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Clifford Roads Consuming Roadway matters abounded at the February 8 Clifford Township board meeting. Township secretary Renee Reynolds announced that for 911 addressing purposes, all dirt roads within the township must be labeled with a street sign by January, 2012. Trent Turner of the Clifford Volunteer Fire Company stated that because some state routes now have street names, emergency service workers and delivery people are “having issues finding places.” The supervisors suggested that Turner meet with road master James Locker to determine the extent of the problem.
Harford Declares Disaster On January 25, the Harford Township Supervisors signed a document declaring a “disaster emergency” due to the heavy rains on that day of “January thaw.” According to Roadmaster Terry VanGorden, crews have been able to clear up most of the damage to the township’s roads - including one stretch of Jeffers Road that was “lost.” The disaster declaration is intended to make the township eligible to receive reimbursement for the estimated $30,000 it will take to restore the roads to their prior condition. Mr. VanGorden said that the declaration was within guidelines for help from the county, but below the threshold for state emergency assistance.
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