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100 Years Ago
Along the Way...With P. Jay

From the Desk of the D.A.
The Healthy Geezer
The Family Doctor
Veterans’ Corner

100 Years Ago

GREAT BEND: We are authorized to say that if the party who took Postmaster Simrell’s underclothes from the line Monday night, will return the same at the same time they return William Knoeller’s bicycle, Charles Knoeller’s washing, and George Lamb’s and Charles VanZant’s porch chairs, it will be all right. With the exception of Mr. Simrell, the above named parties advertised that the one who purloined the mentioned articles was known. Mr. Simrell says he has not yet made the thief’s acquaintance, but he would like to meet him and thereby have as extensive an acquaintance as the other sufferers.

FOREST CITY: Between the noises of exploding powder, the tooting of whistles and the commotion in the streets among those who celebrated the advent of the new year, Forest City people didn’t enjoy peaceful sleep Monday night. It’s all right, perhaps, but someone has a numerous and diversified list of cuss words to answer for.

DIMOCK: While engaged in work on the large barn being erected on the Cope farm at Dimock last Saturday, Werdon H. Allen sustained painful, and at the time it was feared, serious injuries. With his brother, Claude, assisting him in throwing a plank to the ground, he overbalanced in the act and was unable to save himself from falling. He is now recovering at the home of his father in law, Commissioner O. A. Tiffany, and will probably be out in a few weeks.

SOUTH NEW MILFORD: Mrs. B. F. Burdick received the sad news that her half brother in law, in North Dakota, was covered by a fall of coal 70 miles out on the frontier and was killed.

MONTROSE: The mercury on Monday, Jan. 7th, registered 60 degrees in the shade. To you who have just started new diaries for 1907 it might be worth mentioning the fact. Usually we are burrowing in snowdrifts about this time. AND: In carting barrels or boxes of swill, or any other refuse through the streets, be careful in doing so, and drive slowly. To spread dirt of this kind carelessly is a violation of the law of good citizenship, and if complaint is entered to the council against the offending parties, they will learn a right smart and timely lesson on the proper observance of sanitary rules.

LANESBORO: Burglars entered the store of Buckley Bros. on Friday night, by boring a number of holes in the door and removing a panel. Little booty was secured, only 45 cents being found in the money drawer and a number of boxes of cigars taken. The tools by which entrance was affected to the store were taken from J. A. Taylor’s blacksmith shop, they breaking into that building and appropriating the desired articles. They got away unapprehended, the first intimation of the robbery being the finding of the money drawer broken open the following morning upon the arrival of a clerk.

SUSQUEHANNA: Chicken thieves and hold-up gangs are pretty numerous around this section at present. If Susquehanna Borough can get what is their due from the Erie $10,000 tax, more officers could be employed to look after the people’s interests. No other section of the county gets the travel that does Susquehanna, and everything drops off here from the main line and it would take several officers to keep suspicious characters under their eyes. We need the money, and we need the officers, and the question is, “will we get either?”

UNIONDALE: The ice last week rendered the roads almost impassable [and] some of the drivers said that in going down steep hills the wagon would nearly get ahead of the horses. Now the roads are muddy and in many places are broken up.

FRIENDSVILLE: Francis Keenan has gone to Hoboken, where he has accepted a position. AND: A beautiful statue, of exquisite workmanship, has been lately donated to the Catholic church. The statue represents St. Francis Xavier, the pattern [patron] of the church, and was a gift of Miss Mary Hickey, of Scranton, formerly of this place.

BROOKLYN: The friends of Roy Shadduck entertain grave fears for his safety, as he is employed in Sonora, Mexico, and has charge of the company’s store for the Cananea Yaqua River and Pacific Railway. Details of the Indian massacre on the line of that road were read in the Binghamton Press, of Thursday and Saturday, Dec. 27 and 29. Young Shadduck has many friends in New Milford and throughout the county, who will wait with much anxiety to hear from him.

BEECH GROVE, Auburn Twp.: The little run of fine sleighing which was ours has given place to a fine lot of mud; as ever, we get the bitter with the sweet, which teaches us to appreciate our blessings. AND: In Retta, we are glad to notice a light in the window of J. G. Sterling’s these long, lonesome nights.

HARFORD: Norman Adams has bought a set of blacksmith tools and will work at his trade with his farm work the coming season.

NEWS BRIEFS: How many of our readers can tell us what the stripes on the barber pole signify? You see the pole with the stripes and you know there is a barber shop back of the pole, but here the knowledge of the average person ceases. In the early days barbers did the bleeding for the community and surgeons were not as plentiful as now. The first thing thought necessary way down to the time of George Washington’s death, was that every patient should be bled. Well, the red stripes on a barber pole mean the red ribbon bandages that barbers bound over the wounds caused by bleeding people. That’s all. When they got through with a plethoric man, of full habit, and had tapped him like a hard maple tree in February, he was patched up and bandaged till his arms, legs, and trunks looked like a much-gartered leg. AND: Borden’s Condensed Milk company is just 50 years old, and their business continues to grow with each year, so that today all over the country and throughout the civilized world they are regarded as the largest manufacturers of milk products and “Leaders of Quality.” AND: Vigorous condemnation of home euchre clubs and progressive euchre parties as demoralizing and paving the way for the young people to become gamblers, has been uttered by the City Epworth League of Scranton.

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Along the Way...With P. Jay


Strange things are happening!

My friends, last month I wrapped up 10 years of writing this column and, at times, I know some of you thought I was crazy and others were certain of it. If you are among those folks, all I can say to you is, “You ain't heard nothing yet.”

Trust me, the following tale was not written by Rod Serling for The Twilight Zone, although it could have been. It is a true story. I know because I was the unlucky victim.

Last Wednesday I was home recuperating from a bout with bronchitis and decided to get an early start on this week’s column and a few other things I was working on. I had my breakfast and sat at the computer, all set to give you another dose of Along the Way, and I noticed my Dell was taking quite some time to boot up. Finally, it did and I began my day’s work. I was midway through my column when the computer just froze up.

After a couple of hours of frustration, I called Dell. I did not know it at the time, but I was told by a technician at Dell that I had another year left on the extended warranty I purchased when I bought the computer. The technician spent about an hour with me and made as much progress as I did. He finally admitted he had no idea what the problem was, and gave me another phone number to call where the real computer geniuses work.

After half an hour of listening to some canned music, a technician asked me what my problem was. I told him my computer keeps freezing up and the only way I can get it to run at all is to shut it off by the start button. But by the time I tried to get to Internet Explorer, the ‘puter would be frozen again. “Oh,” he said, “that’s not this department. Let me transfer you to the guys that know all about stuff like that.” Twenty minutes later another voice said, “Are you the guy with the frozen computer?” “That’s me,” I said. “Well, let’s see if we can unfreeze it for you,” he shot back in a rather confident tone. An hour or so later, he gave up and gave me another number to call. He fed me a couple of maneuvers and when they didn’t work, he too threw in the towel. Like the others, he gave me another phone number. I glanced at the clock and it was about 7 p.m. and I was no further along than when I first observed the problem about 9 a.m. that morning.

This guy put the computer in the safe mode, gave me a program to download and said, “Good night and thanks for calling Dell.”

The download did nothing except cripple the safe mode and there I was, still without a line written and the day rapidly disappearing.

I decided to try a few tricks of my own, which was about as effective as tossing a bucket of water on a drowning man. Suddenly, everything on the screen disappeared and everything I brought up after that would just disappear before my very eyes. I decided that I had a hungry virus in the computer. Every time I brought something up, it would disappear. Every time I wrote a sentence it would disappear. I decided to search out whoever was jerking my chain. I don’t know much about computers but I figured it was ruined by now anyway, so what the hell. I’ll take a crack at it.

It gets rather bizarre here folks, but stay with me. One of the technicians had told me to go into System Configuration Utility and look for any strange or unrecognizable files and disable them. I disabled three or four, but in matter of seconds they were enabled again. Not knowing what to do about it, I checked out Task Manager to see what programs were running. There were two in there that I could not recall ever seeing. I ended their tasks and they disappeared, but one of them only had two initials for a name.

I went into Search, typed in the initials and the cute little dog in there went to work. In a matter of minutes, he had found a bunch of folders, none of which were mine. I right clicked on one, clicked on open and about 25 files unfolded. I did a few more, and files just kept dropping out of them. I decided to print them before they disappear. I numbered them and there were 45 pages all together.

The printer is about four feet from my computer, and I went over to crank it up. Then I realized I did not have enough paper in it, so I fished around for some more, put the sheets in and hit print. I went back to the ‘puter, sat down and waited for the printer to start up. It didn’t. It was then that I saw the message: “If you expect to print something, the first thing you need is a printer.”

The printer wasn’t running and the 45 pages of notes from those files were gone. I knew then, it wasn’t a virus, it was a hacker. There were surveillance notes with dates and times on them, and appeared to be written in some sort of code. Before he departed or whatever, he crippled up my computer some more, secured all of my files so that I was denied access to any of them and froze the computer on the home page.

I sat there totally frustrated. I wanted to phone someone, but I knew no one would believe me. I called Dell and explained to a technician what happened. He didn’t sound surprised and he didn’t laugh. What he did was tell me that I needed to reformat the computer immediately. Get everything out of it. He told me how to get the program cranked up and put me on hold and said he would be right back. Half an hour later a girl’s voice said, “Sorry but this office is closed for the evening.”

Thank God the instructions for reformatting the hard drive and installing Windows again were not complicated. I followed them on the screen and finished up about 12:30 a.m. I lost all of my files, pictures, addresses and phone numbers of friends and relatives, and did not get any writing done.

My computer works fine since I reformatted it and installed Windows all over again. The day after this happened, Google advised me that it had blocked a person that tried to gain access to my computer. When I installed Windows, I put three different virus protectors in the computer. But still I cannot help but wonder if my computer is being used and for what purpose.

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From the Desk of the D.A.
By District Attorney Jason J. Legg

Barry Cooper was a law enforcement officer in East Texas, where he did narcotics investigations for many years. One of Cooper’s former supervisors described him as one of the best narcotic officers in the whole state of Texas. During his career, Cooper made more than 800 felony and misdemeanor drug arrests, seized over 50 vehicles and $500,000 in cash and assets. During his tenure as a law enforcement officer, Cooper worked on joint drug interdiction operations with every major law enforcement agency as well as the U.S. military. Cooper also received specialized training from the DEA, and was a K-9 unit instructor himself.

Cooper has retired from his career as a law enforcement officer for a far more lucrative business – he is creating and producing an instructional video for drug users on how to avoid detection and arrest for possession, use and distribution of controlled substances. The title for the video is “Never Get Busted Again.” Cooper brags that the video will demonstrate to criminals how to “conceal their stash,” “avoid narcotics profiling,” and “fool canines every time.” On his website, Cooper advertises a DVD that will “save thousands in legal fees” as a result of his instructions on how to deceive law enforcement officers and protect your drugs from seizure. The drug interdiction knowledge that Cooper obtained from the countless law enforcement agencies, border patrols, and the military can be purchased by any drug dealer for only $24.95, and, as a bonus, for an extra $10, there is an additional DVD on creating effective hidden compartments for controlled substances.

Predictably, Cooper contends that he has seen the light – that he now believes that the war on drugs is a waste of resources, and he favors the legalization of marijuana. Cooper apparently makes no comment upon other controlled substances, such as cocaine, heroin or methamphetamine. Cooper’s remarkable conversion coincidently coincides with his own ability to acquire profits and resources for himself by mass marketing every aspect of his specialized training as a law enforcement officer. Perhaps, the most distasteful aspect of the entire fiasco is Cooper’s eager willingness to sell out his fellow law enforcement officers still battling on the front lines to keep this poison off the streets and out of the hands of our children.

Law enforcement officers have uniformly attacked Cooper and view his efforts as a “slap in the face.” Richard Sanders, a DEA agent, when asked about the video, commented: “It outrages me personally as I’m sure it does any officer that has sworn to uphold the laws of this state, and nation. It is clear that his whole deal is to make money and he has found some sort of scheme, but for him to go to the dark side and do this is infuriating.” Cooper’s actions are nothing short of a betrayal of every law enforcement officer in this country. Cooper has turned to the “dark side” for predictable reasons – money and fame. There is nothing admirable or decent in Cooper’s work to assist and aid criminals in their efforts to avoid responsibility and evade detection. Some would argue that Cooper’s actions are criminal.

The DEA may have the last laugh – they are investigating whether Cooper can be arrested for his profiteering. If Cooper were actively assisting a particular drug dealer in concealing narcotics from law enforcement, there is no doubt that Cooper could be prosecuted criminally as an accomplice or conspirator in that criminal enterprise. The interesting question arises as to whether, in the abstract, Cooper can market and distribute for a profit in mass quantities to thousands of drug dealers the same information and assistance without being responsible criminally. What will happen when a drug dealer is arrested and narcotics are found in a “hidden compartment” constructed under the guidance of a Cooper instructional video? What if Cooper’s instructional video is seized along with the narcotics, thereby demonstrating Cooper’s active participation in the criminal enterprise? Will Cooper be arrested as a knowing accomplice for assisting the drug dealer in the commission of his drug trafficking?

Logic could seem to dictate that if Cooper can be criminally responsible as an accomplice for personally assisting one particular drug dealer in his criminal enterprise, then he ought to also be equally responsible for his video assistance of hundreds, if not thousands, of criminals throughout the country, especially where he has specifically advertised his intention to assist them in their criminal enterprises. One thing is certain: Cooper had better save his pennies because he may need them for his own legal fees.

Please submit any questions, concerns, or comments to Susquehanna County District Attorney’s Office, P.O. Box 218, Montrose, Pennsylvania 18801 or at

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The Healthy Geezer
By Fred Cicetti

Q. I seem to be getting more cavities in my teeth as I get older. Is this another part of the aging process?

Tooth decay – and gum disease – are caused by plaque, a layer of bacteria. This plaque can build up quickly on the teeth of older people. In addition, seniors have a greater tendency to get decay around older fillings. And we have more fillings than younger people because we didn’t all grow up with fluoride.

Cavities in the roots of teeth are also more common among older adults, because the roots are exposed when our gums recede and we become “long in the tooth.” The root surfaces are softer than tooth enamel and decay more easily.

Dry mouth, which is a lack of saliva, promotes tooth decay. Saliva is needed to neutralize the cavity-causing acids produced by plaque.

Most dry mouth – a condition also known as xerostomia – is related to the medications taken by older adults rather than to the effects of aging. More than 400 medicines can affect the salivary glands. These include drugs for urinary incontinence, allergies, high blood pressure, depression, diarrhea and Parkinson's disease. Also, some over-the-counter medications often cause dry mouth.

Dry mouth can also be caused by cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation, nerve damage in the head or neck, the autoimmune disease Sjogren's syndrome, endocrine disorders, Alzheimer's disease, stroke, anxiety disorders and depression.

Despite all of the dental problems related to age, seniors are holding onto their teeth longer than they used to. One reputable survey showed that the rate that seniors lose their teeth has dropped by 60 percent since 1960. This improvement has been attributed to advancements in treatment and better oral hygiene.

Cleaning your teeth is especially important as you age. Dentists advise that you brush your teeth twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste and clean between your teeth with floss or other interdental cleaner.

[Personal note. I was beginning to get root cavities myself. Then, about three years ago, I started using a high-powered electric toothbrush that cleans between the teeth. I brush after breakfast and before bed, and I don’t use floss. I’ve had no cavities since.]

Gum disease is common among seniors because it develops painlessly over a long period of time. It is caused by plaque, but it can be aggravated by smoking, ill-fitting dentures and poor diet. Symptoms include bleeding, swollen or receding gums, loose teeth, a change in your bite, and persistent bad breath or taste.

Another change as you grow older is difficulty keeping your teeth white. Again, plaque is to blame. Because plaque can build up faster and in greater amounts as we age, older people have a hard time maintaining a bright smile. Changes in dentin, the bone-like tissue that is under your enamel, may also cause your teeth to appear slightly darker.

If you have a question, please write to

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ASK The Family Doctor
By Dr. Richard Hacker

No Familiy Doctor This Week

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Veterans’ Corner

No Veterans Corner This Week

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