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Help Wanted HELP WANTED: Wait staff and bartender positions available – must be dependable. Call (570) 727–3265. (2T-O15) PAINTING CONTRACTOR: John Mann, 20+ years experience. 727–3050 after 6:00 p.m. (4T-O15) NEED EXTRA MONEY? Position available full and part-time. Looking for qualified staff to fill the positions of Mobile Therapist (MT), Behavioral Specialist Consultant (BSC) and Therapeutic Staff Support (TSS). All positions require working with children, families &/or schools, day & some evening hours. 5 to 37.5 hours per week. What fits your schedule? MT & BSC require Master degree in Psychology, Counseling, Social Work, Human Service, related field. TSS requires Bachelors degree or an Associates degree with 3 years experience working with children. Send résumé to: Tri-County Human Service Center, Attn: Cindy Delaney, RR #7 Box 7117, Montrose, PA 18801. EOE. (2T-O22)
FOR RENT: One bedroom apartment, $390.00 per month plus security deposit. No pets. References. Appliances not included. (570) 853–3694. (S17-TF) FOR RENT: Apartment, 1-2 bedroom in Hop Bottom. $450/month, water, sewer included, washer/dryer hookup. Available immediately. (570) 289–4408 or 806–1551. (4T-O8) FOR RENT: One bedroom apartment, $390.00 per month plus security deposit. References. Electric, water, garbage, sewer included. (570) 853–3694. (O15-TF) FOR RENT: Two bedroom apartment, $375.00 per month plus security deposit. References. Wood stove. Water, garbage, sewer included. (570) 853–3694. (O15-TF) FOR RENT: Apartment. Private home, 3 rooms, bath. Ideal for one person. Heat, hot water supplied. Hookup for stove and washer, dryer. Renter pays own electric. Call (570) 853–3319. Leave name and phone number and last residence. (O22) FOR RENT: In Harford, 2 bedroom apartment. Appliances included. Security deposit and references required. Absolutely no pets/no smoking. $500/mo. + electric. (570) 434–2495. Leave message. (2T-O22)
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