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County Business Continues
Readdressing Areas Released
Sentencing Report
Courthouse Report
Retirement Board Issues Statement
Gibson Barracks Report
COG Has New Address
East Lake Camp Closed?

County Business Continues
By Carole M. Canfield

The October 22 meeting of the Susquehanna County Commissioners was held in the EMA Conference Room at The Susquehanna County Office Building at precisely 9 a.m.

Present were Commissioners Giangrieco, Warren and Allen; Chief Clerk Sylvia Beamer; approximately 14 audience members; and members of the press.

The Commissioners approved minutes of the October 8 regular meeting, as well as the October 16 special meeting.

October 20 through 24, 2008 was proclaimed National Business Women’s Week in Susquehanna County. Susan Gesford, of the Business and Professional Women’s group was present to promote working women throughout Susquehanna County and more. Gesford stated that women are dealing professionally throughout all of Susquehanna County, from day care through opening and managing new stores. She encouraged women to be all they can be.

Toby Anderson was on hand to encourage the adoption of Resolution 2008-20, which authorizes the execution and filing of a grant application by Friends of Salt Springs Park, Inc., on behalf of Susquehanna County to the Department of Labor and Industry for the purpose of administering a Pennsylvania Conservation Corps Project, beginning July 1, 2009. Susquehanna County will provide matching funds at the rate of 25% as needed for construction materials and necessary contracted services in connection with the Conservation Corps Project, not to exceed the sum of $5,000.

Anderson said that the program would be used to renovate the barn, along with other needed construction projects and services within the confines of Salt Springs Park. The program, which has been utilized numerous years prior, was not able to be funded last year; it is of great benefit to Salt Springs and has produced many positive aspects. The funds unused last year will also be utilized with the upcoming project this year.

Central Bradford Progress Authority was designated as The Industrial Development Organization to represent Susquehanna County in all matters relevant to and for all purposes of the Industrial Development Assistance Law for the period July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009.

The Commissioners also accepted, with regret the resignation of Heather Groover, Assessment, effective October 28, per the recommendation of Richard Kamansky.

Francis Pinkowski, Montrose was hired to the open, non-union, part-time temporary clerk position in 911, mapping and readdressing, at $8.50 per hour, varied hours, no benefits, and position to end no later than December 31, 2008, effective October 27, 2008, per the recommendation of Art Donato, 911 Co-ordination.

Commissioners signed the Hot Site Hosting Service Agreement between IMR Limited and Susquehanna County for the purpose of downloading and storing information from the Register and Recorder’s office to their secure location for the purpose of restoration of data following a disaster.

The set up fee is $5,000 and the daily download and maintenance fee is $3,000.00 per year, which is paid with fees collected by the Register and Recorder’s Office.

A contract was approved between Susquehanna County Services for Children and Youth and Loftus-Vergari, Wilkes-Barre, in which Loftus-Vergari will provide family group decision making services for families referred by Children & Youth and deemed appropriate by the agency. The contract is not to exceed $104,000.00, of which Susquehanna County will pay an amount not to exceed $5,200.

An agreement with eco/International, regarding a collection program for pickup and recycling of specified electronic materials for 11 cents per pound was signed. The Susquehanna County Recycling Center will be the drop-off point for the materials. Transportation to eco/International from our recycling center as well as packaging materials will be provided to the recycling center by eco/International for no additional charge. Television sets, computer monitors, stereo equipment, and old copiers were among the items mentioned to utilize this new service.

Three sealed bids for dumpsters and refuse removal were opened for review. The bidding is for four locations, the courthouse, the county office building, the recycling center, and the county prison. Bids were received from Bulldog Disposal, Joe’s Disposal and Waste Management. The bids will be reviewed for the next meeting.

Carolyn Doolittle’s resignation from the Planning Commission was accepted as of October 2, with regret.

Bernard Griffin, Coconut Township, was appointed to the Planning Commission for the period October 22, 2008 through December 31, 2010, to fill the position vacant due to a resignation.

The Susquehanna County Commissioners meet on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month, 9 a.m. in the EMA Conference Room.

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Readdressing Areas Released
By Carole M Canfield

As many residents in eastern Susquehanna County recently have learned, a new, permanent road and street address will be assigned to every residence throughout all of Susquehanna County.

The use of the new addressing system improves the effectiveness of public safety efforts by enabling Susquehanna County 911 to instantly identify the location of an emergency caller.

The following areas of Susquehanna county have been released (completed) for readdressing: 18847 - Susquehanna; 18827 - Lanesboro; 18821 - Great Bend; 18822 - Hallstead; 18825 - Jackson; 18820 - Gibson; 18842 - South Gibson; 18465 - Thompson; and 18462 - Starrucca. These areas have all received their new 911 addresses and should call their phone companies, reporting the new address.

The process is working from these areas up, and westward in the county.

According to Art Donato, 911 Co-coordinator, the process of readdressing has been moving along a little slower than anticipated, but it is moving as quickly as possible. “Sometimes we have to actually go out and hand-locate a new residence or address,” Stephen Janoski, 911 Systems Manager, informed the Transcript.

Donato explained that when the new addresses are assigned, residents will be receiving a neon-green notification card. “At that point,” Donato said, “residents must report the new address to the telephone company, to finish the process.”

Donato said that the most important thing new addressees can do is to post their new address outside the residence in reflective signs, to allow the emergency services to get to them.

“You need to use your new number, by posting it on your house using four-inch or larger numbers.

Fire, police, and ambulance personnel will not be able to find you, if you do not use the new address. The fire departments are offering the signs for a fee of $15 per sign.

Donato added that if you have a long driveway or a home up away from the road, post the number as near the road as possible. The reflective signs are needed to make them visible at night.

“We have hired new workers to help with the high call volume, regarding the new system. However, I would like people to know that only one call to the center at 1-800-395-6503 is all that is necessary. When someone calls multiple times, it slows our team down, as each call must be returned and sometimes we must speak in person to the resident, to clarify the exact location and other concerns that may develop.”

Information regarding the new address can not be left on an answering machine. “We must physically pull up these addresses in some cases, and need the resident to tell us where they live.

“Also, we would like to quell the rumor that 911 services are being denied to anyone. The service is not being denied in any manner,” Donato said.

“We ask that callers utilize the 800 number and not call 911 for information on readdressing,” added Janoski. “Calls made on the 911 line which are not emergency in nature are subject to a fine. It is very important for people to know that when they call for an emergency from the new address, it is critical that they give the new address to the dispatcher. There are certain state-mandated questions which must be asked for each emergency call we receive, so please listen to the dispatcher and give the information he/she asks for. This will allow the service to get to you in the quickest manner. The dispatchers are trained in these emergencies, so allow them to walk you through the questions. The faster you allow them to do this, the quicker the service will be at your door.”

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Sentencing Report

Following is the Susquehanna County sentencing report for October, 2008 as submitted by the county District Attorney’s office.

Michael J. Onuska, 58, of Hallstead, to 18 months probation, pay $250 fine, pay $50 criminal justice enhancement fee, pay cost of prosecution, not to possess any firearms or weapons while on supervision, not to have contact with the victim in this case for Resisting Arrest in Liberty Township on October 28, 2007. The defendant also received 18 months consecutive probation, not to have contact with the victims in this case, not to use alcoholic beverages while on supervision, receive a drug and alcohol evaluation, not to possess any firearms or weapons while on supervision, receive a mental health evaluation, pay $50 criminal justice enhancement fee, pay cost of prosecution, pay $250 fine for Simple Assault in Liberty Township on October 28, 2007. Finally, the defendant received a $150 fine and pays the cost of prosecution for Harassment in Liberty Township on October 28, 2007.

Edward Walter Kalaf, 29, of Montrose, to 6 months to 23 ½ months in Susquehanna County Correctional Facility, credit for time served, pay cost of prosecution, pay $750 fine, pay $50 criminal justice enhancement fee, not to have contact with anyone under the age of 18 without proper adult supervision for Failure to Comply with Registration of Sexual Offenders Requirements in Jessup Township on April 1, 2007.

Joshua James Petrilak, 29, of Lenoxville, to 5 months to 23 ½ months in Susquehanna County Correctional Facility, credit for time served, pay $750 fine, pay cost of prosecution, pay $50 criminal justice enhancement fee, pay $250 DNA testing fee and submit sample, not to utilize a computer for internet sites, not to have contact with anyone under 18 without proper adult supervision, not to possess firearms or weapons while on supervision, follow the recommendations of a sexual offenders evaluation, work release may be granted for Sexual Abuse of Children/Possession of Child Pornography in Clifford on September 9, 2007.

Melinda Coy Brown, 19, of Little Meadows, to 15 months probation, waive supervision fee, pay $250 fine, not to have contact with anyone on supervision, not to have contact with the victim in this case, not to have contact with the co-defendant in this case, 11 p.m. curfew, pay restitution to the victim in this case, perform 25 hours of community service, pay cost of prosecution, pay $50 criminal justice enhancement fee for Criminal Conspiracy/Theft by Unlawful Taking in Little Meadows on June 27, 2008. The defendant also received 15 months probation to run concurrent to the above sentence, supervision fee waived, pay $150 fine, pay cost of prosecution, pay $50 criminal justice enhancement fee, 11 p.m. curfew, not to have contact with the co-defendant in this case, not to have contact with the victim in this case, not to have contact with anyone on supervision, pay restitution to the victim in this case, pay cost of prosecution for Possession of Instruments of Crime in Rush Township on June 28, 2008.

Joseph R. Gerchman, 45, of South Montrose, to 90 days to 2 years minus 1 day in Susquehanna County Correctional Facility, served consecutive to sentence currently being served, pay $1,500 fine, pay $10 Act 198 fee, complete alcohol highway safety school program, comply with PA ignition interlock law, continue with outpatient program, pay cost of prosecution, pay $50 criminal justice enhancement fee, pay $100 CAT surcharge, pay $10 EMS for Driving Under the Influence in Clifford on August 8, 2008. The defendant also received 3 months to 1 year, to run concurrent to the above sentence, pay $250 fine, pay cost of prosecution, receive an anger management course, not to possess transport or consume alcoholic beverages, not to enter any establishment whose sole purpose is the sale of alcohol, not to possess weapons while on supervision for Disorderly Conduct in Clifford on August 8, 2008.

Nicholaus Lynn Baker, 26, of Montrose, Pa to 11 months to 23 ½ months in Susquehanna County Correctional Facility, credit for time served, pay $500 fine, pay cost of prosecution, complete an anger management course, not to have contact with the victim in this case, not to have contact with anyone under 18 without proper supervision, receive a physiological evaluation, receive a sexual offenders evaluation, not to possess firearms or weapons while on supervision, pay $50 criminal justice enhancement fee for Indecent Assault in Forest Lake on August 24, 2008. The defendant was also sentenced to 15 months probation, to run consecutive to the above sentence, not to have contact with the victim in this case, not to possess any weapons or firearms while on supervision, pay restitution to the victims in this case, not to use alcoholic beverages or controlled substance while on supervision, complete an anger management course, pay cost of prosecution, pay $50 criminal justice enhancement fee, pay $250 fine for Simple Assault in Forest Lake on September 5, 2008.

Matthew S. Gleason, 27, of Binghamton, NY to 18 months probation, pay cost of prosecution, pay $250 DNA testing fee and submit sample, receive a drug and alcohol evaluation, not to have contact with anyone on supervision, pay $500 fine, pay $100 Act 198 fee, pay $50 criminal justice enhancement fee, not to possess weapons while on supervision for Manufacture of a Controlled Substance in Choconut Township on July 14, 2008.

John W. Moriarty, 53, of Kirkwood, NY to 5 days to 6 months in Susquehanna County Correctional Facility, credit for time served, pay $300 fine, pay $10 CAT surcharge, pay $10 EMS, pay $100 Act 198 fee, comply with PA Ignition Interlock Law, complete alcohol highway safe driving school program, receive a drug and alcohol evaluation, pay cost of prosecution, not to utilize any alcoholic beverages while on supervision for Driving Under the Influence in Oakland Borough on July 18, 2008.

Zachary Clark Vanderburg, 18, of Montrose, to 12 months probation, pay cost of prosecution, pay $50 criminal justice enhancement fee, pay restitution to the victim in this case, pay $200 fine, not to have contact with anyone on supervision, receive a drug and alcohol assessment for Theft by Unlawful Taking in Forest Lake Township on September 3, 2008.

Daniel H. Brinton, 20, of Starrucca, to 18 months probation, pay cost of prosecution, pay $500 fine, not to have contact with anyone under the age of 18 without proper adult supervision, complete a sexual abusers evaluation, perform 50 hours community service, only have limited computer access, pay $50 criminal justice enhancement fee for Obscene/Other Sexual Material in Thompson Township on May 22, 2008.

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Courthouse Report
Compiled By Lauren P. Ficarro


John and Celia Treven to Gary J. and John M., III Treven, in Forest City for one dollar.

Kenneth H. and Lisa J. Schmidt to Kimberly Davenport, in Montrose for $40,000.00.

Thomas John Lopatofsky, III to William Stewart, in Forest City for $38,500.00.

Walter E. (By Sheriff) and Mary J. (By Sheriff) Page to Deutsche Bank National Trust Co., in Oakland Borough for $2,453.20.

Rexford and Jean B. Bowman to Rexford Bowman, III, in Lathrop Township for $12,000.00.

Rebecca J. Mihalisin to Walter Joseph Mihalisin, in Clifford Township for one dollar.

Susann M. Davis to William H. and Edmee S. Combs, in Clifford Township for $104,500.00.

Edward Freudenberg to E & M Associates LLC, in Herrick Township for one dollar.

Charles Hansen (Estate) to Julie Hansen, in Auburn Township for one dollar.

Sally and Martin Moore, Linda Shuta and Nathan Cohen to Sally Moore, Linda Cohen, Joanne O'Reilly and Jean Very, in Franklin and Silver Lake Townships for one dollar.

Sandra J. and Terrance M. Connelly to Richard I. and Mary Alice McGraw, in Great Bend Borough for $72,900.00.

John Sedlock, Jr. to John Sedlock, Jr. and Bruce and Christine Herold, in Oakland Township for one dollar.

Randy Allen Millard to Dolores Millard, in Montrose for one dollar.

Randy A. and Dolores L. Millard to Randy A. Millard, in Liberty Township for one dollar.

Robert Calvin and Nannette R. Dean to Robert Calvin and Nannette R. Dean, in Choconut Township for one dollar.

Delbert and Ann M. Thomas to Brian Thomas, in Clifford Township for one dollar.

Martin I. (Estate AKA) Martin Treadway (Estate) and Fawn M. Quackenbush (AKA) Fawn M. Forsyth to Mark W. and Sherry L. Kasten, in Franklin Township for $28,000.00.

Horace E. Baldwin (Rev Trust – By Trustee) to Brett and Christel Flynn, in Rush Township for $80,000.00.

Jean L. Button (Estate) to Frantz J. and Megan E. Lincoln, in Springville Township for $100,000.00.

Stephen (AKA) Stephen P. and Dorothy J. Depue to Depue Irrevocable Grantor Trust, in Silver Lake Township for one dollar.

Stephen (AKA) Stephen P. and Dorothy J. Depue to Depue Irrevocable Grantor Trust, in Liberty Township for one dollar.

Sandra Hassenplug to Donald C., Jeanne M., Matthew D. and Kelly L. Button, Andrew G. Weller and Jennifer L. Button-Weller, in Bridgewater Township for one dollar.

Peoples State Bank of Wyalusing to Chad D. and Melissa S. Perry, in Hallstead Borough for $20,000.00.

Henry and Shirley Mostek to Bradley and Sarah Jane Maude Marshall, in Ararat Township for $150,000.00.

James T. Davenport to David E. Hobart, Sr., in Ararat Township for $49,900.00.

Bremer Hof Owners, Inc. to Charles H. and Marie S. Helbig, in Herrick Township for $3,495.00.

Robert L. Bitzer, Jr. to Robert L., Jr. and Nancy H. Bitzer, in Jackson and Ararat Townships for one dollar.

Bremer Hof Owners, Inc. to Michael and Jeanice Maxson, in Herrick Township for $2,495.00.

Harold B. and Victoria J. Oelschlager to Epsilon Energy USA, Inc., in Auburn Township for $10.00.

Harold C. and Gloria Craige to Epsilon Energy USA, Inc., in Rush Township for $10.00.

Williams J. and Mary Ellen Wynnyk to Jeffrey W. Wynnyk, in New Milford Township for one dollar.

Patricia A. Lahrman (AKA) Patricia A. Downie to Robert W. and Brandi M. Lahrman, in Auburn Township for one dollar.

Phyllis B. Zercoe to Robin and Natallie Fay, in Springville Township for $159,900.00.

Cindy L. Lamoreaux (NBM) Cindy L. and Tony L. White to Marcie A. Henderson, in Montrose for one dollar.

Marcie A. Henderson to Harold S. Davenport, in Montrose for $130,000.00.

Anthony A., Charlene M., Albert John (By Trustees), Anthony Thomas (By Trustees) and John (By Trustees) Pennino and Maddalena Pennino Smith (By Trustees) to Anthony A. (Rev Trust) and Charlene M. (Rev Trust) Pennino, in Thompson Township for one dollar.

Michael, Jr. and Marcella Hydock to Hydock Resources LLC, in Herrick and Clifford Townships and Uniondale Borough for $148,318.00.

William M. and Becky Arnold to William M. Arnold, in Dimock Township for one dollar.

William M. and Becky Arnold to Becky Arnold, in Dimock Township for one dollar.

Edward and Faithann Tawnsend and Terry L. Halteman to Edward and Faithann Townsend, in Jessup Township for one dollar.

Tony L. and Robin M. Alesander to Gerald J. and Beverly J. Quick, in Bridgewater Township for $10,000.00.


Todd Steven Decker and Billie Jo Marie Daniels, both of Harford.

Steven P. White and Kasey Kay Lynch, both of Montrose.

Tracy E. Boerner and Cynthia Lynn Tompkins, both of Lanesboro.

James J. Schoffstall and Celia R. Spadine, both of Nicholson.

Shane Bonavita and Michele C. Garnett, both of Meshoppen.


Clay M. Noto of Little Meadows vs. Nadine M. Noto of Endicott, NY, married 1994.

Kristen Maffitt of Forest City vs. Joseph Moffitt of Dunmore, married 2007.

Donna Lee Darrow vs. David A. Darrow, both of New Milford, married 1990.

Dolores Louise Millard of Tunkhannock vs. Randy Allen of Montrose, married 1997.


The Susquehanna County Domestic Relations Section has Bench Warrants for the following individuals as of 11:20 a.m. on October 24, 2008.

Leroy J. Adams, Duane M. Aldrich, Harry Ashley, David P. Atherholt, Jr., Erika L. Back, Keith B. Beach, Neeko Beahan, David S. Blaisure, Jennifer N. Bonavita, Joseph Bonavita, William R. Bondarek, Daniel E. Boyer, Michael P. Bradley, Jr., Kevin P. Brink, Kenneth G. Burgess, Lynn M. Cokely, Mark T. Conklin, Jeffrey A. Craig, Jeremiah M. Craven, John C. Creps, Jeffrey L. Decker, Michele Devito, Paul H. Donovan, Deborah L. Drish, Thomas D. Earley, Jonathan Fathi, Kristoffer B. Fazzi, David J. Fischer, Thomas Fisher, Nesbitt W. Fitch, Jr., Joseph E. Flynn, Ryan M. Forder, Kelly Fox, Yvette Glover, Jonathan S. Guzy, David Haines, Jr., Suzanne R. Hansen, Keith G. Harms, Ann Hightower, Holly N. Holbrook, Lyle J. Hugaboom, Roy M. Huntley, Erik E. Krisovitch, Charlie J. Legere, Carlos L. Leiser, Howard J. Linder, George D. Lowery, John A. Manning, Patricia J. Marrero, Jason K. Marshall, Fred C. Materese, Erica Y. Mead, Richard A. Murphy III, Gary Perico, Warren N. Peterson, Jonathan R. Powers, Jeffrey A. Ransom, Kim Read, Nathan Rosene, Neil D. Shaffer, Rory Sicovitch, Frank J. Siglin, Sr., Jeffrey C. Skinner, Duane Spencer, Amy M. Squier, Correna A. Stormes, Earl H. Thompson, Jr., Keith W. Vroman, Joseph Watkins, Glynn Wildoner, III, Patrick L. Yachymiak.

Please contact the Domestic Relations Section at (570) 278-4600 ext. 170 with any information on the location of these individuals.

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Retirement Board Issues Statement

The following is a press release submitted by the Susquehanna County Retirement Board.

The Susquehanna Retirement Board met with their consultants, the Seneca Group, on Wednesday, October 8 and reviewed the county’s pension investments and performance through the recent downturn in the market. As of August 31, the pension was down only 5% compared to an 11.4% drop in the S&P 500 and 6.75% drop in the balanced benchmark. The strategy the board adopted has fulfilled its purpose of protecting the pension on the downside compared to the markets as a whole. At this meeting the board voted to add assets to their opportunity set that respond well in an inflationary environment. The Seneca Group feels that once the current market and economic turmoil subside, the inflationary affect of recent government actions will be felt by the markets. The board also voted to hire GlobeTax to reclaim foreign taxes withheld on the dividends received by international stocks in the portfolio. This will save the plan, on average, an additional $3,000 a year.

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Gibson Barracks Report
Compiled By Melinda Darrow


On September 26, at around 10:30 p.m., Joshua Ward of Thompson was traveling northbound on SR 92 in Gibson Twp. Ward was attempting to turn right onto SR 2036 when, failing to negotiate the turn, his truck exited the roadway off the east berm and rolled down an embankment onto the road below. Ward was not injured. He was taken into custody for DUI and transported to Barnes-Kasson Hospital for a BAC test.


On October 22 at 12:25 a.m., Masa Katsura-Gordon of Oakville, ON was traveling southbound on highway 81 near the Gibson exit in New Milford Twp. While attempting to negotiate the right hand curve on the exit at night, her vehicle left the travel lane, impacted and continued along a concrete barrier, rotated clockwise, reentered the travel lane, impacted a guide rail, and came to a final rest partly on the exit lane. Neither Katsura-Gordon nor her passenger reported injuries; both were wearing seatbelts.


On October 20, at around 5:30 p.m., an unknown person fired a rifle in the Heart Lake area, the round of which went through the window of a private residence. No one was injured, and it appears it may have been a ricochet. The investigation was continuing at time of report.


Between the 17th and 18th of October, during the night, one or more unknown person(s) entered Force's Garage in Susquehanna by means of a rear window. Money was removed from two locations on the premises.


Between the 10th and 20th of October, one or more unknown perpetrator(s) arrived at a farm in New Milford and put an unknown substance into the tank of a 1999 John Deere tractor. Similar incidents have occurred involving the victim in the past. If you have information on this incident, please contact PSP Gibson at (570) 465-3154.


On October 16, Jasmine Vaughn of Binghamton is accused of having taken a vehicle belonging to Richard A. Sherman of Susquehanna without the latter's consent. The vehicle was taken while Sherman slept. It is described as a blue 2002 Chevrolet Blazer with PA registration GGP 8212.


On October 20, one or more perpetrator(s) forcibly entered Hinds Oil, The H/O Mart on SR 492 in New Milford. Entry was obtained through the prying open of a rear door, and money and retail items were stolen from within.


Between the 10th of September and the 18th of October, an unoccupied home on Whites Creek Rd. in Auburn Twp. was entered and a 27” TV, a DVD player, a Tiffany lamp, a Sears 20” chainsaw, an Echo leaf blower, and a Stihl weed whacker removed from within.


Between October 17 and 19, the S&J Wash and Go in Montrose was “trashed,” with several items within it broken. Chinese food and pamphlets were strewn throughout the business, and the office door kicked.


Sometime during the night of October 17 a mailbox belonging to Joseph Reynolds of Griffis Hill Rd., Montrose was knocked over by means of an ATV.


On October 14 at around 4:28 p.m., Colleen Peterson of Little Meadows was traveling north on SR 81 in Lenox Twp. when she encountered a work zone with the left lane closed. Approaching the closed lane, Peterson attempted to merge right but, failing to ensure that the lane was clear, struck a truck in the left side. The truck continued north; the driver remains unidentified. Peterson was forced to drive into the barrels, and came to rest in the closed lane.


Between the 17th and 18th of October, the windshield of a school bus belonging to Legg Busing was smashed, while in Choconut Township.


Sometime between the 16th and 18th of October, the office door at the Harford Fairgrounds was kicked in.


On October 17 at around 10:20 a.m., Peter Sousouris of Endicott was traveling south on SR 4003 in Bridgewater, Twp. Sousouris lost control of his vehicle, and struck a stone embankment off the edge of the southbound lane. Montrose EMS and Fire responded. Sousouris was wearing his seatbelt and was not injured.


On October 15 at 11:30 a.m., Brandon Crawford of Rome, PA was traveling West along T-317 in Auburn Twp. when his Yamaha Raptor 700 R went off the road and entered a ditch. The vehicle traveled within the ditch for a short distance before colliding with a tree. Crawford was not wearing a helmet, and was killed when he struck a tree.


On October 16, at 2 p.m., Paul Sidorek of Tunkhannock is accused of entering onto the property of Dawson Geophysical Company on High School Rd., Montrose without permission.


On October 17, at around 12:36 a.m., a vehicle described as a white tractor with a white semi trailer attached attempted to pull into the parking lot of the Flying J Travel Plaza, next to a Volvo. In the process, the driver of the white semi struck the parked vehicle, then proceeded to exit her truck to check the damage and to have a short conversation with the other driver, John (last name not given) of Elizaville, NY. At the time of the incident, John was sleeping in his vehicle. The unknown driver then returned to her truck, backed up, and fled the scene, traveling on SR 0081 northbound. She is described as a 5' tall female with a medium build and blond hair.


On October 13, at around 6:42 p.m., Gary Snow was traveling west on SR 1005 in Thompson Twp. when his vehicle swerved to the left and impacted with the embankment off the south berm. At the time of the accident, Snow had red bloodshot eyes, his speech was slurred, and the strong odor of an alcoholic beverage was noted on his breath. He was placed into custody for suspicion of DUI. Charges were pending the result of BAC analysis at time of report.


On October 9 at 7:30 a.m., an accident occurred on the East Lake Road in New Milford Twp. The incident happened as Jon Carpenter of Susquehanna carelessly passed Adam Bailey of Conklin while the two were driving uphill. Carpenter swerved into Bailey to avoid oncoming traffic. Both drivers were wearing their seatbelts; neither reported injuries.


PennDOT reminds motorists to move over or slow down when encountering an emergency scene, traffic stop, or disabled vehicle. The “Steer Clear” law mandates that motorists behave in this manner any time an emergency vehicle has its lights flashing or road or emergency personnel have lighted flares, posted signs, or other traffic control devices present. Failure to do so can result in a summary offense carrying a fine of up to $250. Fines are doubled for traffic violations in these areas, and if such a violation leads to the injury of a worker, a 90-day suspension could result.

If you have information regarding any of these incidents, please contact the Gibson State Police at (570) 465-3154.

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COG Has New Address
By Barbara Whitehead


COG has a new street address, due to the county’s 911 readdressing project, it was reported at their October 21 meeting. It is now 948 Main Street, Suite 3 (New Milford Boro’s office is suite 1, and the New Milford Municipal Authority is suite 2). The group approved closing COG’s post office box, now that the postal service will make deliveries and pickups in the boro proper. This will not only save the annual cost of maintaining the box, but it will eliminate the need for daily trips to pick up the mail.

A motion carried to approve purchasing a Christmas tree from the Endless Mountains Business Association again this year, it will be set up in front of the building.

More material has been ordered for making stop signs; members may fax in their requests (including road numbers). The signs will cost about $32.00 each.

The driveway has been put in at the new building site. It was suggested that an executive committee meeting be set to “get a game plan” going. The group was still waiting for loan information from banks that had been contacted.

Thompson Boro requested a copy of the ordinance required to join COG, and had approved advertising it. It is expected that they will be officially joining at their November meeting, when the ordinance will be adopted.

The annual township officials meeting was set for the following Thursday. Municipalities had been invited to submit information to be published in an annual book; not all information was received as of the deadline, and some received after the book had gone to the printer could not be included. The meeting planners always respond to feedback about the meeting procedure and have tried different times/venues for the meeting. Its present location, the Montrose Bible Conference, has been the venue of choice because they have the facilities to allow for the meeting program to take place in a different room, so that the procedures do not have to be interrupted for setting up and removing the meal that is served. As always, input from this year’s meeting will be taken into consideration when plans are made for next year’s meeting.

COG Sewage

Some problems were discussed by the executive committee at an executive session after last month’s meeting and have been resolved.

A member asked a question about a property that has not had water service for some time; how does this affect a sewage permit? SEO Duane Wood replied that with no water to put into a system, there is, in effect, no sewage system.

Permits, etc. are steady for this time of year; there had been somewhat of a slowdown due to the fuel crisis of late.

COG Codes

The codes committee reported that all is going well. It was noted that the CEO is available at the office three days a week, and is willing to answer questions.

It was reported that a visitor to the office had claimed that a township official had said that no permit was required for construction under 1,000 square feet in size; this is incorrect. Any addition or change to a dwelling structure requires a permit. In any potential permit situation, especially if there is a question as to whether or not a permit is required, it is strongly suggested that those in its member municipalities contact COG; staff is available and willing to provide the relevant information. “That’s what we’re here for,” one said.

Another visitor from a municipality that is not a member had requested information about getting an inspection. For those in municipalities who are not members of COG, Building Inspection Underwriters in Scranton should be called directly.

The next meeting will be on Tuesday, November 18, 7 p.m. in the offices in New Milford Boro.

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East Lake Camp Closed?
By Melinda Darrow

In a short and sparsely attended October 15 New Milford Township meeting, some township residents might have heard (had they been present) news they've been waiting for. Whether or not the news is the end of the frequent, impassioned discussions regarding the matter remains to be seen. The supervisors announced that they had received a letter from Mr. Young's attorney advising that the Camp at East Lake would be closed on October 15. It was asked whether this meant seasonal closure, or closure of a more lasting sort. Mr. Bevan suggested as well that the township be clear on Mr. Young’s definition of closing. The council suggested that their solicitor write to his solicitor.

There is delay on a FEMA/PEMA project regarding bridge work on Bailey Road, to rectify damage done in the flood. It is being delayed due to a landowner refusing access to his property. When asked, the supervisors stated that there was a bridge in place now which could be utilized, in the form of a pipe.

Another bridge came up in conversation as well, as a visitor inquired to the removal of the old bridge from the creek on Route Eleven. It was suggested that in order for the situation to be best fixed, the creek needs to be cleaned out at its mouth.

The township received notification that it would be receiving a Fuels Tax decrease of approximately $5,000. This is money which the township is given for its roads.

Notification was also received regarding an application by Chesapeake Appalachia LLC with the Susquehanna River Basin Commission for consumptive use from the Susquehanna River Basin. The maximum amount taken daily is set to be 20 million gallons.

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