect the same for my house, and most of the old houses in Montrose.

The solution is this: keep your house heated, e.g., when you go to Florida; dryness is the cure.


Paul B. Kerr, MD

Montrose, PA

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