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St. Paul’s Raises Money For Library


St. Paul’s Raises Money For Library

Members of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church recently met with Head Librarian Sue Stone to present a check in the amount of $787 to benefit the Susquehanna County Library System.

Pictured (l-r) above: Charlotte Ellis, Carol Marker and Ellie McKeage from St. Paul’s Episcopal Church; Sue Stone, Head Library, Susquehanna County Library System.

St. Paul’s Arts and Crafts Festival, which coincided with the annual Blueberry Festival, included a raffle of 5 unique gift baskets to benefit the library. According to Carol Marker, co-chair of the raffle, “the purpose of our festival was twofold - to raise money for the library, and to raise funds for the ongoing restoration of St. Paul’s Church and Parish House, which is a hub for many community activities including the monthly Vesper Services and the Adult School.” Marker and her co-chair Charlotte Ellis established themes for the five baskets to be raffled - Summer, Just for Kids, Christmas, Pets and Cocktails at Five. Through the generous donations of members of St. Paul’s parish, giant baskets were created for each theme. Ellis noted, “the response from the parish to our request for donations was overwhelming and our baskets were overflowing to the point that some prize themes actually included multiple baskets.”

Ellie McKeage, who assisted with ticket sales and is a former member of the library board joined Marker and Ellis for the check presentation and commented, “the outpouring of support for the Blueberry Festival and all the corresponding events truly exemplifies the heart of this community and the significant role the library plays in all of our lives. St. Paul’s is very proud to be part of this effort and I thank you and the library board for your heartwarming cooperation throughout the planning process for this event and for the wonderful services you provide throughout the county.”

Winners of the raffle baskets, who ranged from Montrose to as far away as Philadelphia, enthusiastically returned to St. Paul’s to collect their prizes following the drawing. Sue Stone expressed her appreciation to St. Paul’s, adding “this is the third consecutive year that St. Paul’s has worked to raise money for the library. We are truly grateful for the funds, and even more grateful for their commitment to the needs of the library.”

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