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We Made Our Voice Heard Elections are over, we can sigh in relief. We can also give ourselves a pat on the back. Our elected officials that did not measure up to the American Dream have been voted out. The new people elected must now show what they are made of and what they really believe in. If they don't, next election, they are out of a job. All the mud-slinging and finagling before the election is just a part of our system, and seems to work. It must seem crazy to the rest of the world – but – our children are well taken care of and are not starving or homeless. Hard to believe, in twenty years they will be running this country. So – we can pat ourselves on the back because we made our voice heard, because we are Americans. Sincerely, Marion Dabulas Susquehanna, PA A Vital Service The Susquehanna Fire Dept. E. M. S. is reinstating the Emergency Vial Program. The Emergency Vial Program is a small tube containing a form to be filed out that includes your vital statistics, medical history, and current medications. It is very important that a correct list of medications is listed. A problem in not knowing the current and correct medications that some patients are taking has caused concern in treatment of the patients. If your mediations change, take the vial with you to your doctor or your pharmacist. After you fill out the form, place the form back into the vial and put the vial on the top shelf of your refrigerator. If the ambulance crew has to take you to the hospital, they will take the vial from the refrigerator and transport the vial with you. The vial will be given to the ER nurse in an effort to improve patient care. On Thursday November 16, E.M.S. personnel will be at Turnpike Terrace Apartments at 1:00 p.m. to hand out vials and assist anyone in filling out the correct information. The vials will also be available at Schneider’s Market and Reddon’s Drug Store in the Shops Plaza. If you are unable to obtain a vial from these locations please call Dave Scales at 853-3861 to receive one. There is no charge for these vials, but any donations will be gladly accepted. Sincerely, Susquehanna Fire/Ambulance Dept. Now That The Dust Has Settled... I thought it would be good to pause and reflect on the election last week. While some people speculate about the reasons why so many incumbents were “fired” on November 7, and the majority has changed, I would like to agree with the majority of people that I have talked with this week. Paying well over three dollars for 9/10 of a gallon of gas or diesel the last two years, and having home heating costs more than triple sure nailed the coffin shut. The people were/are sick of the government allowing illegal profiteering and price gouging to continue. We put in new people in hopes that they would get the message, and stop the sycophant oil barons from kicking us average people in the teeth every time we purchase an oil product. We are sick of the lie that there was/is no profiteering. We are sick of the lie that the price had to go up and stay over-inflated. The timing and manner in which the price spikes occurred, charging more for less costly diesel at the pump, the infamous “record profits,” salary spikes of 33%-plus in already multi-million dollar salaries, and yes, even parts of their own congressional records are all evident of these blatant lies. Even our local retailers are feeling the effects of this nonsense being handed down to them by the parent oil companies. Never have so many suffered to make so few so happy! Let’s hope that the new people we sent to Washington will carry our message. If they don’t, perhaps we should repeat our “replacement procedure” again and again until they get it. While there are some that have been duped into thinking that a gouged $2.19 9/10 is a bargain, we really need something done now for our farmers, elderly, small and family businesses, and all working people. Let’s get behind our new elected leaders, regardless of party, and support them into getting real results. Then we can then fight over gay marriage, pro baseball, and the 10 Commandments all they want. I agree that alternative fuels, bio diesel and ethanol, for example, are a key part of the answer. However, who is to stop the people who control those industries from future price gouging and profiteering? The precedent is being set now, unless something is done fast to stop it! Remember, the price of fuel directly effects everything. Sincerely Barney Wilkins Gibson Township
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