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Commissioners Get Questions The Susquehanna County Commissioners, minus one, met on Wednesday, November 27, for their regularly scheduled meeting, without Commissioner Jeffrey Loomis. A number of audience members expressed disappointment that Commissioner Loomis has not attended three consecutive meetings.
Money & Sports At Mt. View It was largely athletics which elicited ire at this month's second Mountain View School Board meeting, though it was not the only thing discussed. Criticisms included problems with the high school principal, the athletic director, the basketball coach, the superintendent, and the cafeteria food. Clarification was provided regarding a tax collector vacancy, a bus driver vacancy, grants and tax credits, snow days and school transportation. Tokens of gratitude were given to two of the retiring board members (the third resigned at the last meeting), and public acknowledgment made of generous donations. Overall, a lot happened during a meeting which did not stretch as long as it has been known to in the past.
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