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Codes, Computers In New Milford Appearances for towns and boroughs are as important for them, if not more so, as it is for people. Coupled with keeping housing and roadways safe and in good repair, the physical aspect of any borough falls under the purview of its council. Discussion at the New Milford Borough's Council meeting on November 2 contained all these elements and more. Much of the first part of the meeting was on code enforcement and the duties and responsibilities of the code enforcement officer. Previous violations of the borough's property codes were discussed, such as completion of the cleanup of the Hall property and the fencing to be done at Cosmello's in order for that business to be in compliance.
No one on the Great Bend Borough Council could remember the last time property tax rates were increased. That may change. Almost as an afterthought, Council briefly discussed a budget for next year, at the tail end of the November meeting on the 2nd, and then scheduled a special session for Monday, November 13, to talk about it some more.
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