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EVENTS, PROGRAMS, HAPPENINGS, SEMINARS: March 19 RUEBEN SANDWICHES, Wednesday, March 19, 6 – 8 p.m. at the Kirkwood Elks Lodge. CART (County Animal Response Team) monthly meeting, Wednesday, March 19, 7:00 p.m. at the Extension Office conference room, Montrose. March 20 MAUNDY THURSDAY Communion Service, Thursday, March 20, 7:30 p.m. at Franklin Hill Presbyterian Church. SPRING EQUINOX labyrinth walk, Thursday, March 20, 7 p.m. at the Self Discovery Wellness Arts Center, Montrose. Donation. Call 278–9256 for info. SPRING EQUINOX Labyrinth Walk, Thursday, March 20, 7 p.m. at the Self Discovery Wellness Arts Center, Montrose. Donation. Call 278–9256 for info. PIZZA NIGHT, Thursday, March 20, 5:30 – 9 p.m. at the Kirkwood Elks Lodge. Eat in or take out. March 21 SPAGHETTI SUPPER, Friday, March 21, 4 p.m. – 7 p.m. at the Hallstead-Great Bend Rod & Gun Club. All you can eat! PIZZA SALE, Friday, March 21 at the Susquehanna Fire Dept. Taking orders 4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., call 853–3197. Delivery available. FISH DINNER, Friday, March 21, 6 – 8 p.m. at the Kirkwood Elks Lodge. March 25 FREE SEMINAR on selling timber, Tuesday, March 25, 7 p.m. at the Dept. of Agriculture, Tunkhannock. For info call Jim Kessler (Forester) at 278–4600, ext. 270 or the Conservation District, 278–4600. WING NIGHT, Tuesday, March 25, 5:30 – 9 p.m. at the Kirkwood Elks Lodge. March 26 SPAGHETTI DINNER, Wednesday, March 26, 5 – 7 p.m. at the Kirkwood Elks Lodge. March 27 CAREERS IN THE ARTS program with Kathleen Harwood, Thursday, March 27, 7 p.m. at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Montrose. For info call the League of Women Voters, 278–9082. PIZZA NIGHT, Thursday, March 27, 5:30 – 9 p.m. at the Kirkwood Elks Lodge. Eat in or take out. March 28 DINNER, roast beef or fish, Friday, March 28, 6 – 8 p.m. at the Kirkwood Elks Lodge. March 29 OPEN HEARTH COOKING program, Saturday, March 29, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Salt Springs State Park. Fee. Pre-registration required, call 967–7275. CHICKEN BARBECUE, Saturday, March 29, beginning at 11:00 a.m. at the South Montrose Community Church. Delivery available, call 278–1358 by March 25. “GOOD NEWS” (gospel group) in concert, Saturday, March 29, 7:00 p.m. at the Susquehanna United Methodist Church. SPAGHETTI & MEATBALL SUPPER and bake sale, Saturday, March 29, beginning at 4:30 p.m. at the Thompson United Methodist Church. March 29 & 30 VARSITY BASEBALL CLINIC, Saturday, March 29 and Sunday, March 30 at Susquehanna Community High School. Ages 6-9 at noon, ages 10-14 at 2:30. Fee. For info call 853-4921, ext. 2203. April 2 MAKING SENSE of Your Dollars and Cents seminar, Wednesday, April 2, noon at the Montrose Bible Conference. Take a closer look at the way you manage the finances of your business. For info or to register, call 265–9103. April 4 & 5 GUYS AND DOLLS, Friday, April 4 and Saturday, April 5, 8 p.m. at the Windsor High School. Call (607) 655–8250 for info. April 5 BENEFIT for Kaleb Setzer, Saturday, April 5, 1 to 5 p.m. at the Lanesboro Community Center. Silent auction, food, music, pie sale, more. Donations may be made to Kaleb’s fund, Peoples National Bank, 222 Erie Blvd., Susquehanna, 18847. Call 853–3858 for info. April 5 & 6 HUNTER SAFETY training course, Saturday, April 5 and Sunday, April 6, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Blue Ridge Sportsmen’s Club. Registration required, call 879–2483. April 6 PANCAKE BREAKFAST, Sunday, April 6, 8 – 11 a.m. at the Hallstead-Great Bend Rod and Gun Club. All you can eat! HYMN SING, Sunday, April 6, 3:00 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church, Montrose. Refreshments will be served.
Senior Center Menu March 17 – 21 Monday, March 17: chili, pineapple juice, green beans, white rice, corn muffin, diced peaches. Tuesday, March 18: barbecue chicken breast, scalloped potatoes, coleslaw, rye bread, graham crackers, mandarin oranges. Wednesday, March 19: sliced ham, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, honey wheat bread, granola bar, tropical fruit. Thursday, March 20: beef stroganoff, orange juice, parsley buttered carrots, noodles, dinner roll, pumpkin pie or sugar free butterscotch pudding. Friday, March 21: breaded chicken patty, Italian blend vegetables, macaroni salad, hamburg roll, fresh apple. Senior Center Menu March 24 – 28 Monday, March 24: Italian sausage with peppers and onions, potato salad, hot dog roll, chocolate chip granola bar, tropical fruit. Tuesday, March 25: tuna noodle casserole, Monte Carlo blend vegetables, cranberry juice, 12 grain bread, honeydew melon. Wednesday, March 26: honey mustard chicken breast, Brussels sprouts, sweet potatoes, rye bread, graham crackers, pineapple. Thursday, March 27: spaghetti and meatballs, tossed salad, Italian bread, Boston cream pie or sugar free chocolate pudding. Friday, March 28: glazed chicken, stir fry vegetables, wheat bread, brown rice, mandarin oranges.
Dominic “Spin” Battisti will be celebrating his ninetieth birthday on March 31, 2008. Friends and family are invited to join in a card shower, and wish him a Happy Birthday. Cards may be sent to: Dominic Battisti, Turnpike Terrace Apartments, 600 Turnpike St., Apt. 217, Susquehanna, PA 18847.
On March 22 the Susquehanna Branch of the Quality Deer Management Association will hold an antler scoring (measuring) and deer jawbone aging event. Antler scoring will be done by local QDMA Directors - Dave Taylor, John Butler, Dave Wilcox, Ron Hollenbeck and new QDMA member, Rick Larnerd. Antlers (including full mounts) and jawbones from past years will be measured and aged. The jawbone aging is done using the tooth wear evaluation method. If the jawbones are not clean, the branch asks that the participant freeze the jawbone prior to bringing it in for aging. Additional events that will take place are mini educational sessions on wildlife habitat management, food plot planting – what to plant and when, and deer management. One final item is the awarding of custom designed shirts for the three contest winners of the 225 lb. deer event that the Susquehanna Branch held for the past deer hunting seasons. Those three winners are Ken Singer - Montrose, David Sienko - Hallstead and Cody Scepaniak - Susquehanna. This event, open to everyone, will be held at Andre & Sons Farm Store, just east of Montrose on Rt. 167, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Where can you eat, laugh, and shop, all in one place? At the tenth annual Auction Night! This fundraiser for the Susquehanna County Library and Historical Society keeps getting bigger and better, and this year it will be held once again at the VFW Hall in Montrose, PA (on Route 706). Admission includes a buffet dinner provided by local restaurants and caterers. Doors open at 4 p.m., and the buffet starts at 4:45 p.m. New this year will be a baked potato bar. Dozens of door prizes will be awarded all night, so don't lose your ticket stub! At 6 p.m., the auction begins. Entertaining auctioneers Dave and Josie Coddington make this a delightful, laughter-filled event. A wide array of items have been donated, and more are coming in. Antiques, art, event tickets, books, crafts, furniture, services – there's something for everyone, and for every price range! For more information on Auction Night, call 570-278-1881 or visit
County Farm Bureau Spring Meeting Set Susquehanna County Farm Bureau’s annual spring meeting will be held on April 2 at Dreyer Hall (Montrose Bible Conference), 6:30 social time, 7:30 dinner. This is the annual Penna. Friends of Ag Foundation fund-raiser. All proceeds benefit the foundation, AG in the Classroom – teaching teachers to include ag concepts in their classes - and promotion and education projects. The dinner booklet brings Farm Bureau members and friends up to date on the work of their organization and key issues affecting agriculture and rural communities. Meet the candidates; all candidates for state legislature and 10th Congressional District have been invited. The Susquehanna County Dairy Royalty have also been invited. Reservation deadline is March 27, call Kathie Shelly, 756-2429. All SCFB Board of Directors have tickets available.
Easter Cross Walk In Susquehanna A Cross Walk for Good Friday, March 21 is planned by the Triboro Ministerium. Those who are able are invited to walk or to join at one of the churches. The walk will begin with prayer and singing at the Church of St. John the Evangelist, Susquehanna, at 11:15 a.m. the walk will proceed to the Susquehanna United Methodist Church for prayer. The walk will then proceed through the Shops Plaza to Christ Episcopal Church, where a brief service will conclude the remembrance of Christ’s death. The community Easter sunrise service will be March 23, 7:00 a.m. at the Susquehanna United Methodist Church. The service will be followed by breakfast. All are invited. The message will be brought by The Rev. Robert Harris, retired United Methodist Pastor.
On Good Friday, March 21, the Ecumenical Way of the Cross will again be held in Montrose. At 12:00 noon, the Way will begin at the Holy Name of Mary Roman Catholic Church with a reading from The Passion, prayers, and music. A wooden cross will then be carried in procession by community members to St. Paul’s Episcopal Church for a continuation of the reading and service. The procession with the cross will travel to the Montrose Methodist Church, where the reading and service will resume. The procession will conclude at the First Presbyterian Church with the final reading and service. Everyone is invited to attend.
Educational Child Abuse Conference To Be Held An educational conference, sponsored by The Susquehanna County Coalition For The Prevention of Child Abuse and The Susquehanna County Children and Youth Services will be held on Thursday, April 10, from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Montrose Bible Conference, Dreyer Hall, Locust Street. This event will provide parents and professionals with new, as well as updated information on children’s issues in a changing world. The main speaker will be M. Cynthia Loftus-Vargari, a psychologist, who will be presenting on “Traumatic Stress: Signs, Symptoms, and Recovery.” Her presentation will explore the ways in which the signs and symptoms of traumatic stress which are manifestations of strength, courage, determination, fearlessness, and self protection may become problematic when the danger has passed (re: Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome). Ms. Loftus-Vergari had presented on this subject in November, 2007 at the annual conference held by the Coalition to Prevent Child Abuse and C/Y Services of Susq. Co. She is back to present on the same subject, due to the many requests by the community and her vast knowledge and keen ability to share that knowledge. Ms. Loftus-Vergari has a Masters Degree from Austin Peay State University. She has had graduate training at Yale University of Medicine and received Diplomate Status in 2006. She is also a Fellow of the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress. Educational (ACT 48) and Social Work credits will be offered. Registration Deadline is April 3. There is no fee for the conference. There is a charge for those who have lunch at the conference. If you are interested and want to register, or need more information, call Charmarie Bisel at (570) 278-4600 Ext. 6, or Bev Bennett at (570) 278-3889.
All are invited to attend “Rain Water Management for the Homeowner” from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, April 26, in the downstairs conference room of the County Office Building in Montrose, Susquehanna County. The workshop will feature speakers from the Conservation District, Penn State Master Gardeners, and an award-winning homeowner who has implemented storm water practices in her own yard. Attendees will receive a free rain barrel for collecting and storing rain water. Some of the topics to be addressed include water conservation, flood management, drainage, storm water collection systems, rain gardens, drought irrigation, and more. Register by April 11 to ensure you receive a free, recycled rain barrel to take home. For more information or to register, contact Watershed Specialist Kathy Blaisure at (570) 278-4600 ext. 289.
The First Universalist Church of Brooklyn announced the following services for Holy Week. On Friday, March 21 (Good Friday), a service entitled “Journey of the Cross” will take place in the sanctuary at 7 p.m. On Easter Sunday, a sunrise service will be held at the church at 7 a.m. with breakfast refreshments afterwards. At 10 a.m., a triumphant Easter service will open with the choir singing, “O Sons and Daughters Let Us Sing.” Pastor Christianson will deliver the Easter message, “Christ Is Risen: Hopes and Dreams Assured.” During the service special solo music and anthems by the choir will be performed. The service will close with a celebration of Easter communion. The public is welcome.
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