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Save Our Tower!

How do we feel about the water tower?

How about we let our voices be heard! Do we want to lose it?

I don’t know what channels have to be checked out, but let’s do it. It would be nice to have it restored. It is a landmark.

It’s like the railroad station those folks are trying to keep going. Anything worthwhile is a struggle. A lot of us remember a train ride, even if it was to Binghamton. And lots of us remember family, and they were railroad men. We had huge buildings here, for years.

When we talk about what’s on the tower, well, what was in those buildings. Most men lived to a ripe old age. Look at Ira Reynolds, 106 years young.  Happy belated birthday, Ira. I’m sure he didn’t breathe clean air all the time.

Come on, let’s hear from you, and let’s hope that all channels are checked out, for help. We feel it’s worth saving, I’m sure others do, too.


Janet Smith

Oakland, PA

Proud To Be A “Redneck”

I was enjoying refreshment, when he said to me, “Do you know what redneck means?” I told him I thought it meant people who work outdoors, wear rounded instead of high collars, and is considered a type of insult. He said, "Oh no, they were men who marched from the Carolinas to West Virginia to help their fellow miners organize and unionize for themselves and for their families. They wore red bandanas so they could tell who to shoot and who not to."

Turns out this is the story of Blair Mountain, and there were 10 to 15,000 men who were greeted by Sheriff Chafin and President Harding's military. This story doesn't get a lot of press, as the government isn't supposed to attack its citizens, and the owners didn't want a group of well-fed workers, which they insured the compliance of with the use of the Baldwin-Felts guards.

Now, that sounds just like all the rednecks I know and love! Rednecks have a high sense of honor and duty.

They fly the flag proudly, and honor their ancestors. Check out why Tennessee is called the Volunteer State. Rednecks have little regard for the time constraints of others, which is why some have the car on blocks for ten years before restoration, and generally live a life of peace. That could also be because of the redneck gun collection. Redneck women are as comfortable in Vera Wang as they are in the jeans from Central Tractor. They would never boast to their city friends (prideful sin) that the family farm is worth eight million and the equipment is worth five million, run a couple times a year, and paid for in cash.

Redneck women are as formidable as the men they love and raise, and can cook anything.

Redneck hospitality is unparalleled by none. Where else can you eat everything from soup to beer-nuts, and know that is not just a saying, you are truly made to feel welcome and will share in whatever there is.

Rednecks work hard and play hard. They are God loving and fearing, and know they are stewards of the land that they love and will die for. They live on the land and harvest the plants and minerals to ensure the land tax payments, so that the land will stay in the family.

What do you say after a story like that? I took another sip, and pondered the facts and the realization of his words and realized that it is only on the coastal areas that being a redneck sounds like a definition for uneducated, backwoods folks who can tell you how many hay bales fit in the truck cab, pallets of stone in the back and still room enough for "Mutt."

After a few moments he said, "So the next time you get called a redneck, you remember this story and you tell them to....

and you be proud!"

Thank you, my dear redneck friend for this true story, and the fun I had in listening to your telling of it.


Cynthia Allen

Summerville, PA

Sinking In America

My grandchildren are my concern. I am concerned about their safety. I had no idea that five years ago, toys I bought for them contained high levels of lead, or I would not have bought them. Has our industry done us a favor? American companies – why do they even bother calling themselves American? Toy companies, shoe factories, the garment industry, all moved to foreign countries for cheap labor, knowing full well that we Americans will still buy name brands.

If there was a toy factory or shoe factory in every town in America, and Americans worked in them, we could afford to pay the price for them because we all would be working.

Years, ago, there were five-and-dime stores – remember them? Cheap goods made in America, and most everything sold was not “cheap.” The name was tricky!

Years ago, the words “Made in China were only seen on the bottom of expensive plates, cups and saucers, and only the rich Americans could afford to buy them.

Today “Made in China” is about everything sold here in America.

Have our American industries done us a favor by supplying a cheap product for us? Or, are we sinking into a pit with no bottom?

Cheap is not better, America. It is time to stop the freefall, stop buying things like dog food made in I don’t know where, and re-learn to do without.


Peter A. Seman

Thompson, PA

Many Thanks!

Thank you to the kind person who found my bank card in the parking lot at Stone’s Hardware in New Milford.

A happy and healthy new year to you!


Marilynn Hughes

New Milford, PA

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