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HEADLINES: We met at the church in Harford. First we pulled weeds in the memorial garden. We had roll call and did the pledges. We decided not to be in the parade on July 4 in Montrose. We have decided to buy a bench for the Harford Fair. The bake sale will be July 20 at the People’s National Bank in Hop Bottom, starting at 9:00 a.m. August 16 all projects are due at the 4-H building from noon to 8:00 at the Harford Fair. August 20 baked goods are to be taken to the 4-H building. The club picnic will be after the fair is finished. We will have the picnic at Will and Julie Harvatine’s. Rebecca Gardner and Alyssa Clarkson gave demonstrations. Rebecca did a demonstration on taking care of her cat. Rebecca also did a drawing demonstration. Alyssa showed us how to make microwave chocolate chip cookies and then gave us all a sample. Christina Zick showed us how to do the Heimlich life-saving move if someone is choking. We also learned the symbol for choking. We plan on pulling more weeds if it is not raining at the next meeting. Christine and Olivia Zick are going to do refreshments. News Reporter: Alyssa Clarkson
Engagement Announced Boughton – Albert Jeff and Nancy Boughton, Susquehanna would like to announce the engagement of their daughter, Christi to Bill Albert of New Milford. Bill is the son of Linda Robbins of Conklin, and Bill and Cathy Albert, New Milford. CHRISTI and BILL Christi is a graduate of Susquehanna Community High School and College Misericordia. She is currently working as a Nuclear Medicine Technologist in Fairfax, Virginia. Bill is a graduate of Blue Ridge High School. He is currently attending New York Chiropractic College, graduating December, 2007. Christi and Bill plan on residing in Northern Virginia. An October 13, 2007 wedding is planned.
Annual Library Picture Book Contest Winners On Saturday, June 2, the Montrose Theater was filled with thirty-six young authors and illustrators and their proud families and friends as the awards for the 12th Write and Illustrate Your Own Picture Book Contest were presented. The contest, sponsored by the Susquehanna County Historical Society & Free Library Association, drew fifty-five original entries from grades K through 12. Pictured (l-r) are irst-place winners: front row – Jackson Rogers, Maggie Kowalewski, Jared Rose, Grace Rogers; middle row – Joshua Korty, Lydia Anne Costley, Liam McGranaghan, Hunter Vaughn, Dakota Oswald, Madison Canfield, Keith Hubal; back row – Jesse Korty, Aaron Costley, Rebecca Costley. Pictured (l-r) are second-place winners: front row – Ethan Luecke, Jordan Coles, Cooper Meagher, Jennifer Korty, Travis Acosta; middle row – Nicole Sherman, Caleb Shafer, Natalie Meagher; back row – Abigail Costley, Marci Rose, Tyler Drake, Brandon Russell. Not present for photo: Christian Burke. Pictured (l-r) are the third-place winners: back row – Gracie Lutz, Kaylee Russell, Emily Lawrenson, Rose Warner, Kaylin Trynoski; front row – Nicole Harris, Jennifer Grosvenor, Benjamin Woolcock, Olivia Ely, Katie Nebzydoski. Not present for photo: Tyler Butler, Piper Gauthier. A PowerPoint presentation with pages from the winning entries displayed on the screen as librarians summarized each book. Two copies of each first place winner's book were hardbound, one to be added to the collection of the Main Library, the Forest City Branch, the Hallstead-Great Bend Branch, or the Susquehanna Branch, and one awarded to the winner. The second and third place winning books were softbound for the young authors. The library copies of the first prize books were on display and will tour the four county libraries as a collection before being available to borrow in the fall. The young authors' names are permanently added to the county-wide computer catalog (www.susqcolibrary.org), and their books are also now listed in the state-wide ACCESS-PA catalog (www.accesspa.state.pa.us).
The monthly meeting of the Mt. View Garden Club was held July 11 at the Lackawanna State Park. Members were taken on a nature walk led by Environmental Education Specialist, Angela Lambert. She pointed out many local wildflowers and also a few invasive plants. Following the walk, a presentation on herbs was given by Master Gardeners, Selma Etter and Colleen Bobrovcan. A brief discussion followed regarding upcoming events. The club will be manning the snow cone booth at the Clifford Fireman's Picnic and volunteers will be needed. Also discussed was the Square Dance to be held on September 29. More information will be available soon. The August meeting will be held at the home of Norma Genevich on August 1. For more information, contact JoAnn Hall at 222-3591.
Basu Mitra Choudhury, a renowned social worker from India recently visited Susquehanna, carrying his message of peace and goodwill to the people of the area. Basu is pictured above at Barnes-Kasson Hospital, with his wife, Tapa Sree.
Turnpike Senior Center Update We had a winner on each floor for the decorated doors. Mary Heesh for first floor, Ellen Kelley for second floor, and Shelby Carpenter for the lower level. They were all nice, and congratulations to everyone. Our pancake supper was a big success. We had a full house here. There was a birthday party for Fred Holtzman, given by his family. He had his son and daughters, and a lot of grandchildren. There were also some tenants from the Terrace and friends. Happy birthday, Fred, and many more. Well, the bingo and domino games are going strong. Mr. Maney is home from the hospital, good luck Pete. I went to Watson Hill Bible Church to see a concert with Ellen Kelley, Flo Flynn and Marie Delaney. It was by the Charlie Payne family band. We all enjoyed the music and fellowship afterwards, and they had refreshments. We are still doing our five day a week, walk a mile exercise. There are six loyal gals that come to it, and we have Kay on Tuesday to do another kind of exercise. We do keep busy. My daughter, Becky gave me a miniature parrot for Mothers’ Day. She says I can teach him to talk, but by the look of how he gets seeds out of his cage, I should teach him how to vacuum. A lot of guests here for Fathers’ Day. A group from Turnpike Terrace went on a bus trip for the senior picnic in Troy. We had two new bingo players on Monday. We are hoping they come up again. Our friend Carol from Thompson sent the domino players a nice, big strawberry rhubarb pie. It was so good – thank you from all of us. A group of us (two cars full) went to the South New Milford Church to hear their praise band, Soul Fire. It was a very good evening. After the concert everyone was treated to a strawberry festival with all kinds of strawberry dishes and coffee. We had a great time. See you soon.
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