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Local Students Named To IUP Dean’s List The following students from Susquehanna County have been named to the fall, 2007 Dean’s List at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Students achieve Dean’s List status when they are full-time (12 or more credits) with a grade point average of 3.25 or higher. The students from our area who were recognized are Laura Jean Curtis, Forest City; Ashley May Roberts, Forest City; Christopher Thomas Stanis, Friendsville.
Megan Clough Makes Penn State Dean’s List Megan Fae Clough, Susquehanna, completed the fall semester of her senior year at Penn State, University Park on the Dean’s List with a semester GPA of 3.84 and an accumulative GPA of 3.82. This spring semester finds her student teaching in Altoona, PA. She graduates in May, 2008 with her BS in Special Education with hopes of finding employment in North Eastern Pennsylvania.
EL Students Attend Boyschoir Festival Lackawanna Trail High School was the site of the second annual Boyschoir Festival held Wednesday, November 7. One hundred and sixty boys joined voices on the auditorium stage to make music together under the direction of guest conductor, Mr. Stephen Fisher, co-founder of the Commonwealth Youthchoirs of Philadelphia. Ten students from Elk Lake Elementary School attended the festival. Sixth graders Joel Kline, Christian Sprout, Mark Zayleski sang Soprano II. Robert Ralston and Shane Kelder, fifth grade, sang Soprano I. Fourth graders Seth Tewksbury, Conner Atherholt, Ty Moon, Travis Birchard, and Bailey Tyler were also on the Soprano II part. The students prepared the music at their home schools, and after a full day of rehearsal at Lackawanna Trail, performed in concert to a full house of family and friends. To hear that many boys sing harmony from the stage at one time is truly an awesome experience. The fourth grade students are directed by Miss Jennifer Geary, and the fifth and sixth grade students are under the direction of Mrs. Barbara Holbert.
Susky Elementary Students Of the Month Mr. Robert Keyes, Principal of Susquehanna Community Elementary School, announced the "Students of the Month" for January, 2008. Kindergarten, First, Second, Third Pictured (l-r) are: row 1 – Kanor Haskins, Samantha Voege, Geena Miller, Faith Welch; row 2 – Christopher Ayres, Robert Burns, Lia Heath, Sean Argust; row 3 – Kathy Meck, Chloe Haskins, Kaylin Trynoski, Lexus Heeman, Natalie Schield; row 4 – Taylor Williams, Karina Polak, Jonathan Teribury, Jade Hardy, Marisa Conklin. Absent from photo: Karin Dunbar. Fourth, Fifth, Sixth Pictured (l-r) are: row 1 – Allison Hampton, Donna Jo Decker, Alan-Michael Anderson; row 2 – Emily Stark, Keith Hubal, Ivy Christensen; row 3 – Katelyn Sherman, Kyle MacDonald, Brandon Rafferty, Jack DeLaPlaine.
Susky High Second Period Honor Roll Following is the Susquehanna Community High School Honor Roll for the second marking period of the 2007-08 school year. HIGHEST HONORS (93-100) GRADE 12: Ellen Biegert, Ashley Blewett, Mary Jo Cotter, Michael Ervin, Emily Mead, Angela Petriello, Ashley Price, Ashley Repa, Samantha Rieman, Chelsey Saam, Tamara Sager, Craig Soden, Jessica Welch. GRADE 11: Christine Biegert, Heather Bixby, Christy Glidden, Diana Greene, Angela Leonard, Hannah Price, Lacey Sholtiss, Aaron Soden, Leann Terpstra. RADE 10: Nicholas Felter, Thomas Kelly Jr., Kyla Kemmerer, Shawn Norton, Brandon Stone, Jamie Towner. GRADE 9: Susan Greene, Sean Leonard, Nicholas Marco, Sarah Parsons, Alex Price, Steven Skurski, Derek Williams, David Winn, Shane Wolf. GRADE 8: Courtney Arthur, Karlene Cottrell, Alexandria Dominick, Rex Fullam V, Matthew Hilling, Thomas Maby, Morgan Ofsharick, Stephanie Skurski, Jeffrey Wayman. GRADE 7: Kyleigh Fiske, Lindsey Glidden, Melissa Kukowski, Raymond Polak, Ryan Swanson, Ashley Sweeney, Andrzej Tomczyk, Amberly Warner. HONOR ROLL (90-93) GRADE 12: Shayna Benson, Caryn Conklin, Christopher Felter, Tara Flor, Craig Price, Danielle Roy, Shawnee Soules, Ashley Troup, Kristy Tyler, Cynthia Williams. GRADE 11: Ashley Aldrich, Sydney Carmody, Brittany Heller, Jessica Hubal, Samantha Neal, Jeffrey Williams, 10th Grade, Scott Arthur, Kelly Conklin, Maggie Lawrenson, Adam Macazan, Lauren Reddon, Courtney Slocum, David Szili, Andrea Walker. GRADE 9: Zachary Baker, Kelsey Carmody, Kirstin McCormick, Kyle Napolitano, Timothy Sager. GRADE 8: Jeremy Acone, Aaron Arthur, Ashley Ballard, Dustin Burdick, Austin Cowperthwait, Brandon Deakin, Alexis Gerhardt, Ashley Kapcsandi, Mary Kemmerer, Brenda Kochmer, Sierra McConnell, Gatanya Sedlock. GRADE 7: Kevin Bush, Megan Canfield, Amanda Marco, Chelsea Matta, Caitlynn O’Dell, Chelsea Sparks, Zachary Vaughn. MERIT ROLL (85-90) GRADE 12: Kelli Agler, Dustin Barton, Amanda Depew, Daniel Downton, Kristen Edwards, Daniel Gall, Robert Glover, Joshua Jenkins, Alexandria Kotran, Lucas Marion, Aleshia Napolitano, Kenneth Scro, Brady Stark, Rashel Swanson, Sherry Teeple, Jamie White, Megan Zappe, Brittany Zebrowski. GRADE 11: Stephen Andujar, Caitlin Burke, Connor Freitag, Jennifer Glover, Justin Lee, Kaylin Lindquist, Carrie Phetmoungkhoune, Justin Redington, Cody Scepaniak, Kelly Sheriff, Anthony Wayman, Justin Westbrook. GRADE10: Philip Barnes, Mindy Batson, Benjamin Case, Nicole Conklin, Jakilyn DeCicco, Courtney Dininny, Melinda Fitch, Megan Garcia, John Herbert, Kristianna Lake, Matthew Leet, James Marion Jr., Kayla Valentine, Matthew Welch, Ashley Westbrook. GRADE 9: Brooklynne Baker, Kelly Burke, Kacie Chesnick, Kalyn Cina, Christine Compton, Danielle Davis, Julianne Kuhn, Alex Sheriff. GRADE 8: Elizabeth Acosta, Brittany Ballard, Daphne Barnes, Matthew Bennett, Adam Boughton, Danielle Conklin, Emily Conroy, Duane Consla Jr., Brett Deakin, Timothy Flanagan, Autumn Hadlick, Megan Kutney, Jon-Michael Marino, Vincent Matta Jr., Zachary Ord, Zachary Stanford, Stephanie Zappe GRADE 7: Brett Archambault, Danielle Barnes, Daniel Biegert, Emily Carmody, Derek Case, Brendan Conklin, Daniel Cordner, Michael Frye, Valerie Hines, Patricia Pauswinski, Brooke Sampson, Chantal Stith, Casey Williams.
Mt. View High 2nd Period Honor Roll Following are the students who were named to the Mt. View High School Honor Roll for the second marking period of the 2007-08 school year. GRADE 7: Megan Atkins, Bryce Beeman, Alicia Belch, Paige Belcher, Gabel Bell, Elizabeth Black, Shannon Bollard, Rebekah Brown, Victoria Fallon, Owen Flannery, Nathan Goodenough, Sarah Hosie, Kerri Jarnagin, Lucas Jodon, Molly Keogh, Marshall Kupinski, Brian Liepinis, Raven Lydon, Erin McHale, Caroline Miller, Laura Moser, James O'Brien, Bradley Pfahl, Veronica Robbins, Jordan Roeske, Nicholas Sabuacak, Lee-Anne Sherman, Victoria Sterling, Caitlyn Tague, Dylan Thomas, Kelsey Twining, Katie Valentine, Stephanie Virbitsky, Tyler Walsh, Kyle Watts, Kari Lynn Zupanovich. GRADE 8: Sabryna Alley, Tess Berish, Sarah Bowman, Dominique Chadwick, Melody Cummings, Katherine Cure, Allison Davis, Tabitha Drum, Ryan Falkenberg, Michaela Gates, Anthony Gaynor, Brian Goble, Deanna Hansen, James Holdridge, Dominique Horrocks, Joseph Jarrow, Ashley Jones, Shannon Kavetski, David Kern, Angelica Kester, Adam Klees, Jennifer Kochmer, Megan Kress, Ryan Lahnemann, Stephen Landis, Elizabeth Lockwood, Liam Maloney, Melinda Miller, Nathan Moyer, Jordan Noldy, Bradley Owens, Tyler Puorro, Kelly Purdy, Crysta Santarelli, Jeff Smalley, Devon Suhadolnik, Alixandria Taylor, John Valentine, Michael Wakalowski, Matthew Weiler. GRADE 9: Gregory Adams, Thor Banks, Andrea Beeman, Barbara Bennett, Alaney Berish, Taylor Brainard, Tiffany Davis, Paul Fontana, Karch Frantz, Aaron Goodenough, Lindsey Harvey, Christopher Herman, Devin Hollenbeck, Carly Jesse, James Johnson, Megan Karhnak, Kayla Kazmierski, Michael Keogh, Justin Kinney, Samantha Knowlton, Brian Landis, Alexandria Lynn, Logan Mack, Julia Madas, Hunter Marcy, Daniel McWhirr, Michael Mikloiche, Brian Miller, Christopher Powers, Michael Purdy, Brittany Resseguie, Cody Robbins, Mary Skurnowicz, Joseph Valentine, Mary Walker, Julian Williams, Tyler Wright, Olivia Zick. GRADE 10: Douglas Adler, Anika Althouse, Alena Beeman, Jonathan Buzzerd, Brittany Chubirka, KoreyAlan Elkins, Ravi Figgles, Miranda Fisher, Stephanie Grushinski, Colleen Haley, Erin Harvey, Luke Jenkins, Codie Jones, Sharon Jones, Jacqueline Kochmer, Cory Landes, Jonathan McBride, Kelly Morgan, Robert Novak, Amber Peterka, Jessie Porth, Alyssa Regan, Amanda Roberts, Brittany Sheposki, Leah Tantanella, Seth Tiffany, Katherine Webster. GRADE 11: Elaine Arsenault, Shawnna Benedict, Darlene Bloxham, Sarah Bradley, Jamie Buzzerd, Justin Cerra, Michael Conklin, David Corbin, Bryce Edwards, Sondra Fallon, Angela Ferrence, Carrie Gardoski, Michaelene Gongliewski, Nicholas Hancock, Joseph Harvey, Misty Karhnak, Richard Keogh, Michelle Lahnemann, Jacob Madas, Scott Martens, Daisy Matulevich, Brittany McGraw, William Merritt, Brandon Miller, Victoria Novajosky, Michael Oakley, William Owens, Alexander Pahchuk, Kenneth Robbins, Brian Robinson, Jesse Roeske, Amanda Schmidt, Tessa Sheridan, Jessica Short, Suzanne Skurnowicz, Zakkary Snedeker, Donald Tantanella, Shelbey Twining, Sarah Walker, Jacqueline Wayman, Colleen Whitaker, Mariah White. GRADE 12: Alecia Beeman, Maura Bocan, Allison Bodt, Cassandra Bostjancic, Amber Brewer, Katelyn Briggs, Michael Brown, Krystal Chubirka, Gina Cicco, Matthew Daniels, Crystal Davis, Ryan Depew, Shannon Dumont, Nicholas Durling, Esther Erdos, Nicole Feduchak, Benjamin Garrison, Carly Gaughan, Derek Gaughan, Kelly Griffin, Kyle Holgate, Joshua Jarnagin, Amy Kern, Brittany Kozlowski, Patrick Lambert, Amanda Leach, A'Leia Lewis, Brian Lockwood, Dustin Mack, Amanda Makosky, Christie Marcho, Zachary Matulevich, Matthew Morgan, José Musses, Andrew Nichols, Saleta Oakley, Brooke Peterka, Justine Pevec, Matthew Powers, Kelly Rafferty, Kendra Rafferty, Kristin Repchick, Nicole Rhodes, Casey Schweppenheiser, Megan Shipsky, Tyler Tompkins, Rachel Vauter, Justina Wadge, Mason Webster, Michelle Wedin, Christina Zick.
Penn State Chapter Scholarship Awards The Penn State Chapter of Greater Binghamton is proud to present its 2007-08 annual scholarships to Amber Johnson, a Ross Corners Christian Academy graduate from Friendsville, PA; Erika Ann Mills, a Susquehanna Community High School graduate; and Lauryn Guth, a Union Endicott High School graduate. The chapter awards scholarships annually to Penn State students living in the Susquehanna County, PA and Greater Binghamton areas. The Penn State Chapter’s endowed scholarship fund at the university is supported by more than 2000 Penn State alumni families living in the Pennsylvania and New York areas.
Local Students On PSU Dean’s List Following are the local students who were named to the Pennsylvania State University Dean’s List for the Fall, 2007 semester: Kenton B. Adriance, Montrose; Cameron C. Arthur, Susquehanna; Sarah M. Bollinger, Montrose; Isabel C. Boyce, Clifford; Jamie L. Brainard, Kingsley; Erika L. Brown, Montrose; Anthony F. Capotosto, Friendsville; Catherine A. Caterson, Montrose; Gina M. Cherundolo, Montrose; Jordan M. Clapper, Hallstead; Megan F. Clough, Susquehanna; Sofia L. Delousia, Brackney; Michael J. Dominick, Clifford; Lindsay M. Franks, New Milford; Brittany L. Harris, Brackney; Laura A. Heck, Forest City; Mary G. Iveson, Susquehanna; Stefania A. Kloda, Montrose; Melanie J. Loomis, Montrose; Jaclyn M. Mccawley, Uniondale; Erika A. Mills, Susquehanna; Robert J. Mullaney, New Milford; Kristin R. Olcese, Uniondale; Palmer J. Pelella, Brackney; Eric W. Robinson, South Gibson; Samuel A. Rowe, New Milford; Michael J. Stahl, New Milford; Victoria A. Strope, Brackney; Jonathan R. Torch, Vandling; Kevin G. Turano, Browndale; Julia E. Wallace, Thompson.
Community Foundation Offers Scholarships The Community Foundation of Susquehanna & Wyoming Counties is pleased to provide a number of college scholarships to local students, and thanks the individuals, families, and organizations who have established these scholarships. In addition to The Community Foundation’s five-year average investment return of 12%, all of these permanent scholarship funds can receive additional tax-deductible donations to enhance their value for future generations. The Community Foundation also participates in a statewide program that provides the potential to match these scholarship awards. Scholarships are available for students in each of the county’s school districts. Scholarship applications are on file with high school guidance offices and at The Foundation’s web site of www.community-foundation.org. The deadline for applications to be turned in to guidance offices is March 31.
Area Students Named To SRU Dean’s List Slippery Rock University students from across Pennsylvania and the nation earned dean's list honors during Fall, 2007 semester. To qualify for the SRU dean's list, a student must earn a 3.5 grade-point average or higher on a 4-point scale while taking 12 or more graded hours of course credit. Students from our local area named to the list were: Victoria L. Ignacio, Forest City; Andrea L. Carlin, Meshoppen; Jason G. Beardsley, Montrose; Katrina L. Rinehimer, Hallstead; Alison McNamara, New Milford; Tim Decker, Susquehanna.
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