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Help Wanted HELP WANTED: The Susquehanna County Prison Board is accepting applications for County Prison Warden. The job description is available in the Chief Clerk’s office in the Susquehanna County Courthouse, 11 Maple Street, Montrose, PA and on-line at Applications will be accepted until 4:00 p.m. on July 25, 2008. Salary is commensurate with experience. Susquehanna County is an equal opportunity employer. (Jy16) HELP WANTED: Maintenance position. Full-time, pay commensurate with experience, benefits available. Must be dependable. Call (570) 727-3458. (2T-Jy16)
FOR SALE: 91 Nissan 4x4 V6 3000SE with steel box, new front end, new brakes. Needs framework. Asking $800.00 OBO. (570) 853-0928 or (570) 853-4821. (jy16) LAMBERTSON’S DAYLILIES Gardens open for sales starting July 16th, open Wednesday through Sunday 10 til 4 until Sept 1st. Located on the road to Ararat 1\2 mile south of Sunoco Station in Thompson, PA. We are the second house on the right. Ararat road runs parallel to Rte. 171. Hundreds of plants for sale and many more to view. Worth the visit. 570-727-4607. (5T-Jy16) FOR SALE: 2003 Starcraft Aruba camper, 27 foot, front Queen bed, excellent condition. Call (856) 629-1802. (3T-Jy16)
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