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Issue Home March 17, 2010 Site Home

100 Years Ago
From the Desk of the D.A.
The Healthy Geezer
Library Chitchat
Rock Doc Break The Glass, Douse The Flames
What’s Bugging You?
Dear Dolly
Earth Talk
Barnes-Kasson Corner

100 Years Ago

FOREST LAKE: The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Quinlivan were sorry to learn of the sad accident that happened to their daughter, Irene, while coming from school last Friday night. Near P. S. Kane’s she was thrown from the kid wagon, falling between the wheels, the first wheel passing over her leg, breaking both bones just above the ankle, besides bruising her badly. She was carried to her home, nearly two miles away, and the bones [were] set by Dr. Gardner. She is doing as well as can be expected. She is of a family of seven children, who were conveyed from the Warner to the Kane school by Michael Sullivan. There were eleven in the wagon at the time.

HARFORD: If those owning dogs do not want them killed they must keep them away from their neighbor’s chickens. B. D. Sherwood had 16 hens killed last week, some of which he paid $2 apiece for. Walter Maynard had one hen killed, and there was one dog that will not trouble any one else.

UNIONDALE: L. P. Norton came home Saturday night from down the valley, to stay over Sunday with his better half; but he won’t own up that she is better than he is. ALSO Those having sugar camps are very busy these days making maple syrup and sugar. Hope those that are looking serious will take a bite and look pleasant.

SPRINGVILLE: Dr. Diller, of this place, and Dr. Birchard, of Montrose, performed an operation on a young boy of Arthur Comstock’s to save him from having lock jaw, caused from a kick on the knee by a horse. The boy for some reason had not mentioned the hurt and had been going to school, until the knee had caused him so much pain that he then told his parents. Last reports say he is doing well.

MONTROSE: Mrs. George Battles, a respected colored lady, died at her home on Locust Street, Montrose, March 15, 1910, after being confined to her bed for some time. Mrs. Battles was an earnest Christian woman, and greatly respected by all who knew her. Besides her husband, she is survived by five children, three daughters and two sons, as follows; Mrs. Lila Johnson, of Wilkes-Barre, Mrs. Hattie Raymer, of Chicago, Miss Susie Naylor, Henry and Benjamin Naylor, of Montrose, and one sister, Mrs. Martha E. Harris, of Waverly, Pa. Her age was 87 years. [Catharine Waters Naylor Battles was born in Maryland and came to Montrose, with her family, in 1859.] ALSO The store building now occupied by the Express office will be converted into a bowling alley after April 1. Frank Depue is to be the proprietor.

HALLSTEAD: Thomas Gathany, who resides a short distance from Hallstead, while hauling a load of stone, met with a severe and painful accident to himself and also the loss of one of his fine horses. He had reached a point in the road where it was necessary for him to cross a small bridge, and just as he got into the middle of the bridge it went down with the heavy load. The horses became entangled in the lines, but one succeeded in breaking loose and swam to safety. The other was so entangled that he drowned before he could be rescued. Mr. Gathany also had a narrow escape from drowning but managed to get out and swim to shore. The timbers became loosened by the high water and were unable to stand the strain.

ARARAT: We are glad to see that our new supervisor, Eli Avery, is interested enough to see that the roads are kept passable. It is something fine for us to see our supervisor out using plows to clear the roads, but you can bet we are glad; good luck to the old gray headed man.

GIBSON: A weight social will be held in the P.O.S. of A. hall Friday evening. The Harford orchestra will be present, and those who have heard them know they will be sure of an enjoyable evening, as their music is first class. Proceeds for the benefit of the church. Supper will be served.

SUSQUEHANNA: William Belcher was held up by foot pads on Jackson street, Saturday night. He was badly beaten and kicked by three young men, who jumped out unexpectedly and knocked him down and then relieved him of $22. He was thrown down a steep bank, but recovered sufficiently to crawl home, arouse the family and secure medical treatment.

LENOXVILLE: Everyone who has a “sugar bush” is kept busy nowadays. In this vicinity there has been the greatest run of sap known for several years, as early in the season as this.

LITTLE MEADOWS: An executor’s sale of the personal property of the late Thomas McVinney will be held on his farm near Little Meadows, March 26. The circumstances connected with the sale are quite unusual, the deceased when in apparently good health having advertised the sale for the above date. Meanwhile he was taken seriously ill, his death occurring, and the executors are now to conduct the sale on the same day he had fixed.

ELKDALE: J. G. Wescott has purchased a small farm near Elkdale from the Lowry estate and will, within a month, move his family to that place. He will probably go into the chicken business. Mr. Wescott has been a resident of Forest City for a great many years and has been an exceedingly active member of the community. He has held several borough offices. His departure will be regretted by many people.

FOREST CITY: Lucy A. Riefler, wife of Henry E. Riefler, of Forest City, is keeping house and living with Warren S. Thomas, at present, at Honesdale. Mrs. Riefler and Mr. Thomas have proclaimed that her husband is dead. Lucy A. Riefler’s husband is not dead. He is living and boarding at the Forest House, Forest City. Signed-Henry E. Riefler

NEWS BRIEFS: Local people who attend the moving picture shows will be interested in knowing that Thomas A. Edison has just been awarded, by the federal court of New York, royalties from moving picture films amounting to $72,000 a week. Film manufacturers have been infringing on Edison’s patents and refused to pay the royalties. Edison gets half a cent per foot for every film manufactured. As there are 20 manufacturers and each film is 900 feet in length, making 18,000 feet, and 80 of each are issued, making 1,440,000 feet, his royalty can be easily figured out at the sum above mentioned. Edison is the inventor of the extremely sensitive films that allow the taking of about 60 pictures per second, which alone makes it possible to produce motion pictures.

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From the Desk of the D.A.
By District Attorney Jason J. Legg

When I was in law school, I met a fellow who was a few years older than me and became fast friends. Dan had been an ROTC undergraduate student and then following his undergraduate graduation with an engineering degree, he served several years in the United States Navy in the nuclear submarine fleet. I used to love listening to his stories about the submarine life - it certainly beat most of the stuff we were studying.

I don’t think anyone can really appreciate the atmosphere on any submarine unless they have personally experienced it. From the stories that Dan would tell, the nuclear submarines would stay underwater for months at a time before surfacing again. I cannot imagine being stuck in such close proximity to my co-workers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, week after week. We all know the different tensions in our workplaces, so now imagine not being able to go home at the end of the day. There would be no relief in sight for weeks or months. Dan said that you simply needed to address any personal problems with another person quickly, deal with it, and then forget it and move on. Based upon what I observed of his personality, this was a trait that he learned well, and it served him well in his relationships with other people.

You always knew where you stood with him. If you did something he did not like, he simply told you. If there was a personal problem, Dan worked to solve it quickly. He also had a personality that simply did not hold a grudge. While there were some people who did not appreciate his direct approach, my friend was generally well-liked by all of our classmates.

For a period of time after law school, we kept in touch and saw each other occasionally. Because of time, distance, family and other responsibilities, I have not seen nor talked to Dan in over a year. Still, I thought about him the other day when I read a report that Secretary of Defense Robert Gates had announced that women would be allowed on submarines for the first time in the Navy’s history. The new policy will go into effect in 18 months unless Congress takes some legislative step to block its implementation.

As I read the report, I smiled as I recalled one of my constitutional law classes back in the spring of 1994 during which the professor was discussing this very topic. I loved that class and the professor was terrific, though a tad intimidating for the first year law students. He also did not hide his general liberal political philosophy and frankly I respected his intellectual honesty, openness and willingness to debate topics if a student had the courage to challenge him.

When he began to discuss the sexual discrimination perpetuated by the Navy in its male-only submarine fleet, I sat back and waited for the fireworks. The total prohibition of another gender from a particular class of work by an employer is facially discriminatory. From the purely intellectual standpoint, there is really no way to debate this issue unless you can demonstrate that the other gender is incapable of performing the work based simply on their gender - a difficult proposition.

As the professor concluded his strong constitutional argument, my friend’s hand shot up. I suspect the professor had no clue that my friend had served on a nuclear submarine, so the professor was about to be ambushed. In his direct manner, Dan told the professor he did know what he was talking about when it came to this issue. Ha! The fireworks had begun. I could see the professor getting irritated and angry. It was one thing to debate something intellectually, and quite another to tell the other person they are ignorant. Especially when the other person is a constitutional law professor and you’re his first year law student.

The debate was a classic one - real world experience against untested philosophical theory. The professor pressed Dan about why women could not serve on submarines, but he remained steadfast in his belief, based upon his experience, that it would be a disaster. He did not object to an all-woman submarine; rather, it was the integration of the two sexes together in a closed, confined submarine for substantial periods of time that concerned him. Dan stated that it was hard enough for men to get along with each other in such an environment, and that integrating women sailors into the submarine would increase the difficulties. There would be the potential for “workplace” romance, competition between sailors for affection, sexual harassment, and all of the other problems that are encountered in everyday work environments.

With the passage of 16 years, perhaps Dan’s views have changed on this topic. I think I will give him a call. But as I read the news report about submarine integration, I knew that the same debate that I listened to back in the spring of 1994 would be waged across the country - the clear and compelling legal argument that segregation of a workplace is not constitutional against those with real world experience simply telling us it will not work.

Please submit any questions, concerns, or comments to Susquehanna County District Attorney’s Office, P.O. Box 218, Montrose, Pennsylvania 18801 or at our website or discuss this and all articles at

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The Healthy Geezer
By Fred Cicetti

Q. What are the options for treating prostate cancer?

Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer among American men. Treatment for prostate cancer works best when the disease is found early.

There are many options for treating prostate cancer:

* Observation. If the cancer is growing slowly, you may decide to wait and watch.

* Hormone therapy. This stops cancer cells from growing.

* Surgery. There are several surgical options. These include radical prostatectomy or removal of the entire prostate, cryosurgery that kills the cancer by freezing it, radiation therapy to shrink tumors, and implant radiation that places radioactive seeds into the prostate.

Surgery can lead to impotence and incontinence. Improvements in surgery now make possible for some men to keep their sexual function.

Q. What exactly is perimenopause.

The process of reproductive aging begins around age 40. Declining levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone change a woman’s periods. These hormones maintain the health of the vagina and uterus, and regulate the menstrual cycles

Menopausal transition, called perimenopause, is the time when a woman’s body is close to menopause. Periods may become irregular. A woman may start to feel hot flashes and night sweats.

Perimenopause usually begins about 2 to 4 years before the last menstrual period. It ends when menopause begins. A woman reaches menopause when a year has passed since her last period.

Postmenopause follows menopause and lasts the remainder of a woman’s life. Pregnancy is no longer possible. There may be symptoms such as vaginal dryness long after menopause.

Q. I’m 67 years old. Should I expect to get cataracts eventually?

A cataract is a clouding of the lens, the clear part of the eye that helps focus images like the lens in a camera.

Most cataracts are related to aging. By age 80, more than half of all Americans either have a cataract or have had cataract surgery. There are other causes of cataracts such as diabetes, eye injury, radiation and surgery for other eye problems.

Cataracts tend to worsen gradually. The clear lens slowly changes to a yellowish/brownish color, adding a brownish tint to vision. If you have advanced lens discoloration, you may not be able to identify blues and purples.

The most common symptoms of a cataract are: blurred images, faded colors, glare, poor night vision, double vision, and frequent prescription changes in your eyeglasses or contact lenses. If you have any of these symptoms, see your doctor, because they can be signs of other eye problems.

If you are 60 or older, you should have a comprehensive dilated eye exam at least once every two years. In addition to cataract, your eyecare professional can check for signs of age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, and other vision disorders. Early treatment for many eye diseases may save your sight.

If you have a question, please write to

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Library Chitchat
By Flo Whittaker

On February 21, there were no fireworks displays in Susquehanna County, but it was a very special occasion. It was the 200th anniversary of the formation of this county. Although the first settlers came here in 1787, we were part of Luzerne County until February 21, 1810.

The Susquehanna County Historical Society and The Butternut Galley & Second Story Books have joined forces to present a joint exhibition called “Susquehanna County at 200.” The Historical Society has a limited amount of space in its building to display its collection of significant historical artifacts celebrating the history, invention, industry and art. Hence, the collaboration with the Butternut Gallery, located on the second floor at 42 Church Street in Montrose. The exhibit will be on display through Saturday, April 3, during gallery hours (Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.).

The Susquehanna County Library has also compiled a display of books written and illustrated by county residents past and present. Also on exhibit will be works created by artists and craftsman who worked in the county from 1950 to the present. You can find the more about this event at our website

History frequently defines us and it is important to preserve. Make some time in your schedule to view this exhibit that will help to explain 200 year of life in our county.

Remember we are the Susquehanna County Historical Society and Free Library Association and it is our goal to be your resource for lifetime learning.

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Rock Doc
By Dr. E. Kirsten Peters

Sea Changes Bigger Than Tsunamis

In the mid-1800s there was a smart geologist with a face as sharp as flint who worked in the American Midwest. In those days, the “Midwest” was quite close to the frontier of the country. It took some guts and imagination to live out there, and maybe Charles Whittlesey had both in abundance - for he clearly saw evidence of dramatic climate change in riverbanks and hillsides around him. For Whittlesey, the Ice Age was evident in almost every field and ridge.

Many geologists of the time were still skeptical of the new theory that Earth’s climate could change at all. It wasn’t easy to think that Mother Nature had once put the whole globe into a deep freeze, but my hero got on-board with the program early. He argued (correctly) that much of the upper part of our country had once been buried under thick, glacial ice, and he did so by pointing to specific pieces of evidence he could describe and draw.

That alone would make Whittlesey commendable in my book. He looked at good evidence, published as widely as he could at the time, and argued for his views.

But this is what really impresses me. Despite the fact Whittlesey was living and working in the Midwest - pretty far from the ocean - he had the insight to see that the massive glaciers of the past must have changed global sea level drastically.

Here’s the picture:

During times of bitter cold in the past 2 million years, extensive ice sheets and major glaciers have formed in North America and Scandinavia. While those glaciers have been draped on the land, they have “locked up” a great deal of Earth’s waters.

More and bigger glaciers meant lower and lower sea level in the Ice Age, a point Whittlesey deduced early. One of his estimates put sea level of the Ice Age as around 300 feet lower than today, a value that stands up well to current scientific data.

With sea level hundreds of feet lower than it is now, brown bears (and people) could walk from Siberia to Alaska – and they evidently did so, spreading down into North America.

But climate naturally evolves on Earth, and the Ice Age came to its end in due time. When global temperatures shot upward into the warmth we enjoy in this epoch, the massive glaciers and ice sheet started to melt. Water that had been on land (as ice), flowed down into the seas. Ocean levels rose, and rose, and rose some more, an increase totaling hundreds of feet.

But oddly enough, that’s not the end of the story. In some places - like Sweden and Hudson Bay - the land is rising out of the sea. In other words, in those places, local sea level has been falling even while global sea level has been rising.

In Scandinavia and Hudson Bay, the evidence the sea is falling compared to the land is the many old beaches that are high and dry on the land well above current sea level. These “raised beaches” show us the land is moving upward even faster than global sea level has been rising. But there are not raised beaches like these everywhere on Earth, only in places where (interestingly enough) major glaciers used to lie.

Our hero was one geologist who had some insight on this issue, too. The ice sheets of the Ice Age were literally a couple miles thick and covered whole regions. When the Ice Age glaciers melted, their staggering weight was removed. Gradually, the land under the ice has moved upward - and it’s still doing so.

The land in Hudson Bay and Scandinavia is headed higher and higher at a faster rate than global sea level. So local sea level where my herring-eating ancestors live in southern Sweden is dropping relative to land.

Climate change on Earth guarantees that sea level can go up a whole lot in some places and down in others. Those are the realities with which people have adapted for a long time, and will doubtless have to do so again.

Like climate itself, the only constant we geologists can see when it comes to sea level is change.

Dr. E. Kirsten Peters, a native of the rural Northwest, was trained as a geologist at Princeton and Harvard. Follow her on the web at and on Twitter @RockDocWSU. This column is a service of the College of Sciences at Washington State University.

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What’s Bugging You?
By Stuart W. Slocum

No What's Bugging You This Week

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Dear Dolly,

Dear Dolly,

My clothes dryer takes much longer to dry a load of clothes than it use to. I always clean out the lint trap after each load. It sounds good and heats up, no problem. It's about 3 years old and it shouldn't be ready for retirement. Do you have any suggestions before I invest in a visit from a technician? -Yvonne

Dear Yvonne,

Cleaning the lint trap is just the first step in homeowner dryer maintenance. If you want to improve the efficiency of your dryer and reduce the operating cost, you need to remove the lint that has built up in the hidden areas of your clothes dryer.

"25,000 house fires were thought to be caused by clothes dryers in 2008." Lint is highly flammable and it collects in the smallest nooks and crannies. If you haven't cleaned out the dryer duct work in three years, you have interior lint build up that may be the cause of your dryer's poor performance.

Start by gathering the tools you'll need. Get a flash light, screw driver, pliers, vacuum cleaner with a crevice tool and a stick with a dust cloth attached securely on the end. Investing in a specific dryer brush will make the job easier. Take your dryer lint trap screen to the kitchen and wash it carefully with soap and water. Dryer sheets leave a film on the screen that reduces the air flow. Let it air dry. Pull your dryer out from the wall and unplug it. Detach the dryer hose.

Vacuum inside the dryer lint trap slot using the cloth on the stick to extend your reach. From behind, vacuum inside the heat vents, inside the hose coupling and the underside of the machine. Use your flashlight to check your progress and be careful not to get cut on the sharp edges.

The duct work dryer hose is usually a flexible pipe. If it is made of plastic, go ahead and toss out the old hose and switch to a metal dryer hose that is less flammable. If it is metal and in good condition, clean it out with your stick and vacuum cleaner.

Clean out the vent where it goes thru the wall to the exterior of your home. The door on the vent should move freely and easily to allow for maximum air flow. Reattach the hose, plug in the machine and run it on fluff for 5 minutes. Check that the exterior vent flap is opening all the way from the pressure of the dryer exhaust.

This maintenance needs to be done twice a year. If your dryer hose is longer than 20 feet, takes more than 2 or 3 turns, or is inaccessible to you this is a fire safety issue best left up to a technician.

All Transcript readers are welcome to submit their questions to Dear Dolly at

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From the Editors of E/The Environmental Magazine


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Barnes-Kasson Corner
By Cara Sepcoskiw

No Barnes-Kasson Corner This Week

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