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Letters to the Editor Policy

An Open Letter

To Bishop Joseph Martino, Scranton, PA.

We would like to thank you with all our hearts for your visit to St. John's Church in Honesdale. We were unable to attend, but received a telephone call from our brother celebrating your sudden appearance and sound Catholic doctrine comments. Although we know that many Catholics know and fully accept the teachings of the Church in regards to abortion and the life issues, it often feels we are drowned out by the far left demands and lies. Please know we will continue to pray for you as you fight this ugly onslaught against our Church.

We most fervently wish that a way could be found to weed out those members of the Catholic academia who teach against Church doctrine and warp the minds of our students. Many parents, in good faith, send their children to Catholic colleges and universities so they will get a "Catholic" based education. But in many instances, their sons and daughters have their faith undermined by false teachers. It would have been better to send them to secular institutions with the foreknowledge that their faith would be tested, than to turn them over to wolves in sheep's clothing!

God Bless you for your strength and courage as you battle the many delusional attacks on Holy Mother the Church.


Annette Corrigan

Jackson, PA

Round Two In Silver Lake

Round one was several months ago, at a huge gathering to hear about zoning. Residents overwhelmingly rejected any zoning for Silver Lake Township.

The township newspaper that I just received has a article titled, “Township Supervisors Consider Earned Income Tax.” The article states that there has not been a tax increase in five years. Let me remind you that there was a time when garbage and recycling were included in our tax bill. Now we pay separately! The article also states that the township loses $70K due to Clean and Green. During my tenure as supervisor, we also had the loss but there were no tax increases.

I compare the township problem to the nation's sub prime crisis. Rather than taking out loans for most major purchases, supervisors would go the lease-to-buy route. To further create the need for more tax money, years ago they did a lease-to-buy for a huge township building with many large garage doors, that is heated with two separate heating systems run by oil and bottled gas. Here again, it was something the supervisors wanted, but the taxpayers knew we could not afford.

I believe the supervisors owe the taxpayers a plan that will lie within the existing tax rate. We are all saddled with increased costs of living, but we are adjusting our spending accordingly.


Tom Jurista

Silver Lake Township

Your Last Chance

This is your last chance to keep the Susquehanna Depot Area Historical Society open. If we don’t have willing workers and members that are interested in the future of the history of the Susquehanna area, we will have no choice but to close.

We will be voting to dissolve the museum at our next meeting on November 20, 7:00 p.m. at the Susquehanna Borough building.

If you have any interest at all in saving the Society, please be at that meeting.


Carl Tanner, President

Clay Martin, Vice President

Janet Hartt, Secretary

Elaine Kaiser, Treasurer

Letters To The Editor MUST BE SIGNED. They MUST INCLUDE a phone number for "daytime" contact. Letters MUST BE CONFIRMED VERBALLY with the author, before printing. Letters should be as concise as possible, to keep both Readers' and Editors' interest alike. Your opinions are important to us, but you must follow these guidelines to help assure their publishing.

Thank you, Susquehanna County Transcript

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