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No County Tax Increase The Susquehanna County Commissioners held their final meeting of 2008 on December 24. A motion was made to correct, then approve minutes of December 10, with corrections reflecting a change of date of the first meeting of Inspectors of the Jail from February 5, 2009 to January 6, 2009 at 11:30 a.m., and also to change the Assessment Board’s first meeting from February 3, to January 8. Commissioner Leon Allen motioned to approve the minutes of December 15 special meeting. The commissioners adopted the proposed Susquehanna County Budget for 2009 and set the millage for the county as follows: 11.5 mills for General Real Estate for the General Fund, 1.01 mills for Debt Service, and .33 mills for the Library Fund. The total millage for real estate is 12.84 and reflects no increase in taxes for 2009. Dennis LaRue was appointed to the Agricultural Land Preservation Board for the term January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2011.
Harford Bridge Arrives A new bridge arrived to span Butler Creek on Pennay Hill Road in Harford just in time for Christmas. According to Roadmaster and Supervisor Terry VanGorden at the Supervisors' meeting on December 23, the bridge was shipped from the fabricator in Alabama on December 15 and arrived two days later, right on time – at least according to the latest schedule. The old bridge washed out in the flood of June, 2006. A bypass has been serving local residents ever since, while the township, an engineering company, the federal and state emergency management agencies, and the ultimate contractor put everything together to replace the bridge. The township is expecting full reimbursement from the emergency management agencies, and got a one-year extension that ends this month. However, due to further delays, the contractor reported that the project could not be completed by then. So the township got another six-month extension. According to Mr. VanGorden, the contractor assured him that "it isn't going to take until June to get the bridge in."
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