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HEADLINES: Turnpike Senior Center Update We made Halloween crafts for the Meals on Wheels people. It is always a lot of fun, even if we do grumble once in a while. We have a nice bunch of ladies who work on them. I went shopping with June, Rena and Marion. We are getting to be quite the galavanters. We had our soup and sandwich supper on Friday, the 12th, and the same night we had the Watson Hill Bible Church come to entertain us with their singing. We had a great time. Most of our people are home from the hospital. We wish them good health. Well, we lost our maintenance man, Jack Haley. He was very good to us and always there when we needed him. Our sympathy goes to his family. We will miss him. Our basket weaving is fun, and they really look like baskets – so far. We have two more classes and will see the results then. We have been having a few ladies come for bingo on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. It is a lot of fun and passes the time, and good fellowship. The landscapers are back, they cleaned the circle out and left the nice tree in the middle, and it looks like they put in the post for the flagpole. Also, they set stone around the cement, it looks good so far. We will be getting a new officer manager. Vicky will be leaving us in January. We will miss her a lot. She knew what we needed before we did. Good luck to you, Vicky, in whatever you are doing. Come visit us once in awhile. We welcome Pam here as her replacement. We had a welcome and goodbye party for them both, it went well. We had a full house. Lots of nice refreshments and punch. We had our yearly Halloween doings here. We take our treats at the lounge and the Halloweeners come to see us. We had quite a few kids up here, that was a treat for us. Bob the parrot has been behaving himself lately. See you soon.
At a regular meeting of the Harford Lodge #445 F&AM, Gary Marcho and Jack Ord were presented with the Daniel Carter Beard Masonic Scouter award. This award is given to Masons who are actively involved in Boy Scouting. Both Jack and Gary have been involved in the Delahanna District of the Baden-Powell Council for many years. They both have the distinct honor of serving Scouting as District Chairmen. Several other members of the Harford Lodge have also received the award. They are Robert Kochman, Barry McBride and Walter Nitterauer. The award is named after Daniel Carter Beard, who was a Mason and one of the founders of the Boy Scouts of America.
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