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ASSETS Program Graduates Class
Garden Club Restores Wall
4-H Accomplishments
Farm Service Agency Committee Election
PA State Grant Promotes Planting
Tom Snyder Receives County Legion Award
Wheeled Wonders
Dog Licenses On Sale
Kiwanis Pig Raffle Winners Announced


ASSETS Program Graduates Class

Montrose – Encouraging her graduates to “keep in touch”, and promising continued help and support, Mary Anne Waddington, ASSETS Program Coordinator for TREHAB, launched the fall, 2005 graduating class of this successful micro-business training program. She presented the graduates with Certificates of Completion during a gala celebration dinner held at the Tea Room of the Montrose Bible Conference on November 10 with graduates, their families, and program trainers in attendance.

The ASSETS Program (A Service for Self-Employment Training Support) is a training, mentoring and technical support program for persons in the process of starting up or expanding a small business. This graduating class is developing a diverse group of local businesses ranging from a health food store/coffee shop, to photography, to Spanish translating services.

ASSETS Program graduates (l-r) are: seated – Bill Davies, Amy Natterer, Dawn Allen, Luther Giordano; standing – Mary Zdancewicz, Vicki Wooden, Carl Bufford, Terry Bufford, Mark Lindsey, ASSETS-TREHAB Program Director Mary Anne Waddington.

The keynote speaker for the event was Paulette Potter, manager of the Northern Tier Regional Planning & Development Commission’s loan program. She underscored the ongoing nature of ASSETS program support, and noted also that NTRPDC offers 15 different loan programs. Adding that ASSETS graduates had received help in the past, especially in the form of mini-loans, she urged the attendees to contact her at any time.

Other program trainers and presenters in attendance at the ceremonies were Jill Aldrich, proprietor of Pure Pennsylvania in Hallstead and Towanda, Lori Martin of Martin Works and the Susquehanna County E Club, Bob Templeton, Susquehanna County Planning Commission Director, and Marcia Yoselson, TREHAB.

Anyone interested in learning more about the ASSETS-TREHAB program should contact Mary Anne Waddington at 278-5228 or 1-800-982-4045, ext. 5228. The next ASSETS class will be held in spring, 2006.

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Garden Club Restores Wall

If you drove down Rte. 106, the Main Street in Clifford, a couple of weeks ago, you may have noticed a beehive of activity at the Clifford Valley Cemetery. The women of the Mountain View Garden Club (and one helpful husband), started a restoration project sure to please all residents. When the cemetery’s retaining wall was built in the 1800s, there were actually two walls. In front of the main wall, about five feet out towards the road, was a second wall, about two feet high. This became totally covered with gravel and dirt from decades of snow plowing and eventually weeds predominated.

When members of the Tree Grant Committee investigated the dead and dying trees along the main wall, they discovered capstones two to four feet in width and then the shorter wall beneath. An additional step was uncovered at the bottom of the main staircase, leading the group to believe that the capstones were actually a sidewalk in front of the cemetery leading to the staircase and keeping ancestors out of the muddy roadway.

Garden Club workers at cemetery wall. A check to pay for the daffodil bulbs planted at the wall is presented by George Spedding from the Clifford Valley Cemetery. Shown in the front of the cemetery staircase are Mountain View Garden Club members Meg Suraci and Cherie Swetter, Mr. Spedding, Kathy Flora and JoAnn Hall.

Through the efforts on nine people on Friday and ten people on Sunday totaling 70 hours of work, the 300 foot length of wall was uncovered, the top leveled, three tree stumps removed and a 100 foot section was planted with daffodil bulbs. Visitors to the cemetery made many complimentary and encouraging statements.

The Mountain View Garden Club was very pleased when it received a check on behalf of the Clifford Valley Cemetery Association to reimburse it for the expense of the bulbs. The women also planted tulip and daffodil bulbs purchased by George Maxson of the Clifford Farm Market into the stone planter under the store’s sign. Bulbs were planted at the base of trees planted around Community Bank and Trust. The main street in town will surely be lovely come spring.

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4-H Accomplishments

Recognized Locally

The Susquehanna County 4-H Achievement Night was held recently at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Montrose to recognize outstanding accomplishments of 4-H members. Abbie Kulhman, Pennsylvania 4-H State Teen Council Representative from Bradford County spoke to folks attending about the State Teen Council program encouraging 4-Hers to get involved in this State 4-H program.

Each year two 4-H members, having graduated from high school are recognized as Outstanding 4-Hers. This year the awards were earned by Abigail Onyon and Daniel Puzo each completing eleven years as 4-H members. Abby and Dan each receive an engraved pewter tray. Abby credits 4-H with offering her opportunities she would have not found any place else particularly in the dairy project area. Dan appreciates 4-H bringing him lessons in leadership, pride, acceptance, competitiveness and the importance of helping others.

Abby completed projects in many areas including dairy, vet science, wildlife, shotgun, cake decorating, pumpkins, fishing, photography, horse, market hog and computer. Abby is a member of the North Jackson 4-H Club and has held several offices. Abby took part in several community service projects such as a tour guide at the Day on a Dairy Farm, petting zoo at the Old Mill Village, helped paint the dairy barn at the Harford fairgrounds and others.

Joe Fuller, 4-H Educator presents Outstanding 4-H’er awards to Abigail Onyon.

Dan’s primary project area was showing dairy animals, however also completed projects such as pumpkins, woodworking, rockets, forestry and tractor safety. Dan is a member of the Watrous Corners 4-H Club having served a president and vice president of the club. Dan’s community service includes roadside litter pickup for the past six years, cleaning up the Williams Pond Cemetery and helping with the county youth tractor safety program.

Abby Onyon also received the David Quick Memorial Scholarship. The David Quick scholarship application requires an essay answering the question “What has the 4-H program meant to me?” Abby answered with the word ‘memories’. Dairy judging may have met the most to Abby because of where it took her. Abby’s ability to judge dairy cattle took her all the way to national dairy judging competitions in Louisville, Kentucky and Madison, Wisconsin.

The County 4-H Development Fund Scholarships were awarded to Beth Giangrieco, Abby Onyon, Dan Puzo, Stacylyn Snyder and Matt Smarkusky. Each one of these young people has graduated from high school and is furthering their education. Beth is attending College Misericordia majoring in occupational therapy, Abby attends Delaware Valley College with plans of becoming a large animal veterinarian, and Dan is currently taking part in Penn State’s Dairy Alliance Dairy Production Skills Certificate Program and also plans on attending welding school. Stacylyn Snyder is attending SUNY Cobleskill majoring in beef science and Matt Smarkusky is a student at DeVry majoring in electrical engineering.

The 4-H horse scholarship recipients were Abby Onyon and Amanda Turner. Abby has completed several life skills projects in the horse area, attended horse camp and taken part in the scholarship show organized by the County 4-H horse leaders. Amanda is a member of the Cowboys and Cubbers 4-H Club and has participated three years riding at 4-H Horse Roundups.

Beth Giangrieco, Abby Onyon and Dan Puzo each received Outstanding Dairy Member scholarships and pewter trays for their 4-H dairy project accomplishments.

Beth has shown several animals through the 4-H dairy leasing program, leased from Joe and Sandy Pavelski. Beth has shown her animals at 4-H events at the County, District and State levels. Beth has also helped organize 4-H Dairy Camp, serving as a team leader. Beth’s other dairy related project has been taking her little brother Eric under her wing, talking about cows and helping Eric with leading, clipping and now dairy judging.

Abby also did her 4-H dairy projects through the dairy leasing program leasing from Pavelski’s. Abby commented on her scholarship application, “4-H has made her a person who is smarter and stronger for going through the 4-H program.”

Dan on the other hand has had the opportunity to own and breed his own dairy animals. Dan has shown over 20 different dairy animals at 4-H shows all born on his farm. Dan owns about 40 Holsteins, most of them red and white Holsteins. Dan’s scholarship application states his biggest accomplishment in the 4-H program was exhibiting the Grand Champion at the State 4-H Red and White Dairy Show in Harrisburg and how showing dairy animals has influenced his decision to be a dairy farmer.

4-H Livestock scholarships were awarded to Matt Smarkusky and Stacylyn Snyder. Both Stacylyn and Matt have been in 4-H for ten years. Matt showing swine through the Baconeers 4-H Club and Stacylyn showing beef, sheep and swine through the Elk Mountain 4-H Club.

Other awards at Achievement Night included Rebecca Gardner and Alyssa Clarkson received news reporter awards. Both Rebecca and Alyssa are members of the Sizzling Steaks 4-H Club. Paul Chichura, member of the Deckertown 4-H Club received the project diversity award for completing seven 4-H projects this year. The North Jackson 4-H Club received the first place award for their window display during National 4-H Week.

The top 4-H Dairy Project Book awards were given to Kinzie Jones, Kaitlyn Depew, Abby Onyon, Christian Sprout, Emily Adams and Beth Giangrieco.

Emily Adams was recognized for participating in the State 4-H Dairy Judging Contest held in Harrisburg during the All American Dairy Show. Emily was the first place individual receiving a ribbon and a monetary award.

Amanda Miner, Susquehanna County 4-H Dairy Princess spoke about how 4-H prepared her for becoming Dairy Princess.

The evening concluded with refreshments served by the Dairy Princess and a Dairy Ambassador Abbey Puzo. Both Amanda and Abbey are also very active 4-H members in Susquehanna County.

By Evie Goff

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Farm Service Agency Committee Election

Montrose, PA – County Executive Director, Charles G. Perkins, announced that the election period for the Susquehanna FSA County Committee is ongoing and is open through December 5, 2005.

County Committees help administer federal farm programs at the local level. Mr. Perkins encourages all eligible producers, especially minorities and women to vote in this year’s election. The election is being held for the townships of Rush, Auburn, Dimock, Springville, Brooklyn and Lathrop. Only eligible producers in those townships will be participating in the election. Agricultural producers who participate or cooperate in any FSA program and are of legal voting age, can vote.

A biography of each of the three candidates running for the County Committee is as follows:
Arthur Cole has been dairy farming for 11 years with an 85 head dairy herd and raising young stock on 185 acres. He currently serves on the County Committee.

Brian Gesford has been dairy farming for 31 years with a 75 head of livestock. He currently serves as first alternate to the County Committee and has served in the past as a County Committee member. He also serves on the Ag. Land Preservation Board.

Dennis Larue has been farming for 30 years, 25 of those dairy farming and the last 5 years in crop production.

He currently serves as a committee person for the Susquehanna County Farm Bureau.
The candidate receiving the most votes serves a three year term as the elected county committee member. The person receiving the second and third votes serves a three year term as first and second alternates, respectively.

Producers should not miss out on this opportunity to vote the candidate of his or her choice.
Farm Service Agency News Release

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PA State Grant Promotes Planting

Clifford Township’s tree grant was in the first stage of implementation last week. After 20 people watched a video on proper planting techniques, volunteers from the Clifford Township Community Alliance, the Mountain View Garden Club, and the Saint Pius Youth Group planted 33 trees.

The state supports such efforts because of the importance of trees in slowing down storm water runoff and preventing erosion. Research indicated that these 33 trees, when mature will intercept about 33,000 galloons of rainfall per year in their crowns, reducing runoff and providing cleaner water.
This will also help reduce flooding in the streets and sedimentation in our local streams. Last but not least, these trees will provide beauty for generations.

The many hours of volunteer labor are recorded and used as an “in-kind” match to the state’s $8,000 investment in our community. The grant was facilitated by Congressman Don Sherwood to Clifford Township from the North East Pennsylvania Urban and Community Forestry Program.

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Tom Snyder Receives County Legion Award

Tom Snyder, a member of the Hallstead-Great Bend American Legion Post 357, and membership chairman of the county Legion Posts, was awarded a beautiful, glass inscribed trophy for being the top membership chairman of the county.

Mr. Snyder’s drive put the county Legions over the 100% mark, making his Post (357) commander, Rick Rood, “Post Commander of the Year 2005.”

Post 357 was awarded a glass trophy for being a 100% membership Club prior to January 1 and a trophy for “Most Aggressive Post” in the County (15th District). The trophies were presented to the winners by Past 15th District Commander Manny Maraih.

Congratulations to Post 357 for its awards received this year, and to Membership Chairman Tom Snyder for his dedication to bringing the Posts to a 100% membership.

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Wheeled Wonders

The Clifford Bicentennial Committee is planning a parade to celebrate their 200 year birthday. The vision is old fashioned carriages, horse-drawn fire equipment, old-time farm tractors and machinery, antique motorcycles and cars. Throw in quaint floats, women parading in vintage clothing, bands playing tunes from the past and you get the picture.

Many folks beyond township borders have offered to join the parade. Please, don’t wait to be asked! Give the parade committee a call and offer to participate. Now is the time to fix that wagon, weld the baler and paint your buggy. If you have something to offer, call Harry Phillips at 222-4589 or Jerry Verboys at 222-4820 or 679-2492.

P.S. The man with the longest beard will win a prize, so start growing it now! You have until July 1, 2006.

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Dog Licenses On Sale

Susquehanna County Treasurer, Cathy Benedict, announces that 2006 Dog Tags will be available December 1, 2005 in the treasurer's office.

Dog licenses must be purchased by January 1 of each year for all dogs three months and older. Licenses are only good for the county in which the dog resides. To purchase a license fill out an application and be sure to sign it! Mail the information with a check or money order made payable to "County Treasurer" P.O. Box 218, Montrose, PA 18801-0218.

For a county other than Susquehanna you may use this application and mail it to the proper county treasurer. You must be 65 to qualify for the senior citizen discount. You must have proof of a disability to qualify for a disability discount - as an SSDI card.

For the convenience of the citizens of Susquehanna County we have sub-agents who sell dog licenses around the county until July 1 each year.

In a combined effort with the Department of Agriculture, our office will again this year be mailing applications for 2006 dog licenses during the month of December to residents of the county. If you receive one and don't have a dog, please pass it on to someone else. If you don't receive one in the mail, applications are available on our website, on the Treasurer's page, at the county courthouse in the treasurer's office or at any of our sub-agents. Any questions please call 278-4600 x130, 131,132 or e-mail

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Kiwanis Pig Raffle Winners Announced

On Thursday, November 17, the Annual Kiwanis Harford Fair Pig Raffle drawing was held. This year there were two lucky winners. Chris Montross of Tunkhannock and Bob Linden of Montrose each won a half cutup and wrapped pig. Each year two Kiwanians, Will Tripp and Dennis Carey, purchase a pig from a 4-H member at the Harford Fair. This pig is processed and raffled off. The Montrose Area Kiwanis thanks all who purchased tickets. Special thanks to Will and Dennis for their contribution in this fund-raising effort.

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