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HEADLINES: Shuttle Bus Debates At MVSD It was full enough at the July 26 Mountain View School Board meeting that extra chairs had to be procured for the overflow. After an executive session, which led the meeting to begin approximately a half hour late, the crowd filed into the board room to observe the business of the district. During the first hearing of visitors, Corinne Mckinney inquired as to the transportation items, especially one discussing alternatives to a bus contract reduction. She was asking if one run which had been given up meant that one route would not be refilled. Dr. Chichura explained that perhaps he utilized the wrong word when he said reduction. That item was referring to the SCCTC runs, but the district needed to fill the slot caused by the resignation. Ms. Mckinney then asked where, after the recent budget crunch, the district was finding the money to bring the shuttle buses back, after they were voted out. Also, she wondered, since the shuttle buses were being readdressed, would the bidding process be reopened so that new bids could be brought in. Mr. Mirabelli explained that, were the program to indeed be reinstated (it was only on the agenda for reconsideration) they were not planning on reopening the bids. She then reiterated her question about where the money was coming from, explaining that she felt if extra money were being found, it might better be used for the school nurse, or other educational needs. Dr. Chichura said that one of the major concerns regarding the shuttle buses being eliminated was that education would suffer, as students staying after for tutoring would not be able to do so if they did not have transportation. Mr. Mirabelli stated that all he was saying was the board was reexamining the cost benefit nature of the shuttle buses. Mrs. Rhinhart-Cowan then said that she had run some numbers, after being asked to reevaluate this. She stated that she would support the shuttle runs for the purposes of two days a week for tutoring, but that she would not do so for five days a week. In Brooklyn and Harford, she quoted the numbers, there were less than ten students on the buses, which she called a carpool. She said that she would not support a motion to bring the shuttle buses back for five days a week to all three areas. Out of a hundred and seventy days, a hundred and seven days had less than seven students in Harford, according to her research. Ms. Mckinney then suggested that the district consider car contracts instead. She then broached the subject, as a school bus driver, against putting pre-k children on the bus. She did not see how it would work, calling it a big mistake to put a four or five year old on the same bus as an eighteen year old. Susan Lavin then spoke up suggesting that they reconsider reinstating the shuttle buses five days a week. She listed the number of miles it took her to come here, explaining that, due to the amount of gas money it would take, her children could not participate in all the sports they usually did. She gave her opinion that the district was discriminating against those who live far away in the district. She suggested that perhaps it could only be instated for Clifford, as they are the ones who live far away. Mr. Phillips then spoke up that he would be voting in favor of the bus run to Clifford as they were the ones so far away. The mother said that she felt she might as well take her children to Scranton prep or Holy Cross, if she were driving a half an hour anyway. Charles Wilson was reinstated from furlough. This was the music position cut during the budget cuts earlier in the summer. During his report Mr. Doster presented the student planner and handbook which all students were to receive during the coming year. In the back of the planner a hall pass is located, and he said that they would try to guarantee that the students would carry it. Mrs. Rhinehart-Cowan asked Mr. Doster then about the seventh and eight grade schedules to see if a packet was fixed. She also asked about the retention rates at the high school and the elementary school. Mrs. Pipitone explained that in the elementary school there were four or five at the elementary levels, all but one of which were in kindergarten. At the high school level, Mr. Doster said, a number was harder to pin down, due to the system running on courses. A student might have to repeat a course without repeating a grade. There were, however, four 7th grade students. Also, 24 students were slated to complete the summer school program, and so long as this was completed they would move on. Mr. Beamish then proposed something regarding athletics banquets. Currently there are three separate ceremonies in the cafeteria, and he was surprised at the low turnout. Mr. Doster and Mr. Borgia had explained that over the last three years the number of people attending these banquets had diminished. He was suggesting then, the creation of one sit down dinner banquet at the end of the year to recognize all sports. It would occur in May. Coaches and athletes would eat for free, and it was hoped that the booster clubs could decorate the gym. Parents would have to pay a nominal fee to cover the cost of the food, or perhaps the booster clubs could raise enough money to sponsor the parents. It would be possible to have the banquet in the cafeteria, and then people could move to the auditorium to proceed with awards. He hoped that the board would consider the proposition for further discussion at the next meeting. Ms. Rhinehart-Cowan then asked if the track coaches had yet been paid. Mr. Doster explained that there were 13 uniforms which had yet to be turned in. This was the third year in a row in which there had been high numbers of the uniforms not turned in, with the numbers being around twenty the last two years. As it was stipulated in the handbook, prior to payment all uniforms had to be returned; he had opted to hold the payment for the first year to follow the policy. He wondered when it should be made the school district obligation, after which the matter might be pursued with the magistrate and the families. There is a list of students who have not turned theirs in, and the coaches had been given the list. The coaches were otherwise commended for their work, however. Mrs. Voigt then gave her report, outlining some of the summer program activities. Some students have planted a garden. The library comes periodically, one time bringing an iguana. A family then brought several of their reptiles, and a mini claws and paws was established. This included certain snakes, and a five foot alligator. Mrs. Voigt and Mrs. Pipitone did say that the snakes were non-venomous and the alligator had his mouth duct taped shut. The students apparently greatly enjoyed the process. This motivated them to read about snakes, and they wrote a thank you letter. Regarding the reading recovery program the instructor who was trained last year to be an instructor, may now be able to do her own instruction. There are four area educators, Mrs. Voigt said, who would be interested in the training. The state would provide money for the service, and it would allow the Mountain View staff to save the money to train one of their own. It was also hoped, she said, that the process of erecting a behind the glass classroom could be proceeded with. Mr. Taylor was asked to provide a report on the track. He said that much progress had been made, and that by the end of the week it was planned that rubber would begin to be laid. He did have to report, he said, he caught three people on the track. They had managed to disassemble the chain. They did not go on the sod, which was one benefit, else there would have been footprints left. The process is actually a little bit ahead of schedule, and he suggested that the board come watch the laying of the rubber if they could during the five days it was occurring. The roof project was also progressing. Everything with both projects, he said , was still on schedule to be completed for the week of the sixteenth. During the discussion on the shuttle buses, Dr. Adams stated that he had been the one to request that it be revisited. He spoke of the many things apart from sports which utilized the service. He also hailed from Clifford Township, but did not think that they could only offer it to one area. He proposed a four day a week schedule which would bring about a 20% savings. Mrs. Rinhart-Cowan reemphasized her earlier suggestion of two days a week. Even Clifford, she said, had over ninety or more days of less than twenty students. Mrs. Pipitone expressed her opinion that four days would be better, as big brothers big sisters was being brought in the coming year, and a lot of the tutoring students might also participate in this. If the buses were only used two days a week, she said, everything would have to be scheduled on the same two days, which might limit students who could benefit from a variety of programs. Also, Mrs. Voigt pointed out, intramurals exist, and some of the tutors are also involved in intramurals. Mr. Borgia also expressed a sports concern. Mrs. Yarrish asked Mr. Mirabelli how it would effect the budget; he estimated that it would be about $30,000 for the total program, with a reduction by days it was not run. It would represent a greater amount of money expended than budgeted in that area, he explained, but it did not mean that the budget would have to be reopened. Mrs. Aherne said that three days would be only $18,000, but Mrs. Rhine-hart Cowan was adamant about her low numbers. Mr. Phillips also reiterated his feelings that the district wanted to be fair to the residents who live in Forest City, essentially. Mrs. Pipitone suggested that some days could be reduced when needs aren't really there. She also suggested that the fact that only certain grades at the elementary are allowed, more children might ride. Mr. Mirabelli pointed out that this was an area where some money had to be spent to get money back. Mrs. Voigt explained that students need a certain number of hours of tutoring, and if there was no shuttle bus it could be hard for them to reach these hours. At the high school level, if tutoring is offered on Thursday, it might conflict with detention. The rescinding was approved. The quotes, it was then established, might be invalid, as they were written under the understanding of a steady shuttle service. The quotes would then have to be readvertised, before which the board had to decide how many days they wanted it for. Mrs. Aherne proposed that they ask for quotes for both two and four days, or Dr. Chichura suggested it be bid that they give the per day rate for a certain number of days. Roger Baker asked about the agenda item regarding the principal, which had been skipped. Dr. Chichura answered that the position was vacant, but a consensus had not yet been reached. It might be voted on at the special meeting. Ivy Simons of Harford spoke up about the governor decreasing the school contribution to 5.64%; she asked what the board was planning to do with the balance of the money budgeted for that. Mr. Mirabelli explained that the board had not yet discussed what they wished to do with that, but he assumed that it would be to decrease the $270,000 deficit. They are being advised, however, to hold on to it for when the future spike does come.
Commissioners Meeting Brief Those attending the Susquehanna County Commissioners meeting July 28 barely had time to get comfortably seated. With very little business on the agenda, the 9 a.m. meeting adjourned two minutes later. Commissioner Maryann Warren was not present, due to an injured foot. Commissioners Michael Giangrieco and Leon Allen ratified the precheck register for county operating expenses and approved seminar requests for 15 employees from the departments of Soil and Conservation, Children and Youth and Probation. All at a cost of less than $60 to the county. A tax exoneration in the amount of $104.83 was approved for a property in Uniondale Borough, consisting of a trailer in the Stillwater Trailer Court, assessed at $1,000. A purchase of service agreement effective from July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010, between Susquehanna County Services for Children and Youth and National Mentor Healthcare, LLC, of Conshocken, PA, was authorized. This dealt with foster care at a per diem rate of $88. The next Susquehanna County Commissioners meeting is 9 a.m., Wednesday, August 11, in the county office building downstairs conference room, 31 Public Ave., Montrose.
Courthouse Report DEEDS Aimee J. Randall and Joan B. Grover to B & D Brothers LLC, in New Milford Township for $5,000.00. Ronald J. and Gail A. Cosklo to Von Barhight and Heather Ohmnacht, in Clifford Township for $207,000.00. Theresa A. Visavati (estate) to Kevin, Keith and Kathleen Visavati, in Auburn Township for one dollar. Wendy L. Richards to James L. Richards, in Franklin Township for one dollar. Kevin E. and Sandra Benedict to Kevin E. and Sandra Benedict, in Lenox Township for one dollar. Pine Hollow Hunting Club to Flying Buck LLC, in Rush Township for $16,125.00. Martin and Christine M. Barhite to Martin and Christine M. Barhite, in Clifford Township for one dollar. Ronald L. and Rebecca Henderson to Ronald L. Henderson, in Harford Township for one dollar. William C. (by atty) and Mildred W. Booth to Thomas R. and Debra Honeyford, in Franklin Township for $127,000.00. Fred L. and Susan R. Sherman to Kurt and Jody Sherman, in Springville Township for one dollar. Gloria Gomez to Ernest I. and Bernadette Harris, in New Milford Borough for $25,000.00. Stephanie Cochran (NKA) Stephanie Butler to Stephanie Butler, in Harmony Township for one dollar. Brian A. Diaz (by atty) to Maria Diaz, in Harford Township for one dollar. Karin M. Kiernan (estate) to John Kiernan, in Silver Lake Township for one dollar. Betty A. Beeman to Betty A. Beeman, Cynthia Stang and Marjorie P. Zagaris, in Rush Township for one dollar. Betty A. Beeman to Cynthia Stang, in Rush Township for one dollar. Betty A. Beeman to Marjorie P. Zagaris, in Rush Township for one dollar. Theodore C., Jr. and Rebecca S. Place to Place Partners Limited Partnership, in Auburn Township for one dollar. Theodore C., Jr. and Rebecca S. Place to Place Partners Limited Partnership, in Auburn Township for one dollar. Theodore C., Jr. and Rebecca S. Place to Place Partners Limited Partnership, in Auburn Township for one dollar. Theodore C., Jr. and Rebecca S. Place to Place Partners Limited Partnership, in Auburn Township for one dollar. David G. Wood to Natural Gas Winds LLC, in Franklin Township for $75,000.00. Aldo S. and Reta A. Bernardo to Clark and Joanne Burr, in Silver Lake Township for one dollar. Carl L. and Shirley I. Carey to James P. Moloney, in Clifford Township for $15,000.00. Pennsylvania Mineral Group LLC to Carrollton Mineral Partners LP, in Springville Township for $10.00. Pennsylvania Mineral Group LLC to Carrollton Mineral Partners LP, in Gibson, Harford, Lathrop and Springville Townships for $10.00. Pennsylvania Mineral Group LLC to Carrollton Mineral Partners LP, in Gibson, Harford, Lathrop and Springville Townships for $10.00. Pennsylvania Mineral Group LLC to Carrollton Mineral Partners LP, in Springville Township for $10.00. Kenneth E. Roon to Kenneth E. Roon, in Choconut Township for one dollar. Robert T. Campbell to David A. and Gail M. Stone, in Bridgewater Township for $65,000.00. McCosar Minerals to E G Energy LLC, Boswell Interests LTD, O P Leonard, Jr. Investment Co. LTD, LAH III Family Specific Interests LTD, Birmingham Corporation, Eldona S. Wright, Thomas M. and Elizabeth G. Zeiders, in Great Bend Township for $10.00. Carl and Marcella Whitney to Donna M. Marcho, in Rush Township for one dollar. Sarah Louise (AKA) S. Louise Williams (estate) to Bridgewater Baptist Church, in Bridgewater Township for $275,000.00. Walter and Faye Buck to Lisa Buck Hescock, in Forest City for one dollar. Raymond G. Sheridan, Jr. (by sheriff) to Mark Arthur and Judy O. Harvey, in Great Bend Township for $25,500.00. Norman E. and Dorothy Turner to Buck Hill Group LLC, in Liberty Township for $60,000.00. Richard H. and Sandra Bennett to John L., III and Melody S. Pauly, in Rush Township for one dollar. Carl E. and Frances J. Westcott and Zana R. Cina to Christy Eger, in Susquehanna for one dollar. Mark L., Deborah L., Maria and Walter Lepay to Edward Szparagowski, in Middletown Township for $95,000.00. Walter G. (AKA) Walton G. Dahlander to Walton G. Dahlander, in Great Bend Township for one dollar. MARRIAGES Joseph Lee Snedeker and Julie A. Singer, both of Clifford Twp. Jonathan R. Lord and Virginia L. Arnold, both of Hallstead. Patrick T. Lestrange and Hyunji Lee, both of Conklin, NY. Brian R. Frisbie and Edythe M. Whitney, both of New Milford. Jack Andrew Gumaer and Gwen Williams, both of New Milford. David Lyons and Elizabeth P. Conant, both of Susquehanna. Kevin Joseph Melan of Laceyville and Ann Marie Karg of Springville. Nicholas R. Pratt and Heidi M. Parmelee, both of Montrose. Mark Anthony Wagner and Rebecca Mae Montonya, both of Montrose. Reed John Shave of Montrose and Shealynn L. Rogers of Meshoppen. Jason Randle Teets and Amanda S. Kilmer, both of Montrose. Jeffrey A. Rodriguez-Vega and Becky Jo Demarest, both of Endicott, NY. Courtney T. MacDonald and Roxzana Jo Jones, both of Union Dale. Frederick P. Seamans and Sandra M. Johnson, both of New Milford. Richard Patrick Kilhullen and Sarah Burke, both of Forest City. Michael Joseph Yoder of Montrose and Pamela K. Decker of Meshoppen. Troy D. Geertgens and Miranda Michaelle Cox, both of Tunkhannock. Matthew Allen Forsyth of Susquehanna and Lori Anne Wright of Ewa Beach, HI. Thomas B. Paugh, Jr. and Heather Lynn Hooper, both of Windsor, NY. Dusty J. Cartrette and Ashley Nicole Meagley, both of Susquehanna. James Warner, Jr. and Rebecca J. Phelps, both of New Milford. DIVORCES Jesse A. Colwell vs. Debra Marvin, both of Susquehanna, married 2009. Janet A. Fish vs. Edward T. Fish, both of Montrose, married 1997. Deanna Shaklee of Montrose vs. Robert Lynn Louis Shaklee of Bergholz, OH, married 1994. Jean Griffiths of Tunkhannock vs. Mark D. Griffiths of Cocoa Beach, FL, married 1994. Wendy L. Vaow of Springville vs. Harry W. Vaow of Tunkhannock, married 1999. Amy Dorak of Apalachin, NY vs. Edward Dorak of Friendsville, married 2006. Tamara Vassil of Lenoxville vs. Robert J. Vassil of Carbondale, married 2004. BENCH WARRANTS The Susquehanna County Domestic Relations Section has bench warrants for the following individuals as of 10:44 a.m. on July 30, 2010. Erika L. Back, Keith Bryant Beach, Harold R. Bensley, Tonya S. Birchard, David Shawn Blaisure, Allen S. Bowman, Ryan T. Brooks, Howard A. Burns, III, James W. Donahue, III, Deborah L. Drish, Robert W. Evans, Jonathan Fathi, Shawn Fiorentino, David J. Fischer, Racheal L. Frisbie, George Graham, David Haines, Jr., Keith G. Harms, Galen Hollister, Kaci Jo Howell, Erik E. Krisovitch, Joshua S. Lee, Charlie J. Legere, Carlos L. Leiser, Jason Lindquist, Jennifer M. Miller, Shane Nelson, Anthony Neri, Michael T. Owens, Sheri Pabon, Arthur D. Quick, David J. Shiner, Richard D. Shoemaker, Kristopher M. Slocum, Duane Spencer, Justin Thompson, Christina L. Trayes, Charles VanWinkle, Jr., William Vonohlen, Keith W. Vroman, Jamie L. Williams, Kenneth L. Wilmot, Jr., Karl D. Zantowsky. Please contact the Domestic Relations Section at 570-278-4600 ext. 170 with any information on the location of these individuals.
Starrucca Borough Minutes The Starrucca Borough Council meeting was called to order by President Jack Downton, on Monday June 7, at 7:00 p.m. at the Starrucca Community Hall. Pledge to the flag. The following members were present: President Jack Downton, V. President Robert Martin, Barbara Glover, and Michael Martin. Unable to attend: Robert Buck; absent: Mayor Maryann DeBalko, Arthur Kopp and Anthony Palonis. The May 7 minutes were read and the motion to accept minutes, with typo correction of truck, carried unanimously. The motion that it be noted the second meeting in May was due to Attorney Treat’s recommendation for lack of voting quorum on May 3, carried unanimously. Treasurer’s report was presented: Borough Secretary volunteered not to take pay at this time due to the bank loan payment due in June for $9,352.90 and lack of funds. The motion to accept treasurer’s report as given carried unanimously. June bills to be paid were presented; the motion to pay bills except loan for Pennstar Bank and Scott Township carried unanimously. J. Downton stated that they will have to take care of Scott Township’s bill. Have to check with Auditors and see what they are requiring from Scott Township. M. Martin questioned what to do about the Pennstar Bank loan. J. Downton explained he had spoke with the bank and that the bank had come up with an idea to help Council out, wait and make payment after September 15, better date because more tax money would be coming in defer now and pay extra interest from June to September 15 and then sign papers that September 15 would be new payment date. A question was asked from B. Glover regarding late fee. The one late fee in 2008 Laura Travis never took care of. The motion to notify Pennstar Bank that Council is more than willing to make the payment date September 15, starting 2010 and following years of the loan, carried unanimously. The motion to table the bill for Scott Township for 2009-2010 bills until Council speaks with the auditors carried unanimously. Discussion on survey from Wayne County Association of Township Officials. R. Martin made mention this has nothing to do with them, since they are a borough and not a township. He is not sure this is something council needs to comply with, maybe they should check with Attorney Treat on this. Jack Downton has two road agreements, one from Hess and the other from County; tabled for now, get copies of both agreements to council members and see what they could come up with. J. Downton suggested putting something in about dust control. Robert Martin made a motion to have Attorney Jeffrey Treat review the survey from Wayne County Association of Township Officials. The motion did not receive a second. A letter from Darl Haynes and his lawyer Joseph T. McGraw was read requesting to review FEMA-PEMA documentation. A letter to Darl Haynes was read to make an appointment to review FEMA-PEMA documentation. Mr. Haynes was asked if he wanted to make an appointment. D. Haynes will call on Wednesday morning to set up an appointment. The motion for Attorney Treat to review the letters from Darl Haynes and Attorney McGraw for his advice on how to handle this matter carried unanimously. The Wall Committee presented documents from FEMA-PEMA on the wall project. During the 2006-2009 council, several documents were never presented at a council meeting. Council would like to know if Darl Haynes withheld Borough documents while he was FEMA agent. The 2006-2009 council portrayed the FEMA money was filed for illegally or wrongfully and could not be used. FEMA-PEMA paperwork states the project was always eligible and Starrucca Borough chose not to do the project. Darl Haynes as FEMA agent zeroed out the Project Worksheets on September 15, 2006. The first thirty-seven thousand dollars ($37,000) was not voted on to send back until 2007 and the eighty-four thousand dollars ($84,000) until 2008. What was portrayed during the 2006-2009 council in Starrucca Borough about the wall project was not the truth. The money did not have to be returned because the wall was privately owned. Starrucca Borough was eligible for the money because they were in a ten year agreement with NRCS. The agreement shows that Starrucca Borough would be responsible as long as there was a danger to life and property. Darl Haynes was asked what documentation he was looking for and he replied “No Comment.” The motion that documentation the wall committee received from FEMA-PEMA become Borough records at this meeting, and attach to motion all pages numbered, carried unanimously. A letter of resignation from Borough Secretary/Treasurer was read. The motion to accept resignation from Rhondra Baldwin as of August 2, 2010 carried unanimously. Buck Bridge still on hold. Jack Downton asked D. Haynes about the audit since it was supposed to be done by June 1. D. Haynes replied “he hadn’t been called.” In old Business, R. Martin found two signs for parking at the ball field. The old hall needs to be cleaned up. R. Martin said he could work on cleaning the hall in between his jobs. The motion that R. Martin start cleaning the hall carried unanimously. A comment was made that Como Construction was doing a fine job on summer road maintenance. Robert Martin asked about the ordinance book. Still have not found and ordinance book. Discussion about getting Borough records from Bugaj. Two requests were received to use borough tables. The motion for Jason Heeman, for June 26, and M. Martin, for June 12, to use tables from the community hall carried unanimously. Public Comment: Paul Everett would like to review FEMA-PEMA documentation make a verbal request at council meeting per request from Borough Secretary. He would also like to inform Council, that he had spent 45 minutes on the telephone with Russell Kratzer regarding wall project, that this project was eligible and always eligible. The Wall Committee is going to do more investigating and move forward with it. Loreda Everett asked council to clarify the first meeting in May due to lack of quorum. J. Downton explained lack of voting quorum. She would like to ask D. Haynes, since he was the only one at the meeting, tonight the financial summary for Buck’s Bridge at 02/06/2006 meeting. “How did he figure Starrucca Borough could afford a nine thousand dollar ($9,000.00) a year loan payment?” “No Comment,” replied D. Haynes. The motion to advertise for a new Secretary/Treasurer in the Town Crier, Transcript, Wayne Independent and Hancock Herald carried unanimously. The motion to adjourn the meeting carried. No further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
Gibson Barracks Report BURGLARY On July 17 at 4:40 a.m., a burglar alarm was activated at the Dundaff Country Store in Clifford Twp. Upon PSP arrival a burglary was discovered. The burglars gained entry by smashing the front entry door, and made off with cigarettes and money. A mid-size older pickup was observed fleeing the scene northbound on SR 247 toward Crystal Lake. Anyone with information about the burglary or anyone who may have observed the truck is asked to call PSP Gibson and reference incident number R05-0777234. DUI On July 23 at 10:42 p.m., a telephone call was received regarding a red Mazda pickup truck off the roadway on Woodborne Rd. in Dimock Twp. Upon arrival, the operator was still behind the wheel of the vehicle, which was running. The operator showed signs of being intoxicated. As he was being placed under arrest for suspicion of DUI he attempted to run away and began to resist arrest. He was arrested and had a preliminary arraignment in front of DJ Peter Janicelli, and was remanded to the Susquehanna County Jail in lieu of $3,000 bail. The defendant, William Deacon, Jr., was charged with DUI, operating while his driver's license was suspended, and resisting arrest. CRIMINAL ATTEMPT BURGLARY On July 24, at 4:58 p.m., an attempt was made to break into the Clifford Pharmacy by smashing the front door glass. The glass stayed intact and no entry was made. Anyone with information is asked to please call PSP and refer to incident number R05-0776920. FOUND PROPERTY On July 13 a bicycle was found at the rear of the Hallstead Plaza in Great Bend Twp. Anyone with information is asked to please call PSP Gibson at (570) 465-3154. THEFT On July 24 at 6:30 p.m. a King Craft Generator was stolen from the yard of Matthew Shager of Gibson. A passerby observed a gold color vehicle in the area around the same time the generator was stolen. CRASH On July 26 at 8:00 a.m., Jerry Filan of Meshoppen was traveling north on SR 3009 when he traveled off of the east berm and sideswiped some small trees before coming to a final rest facing east, where his vehicle impacted some more trees. Filan was utilizing a seatbelt; he was not injured. BURGLARY On July 22, between midnight and 8:00 a.m., Mary Reynolds of Great Bend reported that a window frame was broken in her apartment, which was allegedly entered. Nothing was taken from within. TRAFFIC VIOLATION On July 25, at 2:40 a.m., Edward Graves, Jr. was stopped by police while on SR 92 in Jackson Township. Graves exhibited signs of intoxication and was transported to Barnes and Kasson Hospital for BAC testing. The investigation was ongoing as of the time of report. BURGLARY Between July 23 and 24, between 10 p.m. and 3:30 a.m., forcible entry was made into Jenny Leigh's Diner in Harford Twp. Entry was obtained when the glass in the eastern main entrance door was broken. Once inside the actor removed money from within without authorization or consent. Anyone with any information is asked to please contact PSP Gibson. The investigation was ongoing as of the time of report. BURGLARY Between the 23rd and 24th of July, between 10 p.m. and 6:50 a.m., a glass door and front window were broken in Lapera's service station in Clifford Twp., a building belonging to Francis Lapera of Forest City. Once entrance was obtained, $550 in cash was removed from within. Anyone with information is asked to please contact PSP Gibson. THEFT Between the 19th and 20th of July, during the night time hours, Nicolas Hackett parked his 1998 Green Saturn Sl bearing PA license plate # HMG7103 at his job site located off of Bare Valley Road in Dimock Township. The vehicle had a doughnut spare on the front driver's side. It was parked at approximately 10:30, and then Hackett went to work. While he was there, the vehicle was stolen, and when he returned at approximately 6:30 a.m. he discovered that it was gone. Anyone with any information is asked to please contact PSP Gibson. BURGLARY Between the 9th and 14th of July, George Shofield Co. Inc. of Jackson Township reported that a burglary theft occurred at the company property in that township. Taken during the burglary /theft were two stone saw blades with saw arms attached, two propane tanks, and a gas can. The amount of loss was approximately $1,500 total. CRASH On July 20, at 3:35 p.m., Krystil Hazlett of Montrose was traveling southbound on SR 29 in Liberty Township when, while approaching a right hand curve in the roadway, she failed to properly negotiate the curve and traveled across the opposing lane of travel, striking the buried end of a guide rail. The vehicle became airborne and traveled in a south-easterly direction, cresting an embankment before striking a tree in the right front corner. While it was coming down it struck another tree in the left hand front corner, causing the rear of the vehicle to pitch up, strike a third tree with its roof, and spin approximately 90 degrees clockwise, coming to a rest on its wheels facing a westerly direction. Hazlett was apparently not utilizing safety equipment; she sustained injury of unknown Three juvenile passengers were in child safety seats; they were not injured. ETHNIC INTIMIDATION/THEFT On July 19, between 2 and 9 a.m., one or more perpetrator(s) arrived at Maloney's Restaurant in Hallstead Borough and gained access to the roof of the structure. The 3” by 5” plastic letters were removed form the affixed sign, and new letters were posted, stating a racial phrase. Anyone with information relative to this investigation is asked to please contact PSP Gibson. THEFT On July 27 between 2 and 4 p.m., several pieces of aluminum were removed from a location on SR 171 in Great Bend Township. The pieces were approximately 2 ft. by 16 ft. in size. The vehicle involved in the theft is described as a black and white charcoal pickup truck with a red stripe down the side. THEFT On July 19 two 3 inch by 3 foot wood signs were stolen form the premises of Endless Mountains Studios in Hallstead Borough. CRASH On July 18 at 3:54 p.m., a crash occurred involving two people not mentioned in the report. The incident began when a Dodge Stratus was stopped at a properly posted stop sign at the intersection of SR 247 and SR 2014 in Clifford Twp. At this time the stratus attempted to cross the intersection to go straight onto SR 2014, but struck the right rear tire of a Chevrolet Silverado in the intersection. This caused the stratus to rotate 90 degrees to the right before coming to a rest. The Silverado continued in a straight line in a northerly direction onto SR 2027. When the trooper arrived the stratus was moved from its resting position and onto SR 2014 already. It was drivable, with damage to the front bumper and grille area, however the operator requested it be towed by AAA. The Silverado suffered a flat right rear tire as a result of the impact. No injuries were reported to the trooper; seatbelt use was not addressed in the report. THEFT Between the 8th and 9th of July a tan port-a-john was stolen from a house under construction on Quigly Road in Union Dale. CRASH On July 7, at 8:10 a.m., Evan Tinder of Binghamton was traveling southbound on state highway 267 in Choconut Township when, while attempting to make a left turn into Smokin Joe's parking lot, he pulled into the path of a motorcycle driven by Brian Allis of Brackney. The motorcycle struck Tinder's vehicle in the right side, just in front of the rear tires. Tinder was utilizing a seatbelt; he sustained no injury. Allis was utilizing a motorcycle helmet; he sustained moderate injury. CRASH On July 15, Mark Mcclain of Hallstead was traveling on Route 11 in Hallstead Borough, approaching a work area prior to Wellington Avenue. As he was entering the work zone, he struck a parked vehicle on the right side of the roadway, continuing to push it onto the sidewalk and then striking another parked vehicle. Both of the parked cars were legally parked on the roadway with no operators or passengers inside. Mcclain was utilizing a seatbelt; no injury was sustained. Charges were to be filed in District Court 34-3-02 as of the time of report. CRASH On July 5, at 1:30 p.m. David Mattingly of Conklin was traveling on T599 in Rush Township when he failed to negotiate a curve. The vehicle rolled over. Mattingly was utilizing a seatbelt; he did not sustain injury. If you have information on any of these incidents please contact PSP Gibson at 570-465-3154.
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