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B/R Board Adopts Budget
By Ted Brewster

The Blue Ridge School Board meeting on May 24 started earlier than it usually starts. Board meetings are scheduled for 7:30 p.m., but committees generally meet at 6:30 p.m. Except this time, the Career Development Committee kicked off at about 6:00 p.m. Committee chair Christina Whitney and her team examined a proposal to add a couple of modules to a software package that would help students develop “portfolios” of their work that could be used as a basis for further pursuit of higher education or job interviews. According to committee member (and teacher) Joe Conigliaro, the modules would cost about $125 apiece. Ms. Whitney also hopes to close some gaps in the mapping of courses to career choices, and the principals pledged to make an effort to arrange courses and scheduling to better support students’ career goals.

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Commissioners Hear Complaints
By Susan E. Gesford

Susquehanna County Commissioners Warren, Giangrieco and Allen heard more complaints about the ongoing county re-addressing effort to bring residential locations in compliance with Global Positioning Systems.

Herrick Township resident Carl Stahl questioned the Commissioners about the new address for his property. He was notified of the new address, 15606 SR 374, during the winter, which he complied with. Stahl says his mail is being directed to 30 Airport Drive - an address that does not exist. The Commissioners arranged for Stahl to meet with re-addressing director Art Donato to correct the mistake. Stahl said his main concern was that emergency response vehicles would not be able to locate his home if they were needed.

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