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President Mike Matis presided at the September 27 meeting of the Susquehanna Boro Council, with all members present. Council moved through the usual items of business; when approval of the bill list came up for a vote, Mrs. Frederick had some questions regarding the purchasing of supplies. Hadn’t council set it up so that supplies for all departments would go through the secretary’s office? Mr. Matis said that it had, but that it did not “pan out” that way. “That was the way it was supposed to be,” he said, and added that council could take another look at it again next year.
The Blue Ridge School Board invited its bus drivers and contractors to a special meeting on September 26 prior to the Board's scheduled workshop. With fuel prices skyrocketing, the drivers have asked the district for additional compensation. Board President Alan Hall asked contractors to meet to discuss what the district may have in mind.
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