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Help Wanted
HELP WANTED: Porosky Lumber is currently hiring for an experienced Loader Operator and Edgerman for the sawmill. Apply at the office located at the junction of Rtes. 247 and 370 in Preston Park, PA. (D14-TF) HOUSEKEEPER WANTED, two times a week. Must be dependable. Must have references. Call (570) 465–3245. (2T-J250 HELP WANTED: Position available full- or part-time to coordinate safety program. Experience not necessary. Reading and comprehension of safety guidelines a must. Call (570) 727–2077, weekdays 7–3. (F1-TF) HELP WANTED: part-time bartender/cook. Must be dependable. Will train. Please call Amy, 853–4864 or 727–3620. (F1-TF) FARMER HELP: when you get sick or need a vacation, I can milk or feed your cows and heifers. Call Stan, (570) 465–3069. (3T-F1)
No For Sale Ads This Week.
ROOMS FOR RENT: shared living rooms, private bedrooms. Call Bill at Bill’s Hilltop, 853–4117. (F1-TF)
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