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EVENTS, PROGRAMS, HAPPENINGS, SEMINARS: January 21 COMMUNITY BLOOD DRIVE, January 21, 1:30-6:30 p.m. at St. Mark’s Church, New Milford. Call 278-1427 for appointments. January 22 MEETING, Calligrapher’s Guild of NEPA, Fri., January 22, 7:30 p.m. at Marywood University, Shields Center for Visual Arts Room 225. Free, all welcome. For info call 570-542-5416. BUS TRIP hosted by St. John’s Pro-Life Committee, Susquehanna, to Washington D.C. for the March of Life. For reservations/info call 853-4634. January 24 PRAISE & WORSHIP with Gary Wills, January 24, 7:00 p.m. at Body of Christ Church, Starrucca. For info call 570-396-6331. January 27 WORKSHOP: Your Business and the Marcellus Shale, beginning Wed., January 27, 8:00 a.m. at Northern Tier Regional Planning & Development Commission, Towanda. For info call 570-265-1542. January 30 SOUP LUNCHEON, January 30, 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. at Thompson UM Church. All welcome. BENEFIT for Linda Watkins and Kevin Mead, recurring cancer patients, Sat., January 30, 1:00-5:00 p.m. at Lanesboro Community Center. For info call 853-3858 or 396-6331. PASTHAPPY TRIVIA CONTEST, January 30, 6:00 p.m. at Whipple Performing Arts Studio, Tunkhannock. For info call 836-6986. PROGRAM: Black Soldiers of the Revolutionary War and Susquehanna Co. Historical Society & Free Library Association’s annual meeting, Sat., January 30, 2:00 p.m. at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Hall, Montrose. Free, all welcome. For info call 278-1881.
Senior Center Menu January 25 - 29 Monday, January 25: beef stroganoff, peas & pearl onions, noodles, ww roll, yellow cake. Tuesday, January 26: south western chicken, vegetable medley, brown rice pilaf, corn bread, spiced apples. Wednesday, January 27: pasta w/meat sauce, salad, broccoli, garlic bread, spiced pears. Thursday, January 28: crab cakes, oven roasted potatoes, corn cobette, sandwich roll, cheesecake. Friday, January 29: smoked turkey sandwich, potato salad, lentil soup, ww pita, oatmeal cookie, banana.
H1N1 Vaccination Efforts Continue Harrisburg - The Department of Health vaccinated 49,078 Pennsylvanians at 33 H1N1 flu clinics held across the state on January 8 and 9. The department urges anyone who has not yet been vaccinated to get immunized. “It’s still important for people to get vaccinated even though flu activity is currently very low,” said Health Secretary Everette James. “It is likely that we will have a third wave of H1N1 flu, so it is vital for people to protect themselves and those they love from what can be a deadly disease.” The clinics involved more than 1,100 support personnel, including state employees, contracted nurses, paramedics, and volunteers. The department will continue its vaccination efforts at 60 state health centers every Saturday through February 6, from 9 a.m. to noon. Appointments are not needed. In addition, staff will be holding immunization clinics on specific days during the week. For more information and to find a clinic, call 1-877-PA HEALTH. To date, 4,736,700 doses of H1N1 vaccine have been allocated to Pennsylvania. The department continues to order the vaccine on behalf of certified private providers. For more information about H1N1, visit www.H1N1inPA.com or call 1-877-PA HEALTH (1-877-724-3258).
During the winter months of January and February, the Thompson Methodist Church will be holding soup luncheons. The first luncheon will be January 30 from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. A variety of soups, fresh rolls or a piece or crusty bread, along with dessert and a beverage is the menu. All soups will be homemade by the church ladies. In consideration of the winter weather, the luncheons are being offered in hopes of accommodating those who would prefer to be home before dark. The next soup luncheon will be on February 27. Future luncheon dates and times will be announced. On Saturday, March 27, a spaghetti supper will be served by the Sunday School children. This supper is a fund-raiser for the children’s group.
Historical Society To Hold Meeting The Susquehanna County Historical Society & Free Library Association's annual meeting will be held on Saturday, January 30, at 2 p.m., in the St. Paul's Episcopal Church Hall, Montrose. Reports on the Association's activities during 2009 will be presented, followed by a talk given by Denise Dennis, founder of the Dennis Farm Charitable Land Trust (Brooklyn Township). She'll talk about the African-American patriots in her extended family who settled here. Everyone is invited to the Annual Meeting - there is no charge. Donors to the Association's support drive are entitled to vote at the meeting and help support library and historical society services across the county. For more information about donating, stop by your local library, visit www.susqcolibrary.org, or call 570-278-1881.
Keynote Speaker To Address BPW The Nellie Jane DeWitt Business & Professional Women’s Club of Susquehanna, PA will hold their annual Membership meeting on January 28 at Lakey’s Restaurant, with featured guest speaker Ms. Annmarie M. Kiehart. Ms. Kiehart has been a member of the Peckville BPW since 1987, serving as Club President in 1988-89. She served as State President of the Pennsylvania Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Organization in 2000-2001. Ms. Kiehart has served in numerous chairs and offices at the local, district, state and national levels. Ms. Kiehart has received BPW recognition as Peckville’s Young Careerist and District Eight’s Individual Development Top Speaker. She was named Peckville and District Eight Woman of the Year in 1996 and was recognized by the Scranton Times as one of its Northeast Women in 2001. The Scranton-Pocono Girl Scout Council chose her as a 2004 Woman of Distinction and she was the 2008 Volunteer of the Year for the Northeastern Pennsylvania Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure. In addition to her BPW service, Ms. Kiehart is involved in many other community activities: Mid-Valley Hospital Association, Friends of the Interboro Library and Pennsylvania Association of Notaries, United Way of Lackawanna County, American Red Cross and Susan G. Komen NEPA Race for the Cure®. Annmarie is an eight-year breast cancer survivor, an advocate for mammograms and was honored, along with other breast cancer survivors, by Blue Cross of Northeastern Pennsylvania’s annual Gallery of Hope. She has been involved with the American Cancer Society’s “Tell A Friend Program” that reaches out to others in the community about the importance of mammography and breast health awareness. Ms. Kiehart was the 2006 Komen Northeastern Pennsylvania Race for the Cure® Chair and served as 2009 Race Chair. Ms Kiehart is Production Coordinator for Acker Drill, a worldwide manufacturer of drilling machines and equipment, located in Chinchilla, PA. If you are interested in learning more about BPW or attending the January 28 meeting, contact Jodi Cordner, Membership Chair at 570-853-4500 or Alice at randa@nep.net or 570-756-2044. St. Paul’s To Welcome Rev’d Paul Walker Historic St. Paul’s will celebrate its new ministry with the institution and induction of its new Rector, The Rev’d Paul Edward Walker, on Saturday, January 23 at 4:00 in the afternoon. The Rt. Rev’d John Palmer Croneberger, assisting Bishop of Bethlehem, will officiate and preach. The celebration service is open to the public. Father Walker is a native of Scranton, Pennsylvania and received his first two degrees from Marywood College (now University), and he received his Master of Divinity degree from Bexley Hall, an Episcopal seminary in Rochester, New York. Father Walker was ordained a deacon on June 1, 1986 by Bishop Mark Dyer at the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem and as a priest on January 24, 1987 at St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church in Wooster, MA where he served as a curate until being called to serve for eleven years as the rector of Grace Episcopal Church in Scotsville, NY and St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Caledonia, NY. Father Walker became Vicar of Christ Church in Belleville, NJ in 1999 where he served until becoming the Rector of St. Paul’s on November 1 of last year. During his almost eleven year tenure there the parish was designated as a national Jubilee Center, and well-known for its numerous outreach programs. A festive reception will follow the celebration in the Parish Hall. St. Paul’s is located at 60 Church Street in Montrose. For more information you may call 570-278-2954.
Residents Encouraged To Use Road-Damage Hotline HARRISBURG - Rep. Sandra Major (R-Susquehanna/Wayne/Wyoming) is encouraging motorists to contact the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) to report potholes and other problems with state roads. Based on the caller's phone number, calls are directed to local PennDOT maintenance facilities where problems can receive the appropriate attention. Callers are encouraged to: report the county and municipality where the problem is located; report the state route number, which can be found on the small white-and-black signs posted along state roads, where the problem is located; describe familiar landmarks nearby in order to help PennDOT crews locate the problem. The toll-free maintenance hotline can be reached at 1-800-FIX-ROAD (1-800-349-7623). In addition to reporting potholes, motorists may also report missing highway signs, shoulder drop-offs, roadway washouts and other potential hazards. With the very cold temperatures and consistent precipitation the state has seen in recent weeks, potholes are forming more quickly than usual on several area roadways. Once notified, PennDOT will actively work to address pothole and other roadway concerns when the weather permits. Motorists can also log on to www.511pa.com or call 511 from any phone to check traffic conditions on major roadways before traveling. For more information on the state services Major's district offices can provide, log on to www.RepMajor.com, or visit one of her district offices. Her offices are at Route 706 Lake Montrose, RR7 Box 7186, Montrose, PA 18801 (telephone: 570-278-3374) and 130 N. Bridge Street, Tunkhannock, PA 18657 (telephone: 570-836-5888). Visitors Bureau Announces Event Submittal Deadline Tunkhannock - Events that take place between April 1 and September 30, 2010, are now being accepted for the Endless Mountains Visitors Bureau 2010 Spring-Summer Calendar of Events brochure. Any public event that is sponsored by a community or non-profit organization can be submitted for the upcoming calendar free of charge. The event should be something a visitor to the area would be interested in, and must take place in the Endless Mountains Region - Bradford, Sullivan, Susquehanna and Wyoming counties. To get an event in the calendar, just go to www.endlessmountains.org and click on "view all events" on the left side of the homepage under events. Once on the calendar page, click on "add event" under the calendar graphic on the right. After filling out the online form (one form per event submitting), click "add event" at the bottom of the form. The event information will be reviewed by the visitors bureau and placed on the website’s online calendar. The bureau reserves the right to edit and/or delete any submission. All events received by the February 8 deadline will be included in the printed calendar of events brochure. Anyone without Internet access can contact the bureau and request a calendar of events submittal form. All events must be submitted online or on the form provided by the bureau to ensure accuracy. For more information or to request a form, call the visitors bureau at 836-5431 or 1-800-769-8999.
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