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Budget Is BR Focus

As the only school district in Susquehanna County that signed on to the Act 72 program that originally hoped to change the way schools were financed in Pennsylvania, Blue Ridge is required to make a budget available to the state and the public a lot earlier than everyone else. At their workshop on January 23, the Blue Ridge School Board heard a brief summary of the expense side of the draft budget, and, with little further discussion moved on to the next topic.

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County Has New Chief Clerk

The county got a new chief clerk, the farm community got additional funds for the agricultural preservation program, and suddenly the county commissioners appear ready to start working together.

Sylvia Beamer of Great Bend is the new chief clerk and she will begin her duties on February 1, when Cynthia Oruska’s resignation as acting chief clerk takes effect.

Mrs. Beamer has been employed by the county as personnel director since June of 2004. The Salary Board agreed to start her off at $40,000 which is $10,000 more than she was getting as personnel director.

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