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HEADLINES: Episcopal Parishes Aid Food Banks On Sunday, July 13, three Episcopal Churches in Susquehanna County held an ingathering of food for the county’s food bank. St. Paul’s, Montrose; St. Mark’s, New Milford; and, Christ Church, Susquehanna, distributed grocery bags to parishioners with a list of needed items for the food banks in the county. On Food Bank Sunday, July 13, the parishioners responded with an abundant harvest of foodstuffs and personal hygiene items for the Trehab Food Banks in South Montrose and Oakland. Joan Flint of St. Mark’s, New Milford, delivers bags of food to the Oakland Food Bank for distribution. The bags were collected at three area Episcopal Parishes – Christ Church, Susquehanna; St. Mark’s, New Milford; and, St. Paul’s, Montrose. “It was a thrilling sight to see parishioners bring grocery bags to Church on Sunday morning,” reported Jeanette Saulo, project coordinator at Christ Church, Susquehanna. “I could not help but think that after the Sunday Worship, we were sharing this blessed food with our friends and neighbors through the Oakland Food Bank.” The parishes were responding to the growing food needs of the area. Many county residents are feeling the increase in the cost of food, along with the regular summer reality of children out of school, who otherwise get their nutrition at school. The three Episcopal parishes joined together to make a significant donation of food and other items, such as diapers. The three parishes are also looking ahead to the cold weather and will be collecting blankets. “We are looking ahead to the coming seasons,” reports Mary Zalewski, who represents St. Paul’s on the Montrose Ecumenical Committee of Christian Response. “First up on our fall calendar will be ‘Undie Sunday,’ when we will collect underwear, socks, and sweats for school children; and, then we will work on blankets and other winter necessities for Interfaith.” The supplies for school children are distributed to all the school nurses in Susquehanna County. “Blankets, afghans, and comforters are very important during the cold winter months,” stated Brenda Loubet, Director of Interfaith in Montrose. “We present every client with a blanket during the winter. With the cost of heating, many of our clients, especially the elderly, save by lowering their thermostat. The blankets, sweaters, and afghans are a blessing.”
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