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Help Wanted

SECRETARY Wanted: full-time position available with benefits; pay based on experience; basic clerical skills required and computer skills are a plus. Call (570) 727–3458. (2T-J13)

DAY LILY GARDENS: Sales and tours starting July 19, Thursday through Sunday until Labor Day. Hours 10-4. Hundreds of plants for sale. Several display beds; also Dick’s hybridizing plants. Richard Lambertson, (570) 727-4607, Thompson, PA, 1/2 mile south Sunoco station, just off 171 on road to Ararat. (6T-J11)

WANTED: five pieces of rough sawn barn beams – 6” x 8” x 12’ long (or more); barn planks – any sizes. Must be good quality. Call Barry at 1-516-527-0759. (A5-TF)

HELP WANTED: Part-time veterinary assistant/animal handler needed. Looking for young person, good with people and animals willing to learn new career. Long-term position available. Will train but some experience helpful. Start immediately. Call Orson Corners Vet. Clinic, ask for De, (570) 727–2474. (M14-TF)

WILL THE PERSON who picked up my black, fold-over wallet near the stoplight in front of the Town Restaurant in Susquehanna at about 5:00 p.m., Sunday, June 17, please return it to the Susquehanna Police Station, no questions asked. I am a 73-year old senior, on vacation from California, and am now without funds. I desperately need my passport. Thank you. (2T-J27)

HELP WANTED: Personal Home Care Aides. Vibrant and growing home health care company now has positions available for those who like helping others in Susquehanna County. Flexible scheduling, paid training, reimbursement for mileage and travel time. If you would like to work for a company that knows its employees are its future, please call (570) 265-1195 for an application or send your résumé to: Helpmates Inc., 520 Main St., Suite 2, Towanda, PA 18848. EOE. (3T-J4)

YARD SALE: July 21 and July 22, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Take Franklin Ave. to East St., Susquehanna. Gas stove, microwave, closet, coffee table, odds and ends, clothing. 853–4986. (J18)


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For Sale

PRIVATE COLLECTOR paying cash for your Colt Revolvers, Winchesters, antique guns, militaria, civil war swords and items, flasks, powder cans. 1 or many. Please call Rob at 607-760-1264. (N8-TF)

FOR SALE: Ford 800 tractor. Good condition. Rebuilt engine and hydraulic pump. Ideal for small farm, etc. asking $4,000. Call 465–7559. (4T-J6)

Franklin Ave., just outside of Susquehanna on Rte. 92 at the self-storage units. Also, John Deere tractor 2040 with font end loader for sale; comes with 6 ft. brush hog. Also, John Deere and a rock rake, $8,000 OBO. Call (570) 756–2779.

FOR RENT: In Harford. One bedroom apartment. Appliances included. Carpeted. Municipal water and sewer provided. Security deposit and references required. $375/mo. + electric. (570) 434–2495. Leave message. (2T-J18)


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Classified Ad Rates

For $10 you can place a classified ad up to 20 words for 4 weeks on our website. Payment must accompany your ad copy — we do not bill for classified advertisements.

This is for NON-COMMERICAL Classifed Ads only. Business classified advertisers, please call us at 570-853-3134 or e-mail us at for rates and information.

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