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Oakland Dam’s Future Uncertain
By Barbara Whitehead

The hole that opened up in the Oakland dam last year has, in the last month, become a full-blown breach. Although there has been a lot of interest in the situation, so far, the dam’s future does not look good. Officials from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) have been to inspect the breach, but offered no hope that it would be repaired.

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Rental Repercussions In Montrose?
By Melinda Darrow

The May 5 meeting of the Montrose Borough Council was perhaps better attended than any which this reporter has covered in the last year and a half. The majority of those present were there regarding one matter, which has been under consideration off and on for most of that time. The visitors appeared, for the most part, to be there representing one of two subgroups – landlords and those feeling that the proposed renter's ordinance was unnecessarily restrictive, and those who felt that tighter regulation was necessary for community well-being.

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