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RK Says B-K Is OK

Barnes-Kasson Hospital appears to have weathered the storm and is back on terra firma after suffering through some financial woes that really did very little damage, except to become political fodder for a period of time.

Asked for an update on the hospital at last week’s meeting of the county Board of Commissioners, Roberta Kelly, board chair, said the hospital is up to date with its bonded indebtedness

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East Lake Debate Reopens
By Melinda E. Darrow

The New Milford Township meeting, began as it frequently does, with a declaration that there was not too much on the agenda. It turned out, however, to be one of the longer meetings in recent months, as well as one of the loudest. Tempers seemed to flare occasionally, though all present could be commended for keeping them in check overall. This was largely due to one visitor who brought a lot of old business before the supervisors.

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