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COLUMNS: EAST LENOX: East Lenox is to have a fine ball ground and race track for the young men and older ones, who are fond of sports. It is to be used next year for the first. SHANNON HILL, Auburn Twp.: There are some men who make a record for themselves for doing hard work, and among them is Charley Lott, who is 89 years old, and since haying this year has laid 40 rods of stone wall as a line fence between him and Johnnie Kernon, it all being 3 ft. high, digging and cleaning out the old stone rows before laying the wall, and also dug 50 bushels of potatoes, besides doing other work on the farm. Isn’t that a record? If anyone can beat this let us hear from them. MONTROSE: I. W. Oakley is located in his new store, formerly the Foote meat market, and has his goods attractively arranged. Its neat appearance and fine stock has been frequently commented on by those passing the store. GREAT BEND: The American Chair Manufacturing Co. is receiving large orders and are obliged to work forces of men day and night. They are at present filling an order for 2100 dining room chairs to be shipped to Panama. NEW MILFORD: At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Hartt, Wednesday, Oct. 14, their daughter, Miss Nina Hartt, was united in marriage to Leon Cole, of Heart Lake. Rev. J. W. Johnson tied the nuptial knot. Following a wedding trip they will reside at Heart Lake. AND: Mrs. E. Cornell celebrated her 89th birthday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. M. Shelp, Oct. 7th. Those present were Mrs. Betsey Ford, 81 years old, Mrs. Seymour, 89, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Kent who are each 81, Mrs. Augusta Beebe, Of Montrose, Mrs. Manier, Mrs. Eliza Burdick and Mrs. Holden, of New Milford. BROOKLYN: The apples are all picked and mostly packed. E. S. Eldridge had the largest crop but the wind and dry weather caused a large percentage to drop. He had 553 barrels packed and has sent about a couple of thousand bushels to the evaporator at Foster. E.L. Weston had about 300 barrels, H. S. Estabrook, of Harford, and Fred Dean, of New Milford, bought the greater part, although a few took their apples to C. D. Dayton & Son. The price paid was 50 cents per hundred pounds for good hand picked fruit, and 25 cents per hundred pounds was paid at the evaporator. FOREST CITY: The Forest City band gave one of their enjoyable concerts on Saturday evening from the porch of the Muchiz House. AND: Mrs. Wildenburger’s Millinery Mark had a most successful opening last week. The odd styles and shapes and colors were a surprise to all but they sold like hotcakes and she has been compelled to reorder new patterns, which will be on display this week. Whether it be elegant simplicity or the most elaborate conception of the designers art that satisfies your millinery longing, we have it TIRZAH: What looked at one time to be a disastrous fire on the farm of John Reese, of East Mountain, was prevented by quick work over the telephone wire. An old house, hen house and 30 hens burned. UNIONDALE: A most disgraceful affair occurred here last Wednesday evening. A young man from this place was standing on the hotel veranda talking with a young lady, when without any warning the high constable darted up behind him and gave him an uppercut in John L. style. HALLSTEAD: Dr. E. E. Tower, a veterinary, who is acting under the authority of the Government, has located in Hallstead, occupying the Noonan homestead on Franklin street. The Doctor comes from Philadelphia and will have charge of the John B. Williams Stock Company in the capacity of meat inspector. The John B. Williams Stock Company will ship stock there in car load lots and the stock will be butchered and prepared for the New York market at this company’s establishment just west of Hallstead. LANESBORO: Contractor W. E. Bennett has finished the large dam across the river for the Electric Light Company. This is the second large job of this kind that he has completed the past summer. LATHROP TWP.: The children of Ellen (deceased) and Francis Lindsey are disputing the deed for a farm in this township. Did Ellen Lindsey have full title to the farm and does her surviving husband, Francis, have the right to occupy the premises? They contend that Francis Lindsey has no right to occupy the premises and proceedings were brought against him to dispossess him of the farm. A criminal suit was brought against him and he was convicted of assault and battery because of his attempts to hold the possession, claiming that his wife had the title to the farm and for that reason he had a right by courtesy to the use of it for life. The matter was argued three times before Judge Searle, who first found in favor of the children, and finally in favor of Mr. Lindsey, with the claim that the deed gave full title to his farm to Lindsey’s wife and for that reason he had the right to remain in possession for that natural life. An appeal was upheld by the Superior Court. Now Francis Lindsey can remain in possession of his farm and his rebellious children must pay the cost. [Mr. Lindsey died in January of 1910.] NEWS BRIEF: Mrs. George C. Howard, 79 years old, famous as the original Topsy in the dramatized form of “Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” died at her home in Cambridge, Mass., on Friday. Her Maiden name was Caroline Fox, and she married Howard in 1844. He was an actor and manager, and was the first one to produce in dramatic form Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe’s slave story. In the play Mrs. Howard was the original Topsy, and her daughter, Cordelia, was the original Eva, while her husband was the first one to play the part of Mr. Sinclair. Mrs. Howard continued to play her original part of Topsy until 1887, when her husband died.
From the Desk of the D.A. As with any job, a prosecutor’s work can often be filled with frustrations. Frustrations connected with the mundane minutia of the everyday operations of the office, or from the countless deadlines that surround the administration of hundreds of criminal cases simultaneously. There are frustrating moments that occur when dealing with colleagues on the defense side of the bar, where friendships can be forgotten and words become heated in the midst of a legal battle. There are frustrations at times from adverse court decisions which require you to reassess your own analysis and reasoning. But these frustrations are passing and, to some degree, they help me learn and grow in my professional capacity. Even the legal battling and wrangling serves to only strengthen my professional admiration and friendships with my colleagues who practice in the defense bar. Last week, however, I encountered a truly frustrating situation. Several months ago, we prosecuted a 20-year old man for unlawfully taking an automobile from another person and then crashing that automobile into a neighbor’s home. As a result of the damage done to the home, the young man was ordered to pay approximately $66,000 in restitution, in addition to a fine, court costs, and probation supervision fees. Initially, the probation department placed him on a payment plan that required only a $20 per month payment until the young man got working and could begin paying more. Several months passed, and the young man continued to send only $20 in each month towards his outstanding balance. The probation officer spoke with him about the need to make greater payments voluntarily, and the young man simply responded by stating that he was “not going to kill” himself to get the restitution paid. Of course, if he continued to pay only $20 per month, it would take him around 275 years to simply pay the restitution portion of his sentencing order. The prospect of never finishing making restitution – or even making a reasonable attempt to make restitution – did not bother this young man. Because he would not volunteer to increase his payments, the probation department filed a petition for a hearing for the court to determine an appropriate monthly payment. Remember, this is the young man who contended that he could not afford to pay more than $20 per month – or $5 a week towards his restitution – but he appeared at the hearing with a privately retained attorney! In other words, he had enough money to hire an attorney to fight an increase in his monthly $20 restitution payment, but not enough money to actually pay towards his outstanding restitution. At the hearing, the young man spoke about how he was “self-employed,” but that business was a little slow at this time. He indicated that he had looked for another job, but only on a couple of occasions. He admitted that he was single, had no children or dependents, and was able-bodied. I questioned him as to what his goal would be in terms of his employment, to which he responded that he would like to work 40 hours per week. I asked if he would be willing to work more hours than simply 40, and he stated that he would like a “little overtime.” I asked him about a second or even third job, and he seemed confused. I also asked if he had considered additional jobs, working part-time in retail or food industries, such as on weekends and evenings. He derided this suggestion, as he was looking for a job where he could “build a career.” When pressed on how many hours he believed he should work a week, he was unable to give a clear answer and seemed surprised that anyone expected him to work more than 40 hours per week. In the end, he suggested that he could probably double his payments to $40 or maybe even $50 per month – or $10 per week. After noting that the young man was clearly able to work, the court ordered him to make a payment of $100 per month. Afterwards, I was left with a level of frustration over the mindset of this young man – a mindset that had little remorse for his actions, little concern over making things right, and a sense of entitlement to a work week of no more than 40 hours despite owing $66,000 in restitution. Where was the sense that he needed to make things right? Where was the drive to work as much as he possibly could to get his debt paid? In the end, where was his sense of responsibility? Unfortunately, even after being convicted and facing additional incarceration for his refusal to pay more towards his restitution, this young man still did not get it. I wish I could say that he was a lone example – but the frustrating thing is that there are far too many defendants like him. Please submit any questions, concerns, or comments to Susquehanna County District Attorney’s Office, P.O. Box 218, Montrose, Pennsylvania 18801 or at our website or discuss this and all articles at
The Healthy Geezer Q. Who are happier, men or women? There was a study of men and women in the United States that showed women are happier than men in their youth, and are unhappier when they are old. The research was done by two economists, Anke Plagnol of the University of Cambridge and Richard Easterlin of the University of Southern California. Happiness is like a kiss. You must share it to enjoy it. - Bernard Meltzer Plagnol and Easterlin found that happiness depends upon the gap between what you want and what you have. This gap changes and affects happiness at different stages of life. There are two significant elements to happiness: family and finances, according to the study. In later life, the researchers say, men come closer to fulfilling their aspirations in both categories. The following are some age milestones from the study. At 41, men’s financial satisfaction exceeds women’s financial satisfaction. At 48, men’s overall happiness exceeds women’s overall happiness. At 64, men’s satisfaction with family life exceeds women’s satisfaction. If only we'd stop trying to be happy we'd have a pretty good time. - Edith Wharton The study also found that older people think they need more to be happy. Respondents in the study were shown a list of 10 items and asked to choose which ones they needed to be happy. The items included home, car, children, clothing, etc. Young men and women chose three or four items from the list. Older men and women picked an average of six items. Gratefulness is the key to a happy life that we hold in our hands, because, if we are not grateful, then no matter how much we have, we will not be happy. -Brother David Steindl-Rast Among the influences upon happiness found in the study are these. Women marry earlier than men, leading to higher satisfaction with family life at that time in their lives. Men are the saddest in their twenties, when they are the most likely to be single. In later years, men tend to be married, and many women are widowed or divorced. Early in life, women are more likely to fulfill their financial aspirations, because they tend to marry slightly older men at a young age. Young men are more dissatisfied with their finances, because they want more than young women do. Men become more satisfied with their finances as they age, because they have increased spending power. Happiness is as a butterfly which, when pursued, is always beyond our grasp, but which if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you. - Nathaniel Hawthorne So, what can you do bring happiness? Here are a few tips I found that make a lot of sense. “You've got to accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative, latch on to the affirmative, don't mess with Mister In-Between.” These old lyrics are much more than a lively ditty. Live now. There is only the present. The past and future are constructions of our minds. Count your blessings. Another cliché, and for good reason. Give happiness and you’ll get even more in return. Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city. -George Burns
Straight From Starrucca No Straight From Starrucca This Week
What’s Bugging You? Ground beetles: anonymous good guys Take a walk in the woods and turn over a stone or log. In addition to the usual earthworms, millipedes and occasional salamander, you will usually see an inconspicuous black “bug” hurrying away for cover. This most likely is a Ground beetle. The Green Ground Beetle. Nearly one quarter of all identified living things are beetles (Coleoptera). They constitute forty percent of all known insects. As reflected in a number of my previous articles, these beetles vary considerably in their benefit/harm to us. One of the largest families of beetles is the Ground beetles (family Carabidae). These are common, usually shiny, black beetles that are often found beneath stones, logs, fallen leaves or other debris on the ground. When disturbed, these beetles will usually quickly scurry away. Although they have wings, they seldom fly. Most ground beetles are nocturnal, hiding during the day and feeding at night. Occasionally they are attracted to lights and may enter households by crawling through small openings or crevices. A Black Ground Beetle. The adult beetles vary in size from one-eighth inch to over an inch in length. They are generally somewhat flattened and often have a pattern of small ridges running lengthwise along their backs. These beetles have thread-like antennae and long, slender legs. Their head is narrower than their thorax, on which the legs and wings are attached. Ground beetles have prominent chewing mouthparts. The nocturnal species are usually black or dull colored, while the diurnal types, such as the caterpillar hunter beetle, are iridescent green. As with all beetles, ground beetles have complete metamorphosis, consisting of the egg, larval, pupal and adult life stages. The number of eggs deposited is related to the available food and such environmental conditions as temperature and moisture. The female ground beetle deposits her eggs in the soil. In some species, the female provides some parental care in guarding and tending the unhatched eggs. The larvae feed and develop over a one- to two-year period before pupating in small chambers that they form in the soil. Typical ground beetle larvae are dark colored and long. They are mostly predaceous, feeding on caterpillars and other, often destructive, insects. The larvae use external digestion when feeding. This involves the regurgitation of digestive fluids onto the prey. The larvae than suck up the fluid which contains the “dissolved” victim. Most ground beetles overwinter as pupa in these underground chambers. The adults emerge in early spring and will live for several years. The majority of ground beetles are very quick predators that feed on small insects, spiders, snails and other small arthropods. Given the opportunity, some ground beetles will also feed on dead invertebrates and plant matter. Most species of ground beetles are cannibalistic. Hunting at night, ground beetles patrol wooded areas, lawns and farmlands. The larvae have similar habits, although they generally stay hidden in the leaf debris while they hunt. The majority of the ground beetles are beneficial predators. Only a few, such as the seedcorn beetle, are herbivores and are considered to be minor pests. As with many other insects, ground beetles have an effective defense in the form of strong-smelling chemicals. The most famous of these chemical warfare beetles is the bombardier beetle, which is capable of spraying a strong, heated corrosive mixture of chemicals. These chemicals emanate from two separate abdominal chambers and are combined as they exit the abdomen with an audible “pop” noise. The spray can momentarily burn the skin and leave a dark stain, which can persist for several days. Ground beetles vary greatly in appearance and habitat. However, as a group they are unheralded benefactors. Their speed and agility enable them to capture and devour many destructive pests, including aphids and gypsy moth caterpillars. Some also consume the egg masses of undesirable insect pests. So even though they don’t have the hero status of ladybug beetles, they still get the job done! Questions, comments and suggestions regarding this article, identifications or any other insect-related matters are welcome. Please email them to
Food For Thought No Food For Thought This Week EARTH TALK No Earth Talk This Week
Barnes-Kasson Corner Barnes-Kasson Hospital is celebrating National Breast Cancer Awareness Week during October 19 – 25. Breast cancer affects more and more women each day, leading to a grand total of approximately 300,000 females living with breast cancer right now. Years ago, the national average for women getting breast cancer in the US was one in twenty, but now that number has gone up to one in seven. The reason for this is that people are living longer and women are taking better care of their breast health. Advances in technology have made mammograms the leader in catching breast cancer. Every three minutes someone is diagnosed with this disease. But the good news about that is that the disease is being caught by doctors and patients. Most doctors recommend that women start getting yearly mammograms by age 50, depending on your risk factor. Women with a high risk factor should start getting mammograms as early as age 30. It’s important to remember that everyone is at risk for breast cancer. Just being a woman shoots up your risk massively compared to men. While is it mostly uncommon for men to get breast cancer, it has happened before. The reason that men are not normally diagnosed with breast cancer is that they don’t have as much estrogen in their bodies as women do. The vast majority of women today want to know how they can prevent or reduce their risk of getting breast cancer. But the truth is, doctors don’t know enough about the disease itself to create an effective way of preventing it. But, at the moment, they have come up with some effective ways to reduce your risk. These ways are to minimize alcohol consumption, not smoke, exercise regularly, and try and maintain a healthy lifestyle. New medications are also coming out that may help reduce the risk. Creating a healthy lifestyle for yourself will not prevent cancer, it will only reduce the risk. Yearly mammograms are still the most effective way of catching breast cancer in its early stages. Don’t forget to get yours.
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