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Positive Reports At ELSD January is school board appreciation month, and, at the January 22 school board meeting (rescheduled to a Thursday to avoid a basketball conflict), the Elk Lake and SCCTC board had its turn at being honored. Dr. Bush, school superintendent, thanked the board for the tremendous job they did, and for their accessibility.
SCSD Expands Dual Enrollment Susquehanna Community School District has long had a dual enrollment program in place, where students can take college courses and earn credit for them while still in high school. At the January 21 board meeting, approval was given to expand the program, with courses now to be provided by both Lackawanna Community College and Luzerne County Community College. The expansion will allow for additional courses to be added, bringing the total to seven. Students can earn up to 21 college credits prior to high school graduation, at little or no cost to the student.
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